Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A180-W87



Release Date: January 28, 2006



Topic: In Commemoration of Liu Binyan Who Had His Stance of Fighting for Victims of Injustices -- by Wei Jingsheng

标题:纪念为弱势百姓打抱不平的刘宾雁 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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In Commemoration of Liu Binyan Who Had His Stance of Fighting for Victims of Injustices

-- by Wei Jingsheng



Not long ago, Mr. Liu Binyan, the well-known writer and journalist, passed away.  Many of our friends both inside and outside of China commemorated him in various ways.  As an elder statesman whose stances transcended beliefs and politics, he received widespread respect. Because of his honest and upright character, his stance of fighting for victims of injustices, and his courage to speak truth to power, Mr. Liu won the love and respect of the people.  Judged by China's traditional standards, he is a true man, one with a genuine disposition.  Judged by modern Western standards, he is a true intellectual, a man with independent thought and spirit instead of be controlled by money or power.  The Liu Binyan I knew was such a role model both from Western and Eastern traditional and modern standards, and an elder statesman whom I respected.  


I got to know Mr. Liu Binyan very late, but knew of his name very early on.  A few decades ago, I was still a young student.  Seeing a group of communists being condemned into "rightists" brought the first doubts into my mind.  Mr. Liu Binyan's name was among the list of these famous "rightists".  When I reached middle age, in the only one publication we were allowed to read in jail, I saw Liu Binyan's name again in a list of people criticized as being "polluting spiritually".  I chuckled to myself.  It seemed as if this "second-type loyalty" [1] communist member was in fact a member of the opposition faction all along.  A few years later, this spiritual pollution led to a change in colors.  During the 1989 democracy movement, Liu Binyan enthusiastically returned to China to act as a vanguard of the movement, once again drawing my attention.  I began to research him to see exactly what kind of person of opposition with this "second-type loyalty" kind communist party member was.  I wanted to understand Liu Binyan from a human perspective, not from that of a famed writer and journalist.  Regrettably, I was too busy at the time, and did not have the opportunity to research this.  I could only stand as a bystander from afar and come to understand a little bit.     


The first time I met Mr. Liu was at a diner party in 1997 welcoming me to the United States.  There were so many people that we had no opportunity to get into deep discussions.  Only a few months later, when I went to visit Mr. Liu, did I have the opportunity to sit down with him and delve into deep conversation.  I remember that Mr. Liu invited me to his house, and ordered from a restaurant my favorite dish: pork shoulder braised in soy sauce.  After we finished eating, we drank tea together.  In that contented atmosphere, Mr. Liu showed his stern side - he criticized me for not obtaining the help of the right people and not fully utilizing the enthusiasm I received when first coming to the United States to do more for the democracy movement.  At that time, he acted in the old communist style: first say a few words in praise, and then when the other party is contented, take the opportunity to unleash a hailstorm of criticism.  I hurriedly explained, saying that I was jailed for over a decade and do not know anyone in the United States but Liu Qing.  So I have limited options; beggars cannot be choosers.  Mr. Liu expressed his understanding of what I said, but continued to complain that I had not fully utilized my opportunity. His deeply sincere heart towards the suffering people truly moved me for a long time.  Even facing such criticism, I was still touched; for an obstinate person like me, this rarely happens.


One or two years later, I had the opportunity to be a guest at Long Yingtai's house.  She made me attend a lecture at Heidelberg University in Germany, saying that I was to give support to Liu Binyan and Zheng Yi.  It was hard to turn down, so I went.  As it turned out, Liu Binyan began to argue with the students.  Not only did he argue with the pro-communist students and scholars, he even argued with the anti-communist students and scholars.  This was because Liu Binyan believed that the ideals of communism were good, but that the Chinese communist party wrongfully implemented them.  His obstinate stance made the other speakers angry.  They said that they should convene a small meeting to fix this confused old man who still speaks well of the Chinese Communist Party.  At that point I saw Liu Binyan's sincere side.  This was not a false sincerity put on for display, but instead was a concretely existing loyalty to one's beliefs.  My parents and many of the old communists from their generation were like this, so I can understand Liu's frame of mind.  The bad deeds that the Communist party did deserve a scolding, but we cannot profane the beautiful idea of Communism.  Those old folks were confused; not understanding Marxism-Leninism is combining the most beautiful fantasies and the most evil methods together, which can only bring disasters to mankind.  Now the fantasies have been discarded, leaving only the evil methods, so things are even worse than they were during Mao Zedong's time.  Those old folks are too naive and do not understand this.  Thus, their loyalty can only become untimely "second-type loyalty".  But even though they made lovable, sincere mistakes, they still are respectable.  Thus, Mr. Liu's frank and honest character is far above that of those hypocrites.  This is why I bickered with Liu whenever I met with him but still like him.  On the other hand, I have difficulty making friends with those hypocrites.


I hope that young folks can take Liu Binyan to be their role model, instead of take those hypocrites as role models.  This is the essence of our Chinese culture.  We were in prospects over thousands of years by relying on intellectuals with independent character.  Let us not lost this tradition.


[1] - This refers to a type of person Liu Binyan described in one of his most well-known reports, "The Second Type Loyalty" - the type of persons who were treated unjustly by the Chinese Communist Party but foolishly remained loyal to it.



(Written on December 24, 2005.  Partially broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.  The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for the accuracy of this version of the English translation.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A180-W87



Release Date: January 28, 2006



Topic: In Commemoration of Liu Binyan Who Had His Stance of Fighting for Victims of Injustices -- by Wei Jingsheng

标题:纪念为弱势百姓打抱不平的刘宾雁 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生 



不久前,著名作家和记者刘宾雁先生去世了。国内外许许多多的朋友,以各种方式纪念他。因为他是一位超越了信仰和政治立场而受到广泛尊敬的老前辈。刘宾雁先生以他耿直的性格,替弱势百姓打抱不平的立场,讲真话而不畏权贵的勇气,赢得了人们的爱戴与尊敬。用中国的传统标准来衡量,这是一位真人,真实性情中人。用西方的现代标准来衡量,这是一位正真的知识分子,具有独立思考精神而不为金钱权势所左右。我认识的刘宾雁,就是这么一个符合东西方传统和现代标准的楷模 -- 做人的楷模,我所尊敬的前辈。



















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