Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue Number: A197-W97



Release Date: April 16, 2006



Topic: WEI Jingsheng Meets with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Bureau of International Organization Affairs of the US State Department, Mark Lagon, about UN and Human Rights



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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WEI Jingsheng Meets with Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs of the US State Department, Mark Lagon, about UN and Human Rights



On Friday, April 14, 2006, Wei Jingsheng, the Chairman of OCDC (the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition), and Ciping Huang, the OCDC Secretary-General, visited Mr. Mark Lagon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs of the US State Department.  Mr. Lagon's own staff and senior officer in charge of the China program from Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the US State Department, Ms. Susan O'Sullivan, were also present at the meeting.


Mr. Lagon has broad responsibility for multilateral policy development, negotiations and administration, particularly within the United Nations system. He has lead responsibility for UN-related human rights and humanitarian policy, UN administration and reform, etc.  During the meeting, both sides discussed the functionality of the US within the United Nations, especially exchanging information and stands on the issue of promoting human rights.  Both Mr. Lagon and Ms. O'Sullivan also informed Mr. Wei of some arrangements the US government has made recently.  Mr. Wei thinks that the US' global approach to the human rights issue is very reasonable, but could also overcome some shortcomings.


Right before the meeting was finished, Mr. Lagon took Mr. Wei's "Courage to Stand Alone - Letters from Prisons" book from his bookshelf and asked Mr. Wei to sign it.  He told Mr. Wei that he bought the book when it was just published and now wants his office staff to read it as well, in an effort to push for human rights progress.


The meeting lasted for one hour.  Both sides expressed wishes to continue with future cooperation, and also agreed to have further discussions on human rights affairs later on.



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Release Date: April 16, 2006



Topic: WEI Jingsheng Meets with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Bureau of International Organization Affairs of the US State Department, Mark Lagon, about UN and Human Rights



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)











2006年4月14日下午,中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生与秘书长黄慈萍前往美国国务院拜访了主管联合国事务的副助理国务卿马克雷刚(Mark Lagon), 就联合国事务及有关的中国人权状况进行了讨论。同时在座的还有马克雷刚办公室工作人员及美国国务院人权局的资深中国人权问题专家苏珊欧绍勒文(Susan O'Sullivan)女士。
















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