Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A206-O50



Release Date: May 20, 2006



Topic: Women's Issues in the Chinese Democracy Movement -- Impressions on Reading Ms. Huang Ciping's Article, 'Talking About the Issue of Women Staying at Home from the Perspective of a Human Rights Consciousness' (by Wu Zhenrong)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Women's Issues in the Chinese Democracy Movement

-- Impressions on Reading Ms. Huang Ciping's Article, 'Talking About the Issue of Women Staying at Home from the Perspective of a Human Rights Consciousness'


By Wu Zhenrong

May 17, 2006



From ancient times to the present, Chinese society has always had male chauvinism.  If we were to say that it still exists, then not only is it quite severe in an autocratic China, it also thoroughly exists in the democracy movement.  If you look up all the articles in Chinese democracy websites, you would have a hard time finding but a few articles entirely devoted to women's issues.  This is clearly a matter of great regret to the Chinese democracy movement.  Yet when the "Beijing Spring" magazine published Ms. Huang Ciping's article "Talking About the Issue of Women Staying at Home from the Perspective of a Human Rights Consciousness" in their May 2006 edition, it helped to fill a void that the democracy movement has left in this area.  Thus, I believe that this article is very well written, is something worthwhile for democracy advocates to read, and the issues raised therein are issues valuable for every democracy advocate to ponder.


Of course, if we objectively observe issues, we will discover that in today's China that research into women's issues has already achieved a certain scale.  But research into women's issues from the democracy movement's stance and from the perspective of a human rights consciousness is practically nonexistent.  If we take into consideration the fact that in the future, 50 percent of China's democracy participants are women, then we should realize how important women's issues are.  If my viewpoint has some merit, then you would know that women are extremely active participants in politics and religion.  During the Cultural Revolution, I got a sense that as soon as my female classmates got actively involved in something, they would become much more involved at it than men.  At that time, there were quite a few people had same impressions as mine, so a few male classmates and I discussed this issue in a less-than-serious manner, and since we were just middle school students, we couldn't really make much progress on discussing this issue.  After hitting middle age, I noticed when meeting and observing faith groups that women often had much stronger and enthusiastic faith than men.  At that time, I was reading "Christianity and Women," a translated book which seemed to give me insight into an issue I had been pondering but whose main point I had been unable to grasp.  I realized: if movements begin both in the two major areas of politics and religion, a natural and intimate relationship seems to exist between women and these movements.  Thus, in pushing forward China's democratization through the democracy movement, how can our advocates slight women?  Yet the fact is, among our democracy advocates, we do in fact slight women, and the situation is quite severe.  You could say that we've hardly ever explored women's issues related to the democracy movement, much less given them special research.


In her deep dissatisfaction with this situation, Ms. Huang Ciping penned this article, saying, "People often have trouble understanding my method of giving democracy advocates a 'human rights consciousness' grade.  I know that my method of grading people is different from others'.  50 percent of the grade is the person's attitude toward women - isn't 50 percent of the world women, after all?  From this angle, as I see it, no one makes the grade.  If they can't make the grade in terms of a 'human rights consciousness,' where comes their qualification for human rights and democracy?" Here, I believe that Ms. Huang's criticism is just right, and is not excessive at all.  If, in comparison to the stuff of autocracy, the spirit and thinking of democracy deals with human issues with meticulous thoughts and feelings and subtle understandings, then it naturally follows that democracy advocates should give more attention and concern to the Chinese women who live in an autocratic society.  Yet in reality, I have yet to come across this type of attention and concern.  What I see in the reality is a different situation, one in which we seem did not discover, one in which the democracy movement sees no need to give women's issues an independent existence.  From another angle, this shows the careless of our democracy advocates' way of thinking and our crude way of understanding issues. 


Looking back at the 1950s, the time in which Chinese women were to "stand up for themselves," if we could say that this period had some value, it's in that great amounts of women - especially countryside women - were, to some extent, able to marry the partner of their choice.  This matter relates to the slogan "women can hold up half the sky" that was popular in Chinese society at the time.  If we could say that this was a social advancement of a sort, then during this current "reforms and opening up era", women's situation became even worse than it was originally.  Just like Ms. Huang said: "Now we see in Chinese society phenomena such as 'concubines,' 'female escorts,' 'prostitutes,' and so on.  These are all proof of the low status of women."  This is to say that during a time when China is said to be advancing, we have yet to see a single aspect of women's lives and situations that would make us optimistic.  Thus, if we use these phenomena to analyze issues after the Mao Zedong Era, we will no longer be mislead by the "reforms and opening up" language played up by Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and the like.  Regardless of what you say, Chinese women are facing a typical "going backwards" situation, despite this being a time when things should be advancing.  This is something that worries everyone that cares about China's future and about democracy.  Thus, as the Chinese democracy movement progresses, we must give prominence to the democratic principle of the importance of women which is 50% of our population.  Thus, Ms. Huang's article has given us a reminder, or in other words, she started a very good beginning.


Ms. Huang Ciping is one of the few people within the ranks of our democracy advocates who has expertise in women's issues, so her article discussing women staying at home was written very professionally, and touches upon many women's issues, both international and inside China, from women's education, marriage, employment, and child-rearing, to women who work both outside and in the home.  She hopes that research into Chinese women's issues in the democracy movement can gain the same status as women's issues have in the international community.  Since I lack expertise in this field, I can't make a valuable critique into the merit of the specific issues she touched upon in her article.  I'm just saying that as soon as the issues raised in this article gain attention within the ranks of the Chinese democracy movement, and as soon as we begin to work on them, then those with expertise in this area will have space to bring their knowledge into play.  And if we believe that our Chinese democracy advocates hold the final duty to mobilize and organize the people and to improve the people's understanding of democracy, then if we read "Chinese people" as "Chinese women," I think that Ms. Huang's article is spot on.


Looking at some historical clues into this issue, we the democracy advocators should reflect the fact that Mao Zedong paying attention on women's issue during a time of great social turmoil.  When he was beginning his guerrilla-style armed rebellion, he had already come to realize that the historical importance of Chinese women's issues deserves consideration.  In his 1926 article, "Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan," this "expert" in armed rebellion gained an intuitive understanding of the special importance of women's issues in the Communist revolution.  In analyzing the suppression Chinese women faced at that time, he purposefully brought up the idea of a "husband's authority."  We all know that what kind of an era they were living in these days.  Looking comparatively, today's Chinese democracy movement, in reality, signifies the development of our people's politics, culture, and civilization.  If we are to turn a blind eye to these issues over a long period of time, the Chinese democracy movement will be unable to escape this valley it's stuck in.  In China, for the democracy movement to mobilize the people to participate, in the end, it comes down to mobilizing Chinese women.  I hope that democracy advocates can understand my thought.  If we want to find our faults in this area, I think that over a long period of time, the phenomena that Chinese democracy advocates separating themselves from the Chinese people is the same as separating themselves from Chinese women.  In this short article, I say that I don't fear having problems but instead fear lacking recognition of the problem, lacking the interest to research it and lacking the enthusiasm to resolve it.  If Ms. Huang's article can draw our attention and have us understand that both today's and the future Chinese democracy movement implies a movement of women, then our understanding of democracy will make a great stride forward!


Perhaps Huang Ciping's enthusiasm for women's issues and the expertise that she possesses in the field has to do with her womanhood.  To speak of facts with her own words, "As a woman, I was fated to face countless injustices and slights in Chinese society."  I wish Ms. Huang's words and topic will inspire us more for discussion.



Written in Seoul, South Korea



(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is responsible for this version of the English translation.)



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A206-O50



Release Date: May 20, 2006



Topic: Women's Issues in the Chinese Democracy Movement -- Impressions on Reading Ms. Huang Ciping's Article, 'Talking About the Issue of Women Staying at Home from the Perspective of a Human Rights Consciousness' (by Wu Zhenrong)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)




































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