Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A242-O63



Release Date: November 6, 2006



Topic: Chinese Dissident Wei Jingsheng Advocates Larger Regional Role for Japan (AFP)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please visit:

http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2006/report2006-11/JapanWJS061106AFPreportA242-O63.htm which contains identical information.




On October 30, 2006, a press conference was hold in the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan for Mr. Wei Jingsheng.  Over 20 foreign press agencies of TV, radio, newspaper, and wire services attended it.  The following is one of the reports by Agence France-Presse that was distributed to more than a dozen of other major news outlets.


Photo Link: Wei Jingsheng answers reporters questions at the press conference in the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan:


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Chinese dissident advocates larger regional role for Japan

By Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura Mon Oct 30, 11:07 AM ET



TOKYO (AFP) - Leading Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng called for Japan to take a more assertive role to promote human rights and regional stability, despite jitters in Asia over Tokyo's past aggression.


"Japan does not take responsibility in Asian issues such as human rights and democracy," Wei, an activist who has lived in exile in the United States since 1997, told a news conference in Tokyo.


"Japan has a lot of potential," he said. "What Japan has been doing is not matching its real status."


Japan, while a major economic partner of China, has had strained relations with Beijing, which resents Tokyo's wartime aggression.


Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has tried to repair relations with Asia and paid a breakthrough visit to Beijing on October 8.


The conservative premier also favors a stronger Japanese role in international security operations. Japan was forced to renounce its right to use military force after defeat in World War II.


Wei said he supported a more active Japan, saying it was key to preventing conflict between China and Taiwan.


"If Japan as a country expresses clearly that it takes responsibility for security in Asia then I think it would not be very good news to China," Wei said, but "then maybe this war might be stopped."


China considers Taiwan a breakaway territory awaiting reunification, by force if necessary. Chinese nationalists fled to the island in 1949 after losing the civil war to the communists.


Wei feared growing friction between China and Taiwan, saying Beijing's passage of a law last year that gave the legal grounds to invade Taiwan was "basically a declaration of war".


"This war against Taiwan would result in a war against the United States," Wei said. "And if the United States cannot get help from Japan, would it be able to stay in the war?"


However, Wei also said that the Beijing Olympics in 2008 could moderate China.


"Team members and coaches of foreign teams will be able to express their opinions clearly, and I think it will be enough to put pressure on the government," he said.


Former electrician Wei, 56, spent nearly 20 years in prison for his writings against the communist authorities. He was allowed to go into exile in 1997 after an appeal by US president Bill Clinton.


On the same day as Wei's remarks, a group of Japanese experts urged Abe to reject the idea that China is a threat, saying such a view would only leave Tokyo "isolated" in Asia.


The 78 prominent academics, business leaders, lawmakers and journalists called on the new premier to step up aid to China and expand dialogue.


"If Japan continues to regard any growing trend toward cooperation and (Asian) integration with suspicion, it must be prepared to find itself isolated from the rest of Asia," they wrote in an unofficial study presented to Abe.


"Japan is not so weak that it would be pulled in any direction a rising China might want. People harboring such suspicions or fears do not have a high enough estimation of their own country," said the group, known as the Policy Council of the Japan Forum on International Relations.




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A242-O63



Release Date: November 6, 2006



Topic: Chinese Dissident Wei Jingsheng Advocates Larger Regional Role for Japan (AFP)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









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法新社日本东京10 月30日电讯(Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura报道):中国持不同政见者领袖魏京生呼吁日本在促进亚洲地区稳定和促进人权中起到更大的作用,尽管亚洲对日本过去的侵略行径不能释怀。


“日本并没有对亚洲人权和民主事宜承担责任。”魏京生自1997 年以来一直居住美国,作为流亡海外的民主运动分子,他在东京记者招待会上说:“日本有很多潜力,日本所作的和她的实际位置并不相称。”






“如果日本做为一个国家,清楚地表达她在亚洲安全事务上的责任,那么我认为这对中国政府来说是个坏消息。”魏说,“那么,这有可能制止一场战争”。中国认为台湾是从中国分离出去的一部分,有朝一日要收复领土,必要时可以动武。中国的国民党自1949年在内战中被共产党打败以后逃往台湾。魏京生担心中国和台湾之间的磨擦升级,他说去年中国新通过的《反分裂法》将使用武力解决台湾问题合法化。魏京生认为,“侵略台湾的战争将成为对美国的战争,如果美国不能从日本那里得到帮助,美国如何能赢取这场战争?”不过,魏京生还说,北京2008年奥林匹克运动会是一个机会,“各国运动员及教练应当清楚地表达他们的意见,给中国政府以压力。”曾当过电工的魏京生今年 56岁,因为书写反对共产党当权者的文章,曾经在监牢里度过将近20 年。1997年在美国克林顿总统的呼吁下,他获准流亡美国。















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