Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A437-W244



Release Date: January 17, 2009



Topic: The Hot Debate at the Hearing in Der Deutscher Bundestag (National Parliament of Germany) on Deutsche Welle (the German Wave)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Hot Debate at the Hearing in Der Deutscher Bundestag (National Parliament of Germany) on Deutsche Welle (the German Wave)



(Note: this is a recap of the hearing according to memory; please refer to the Chinese version for more details of other testimonies.)


After Mr. Wei's visit to German Parliament at the end of November 2008 following his open letter to the German Parliament in October 2008, a hearing was set for the afternoon of December 18, 2008, on the issue of Deutsche Welle's Chinese language service.  This hearing was organized by four committees of the German Parliament: the Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs, the Foreign Affairs Committee, the Human Rights Committee, and the Petition Committee.


At 15:30 that day, more than 20 parliament members of five major parties in Germany attended the hearing.  Others attending also included the director-general of Deutsche Welle, Mr. Erik Bettermann; the former German ambassador to China, Dr. Volker Stanzel; and Mr. Schmidt, chair of broadcasting administrative committee for Deutsche Welle.  Those people invited to testify were: Mr. Wei Jingsheng; Dr. Geipel, representing the Federal writers of Germany; Chinese dissident Mr. Peng XiaoMing; Dr. Sandschneider of the German Foreign Policy Research Institute; Mr. Spanswick of the Association for International broadcasting in Britain, and Bautigam, a former journalist.


The hearing was delayed for 10 minutes while waiting for Mr. Wei's long distrance drive from France on that day.  The chair of the leading committee (Committee on Cultural and Media Affairs), Mr. Hans-Joachim Otto, chaired the hearing session.  He reported to the attendees on the theme of the hearing, and introduced the invited guests for testimony, as well as Ms. Ciping Huang, the driver and translator who accompanied Wei Jingsheng to Germany on that day.


During the hearing, Professor Geipel pointed out and listed details of the Chinese Communist government's infiltration of the economic and cultural circles of the West, including the news media.  She urged the western governments and society to be alert and oppose the Chinese government's infiltration.


Mr. Schmidt talked about professional morals of a journalist, as well as human rights to be the principle and standard.  However, the dissidents' criticism is not in details.  Fortunately, all the broadcasting materials will be kept for a long time for review and monitoring.  We need supervision of the station.


Mr. Peng pointed out that Chinese articles translated for examination after the problem of Deutsche Welle was revealed were carefully selected ones, instead of the problem ones we had pointed out.


British visitor Mr. Spanswick emphasized the importance of passing on mainstream values of the West, as well as basic information to foreign countries, especially to the third world countries.  These include introducing human rights and democracy value systems to the Chinese people.  He further stated that Chinese news media is not free, but strictly controlled by the Chinese government, which meanwhile tries to infiltrate the Western news media. This is a serious matter that should not be overlooked.  We must communicate with the Chinese people more and they need our information.


Bautigam stated his opinion that although the Deutsche Welle is funded by the German taxpayers' money, the Parliament has no right to supervise it, not to mention comment on the detailed operation of the reporters and editors.


Professor Sandschneider called for protecting the human rights of the editor of Deutsche Welle, Zhang Danhong.  Although he agreed that Zhang's statements on China were not right, he argued that German was not Zhang's native language, so she may made some errors.


Parliament member Dr. Eisel was not satisfied with the introduction of Mr. Wei Jingsheng.  So he gave a more detailed description of Mr. Wei, especially that Wei was an awardee of the European Parliament's Sahkarov Prize, and also attend the ceremony in Strassbourg the previous day.  (All the members knocked their tables to show their respect to Wei.)  He said, now that Mr. Wei has pointed out the problems with Deutsche Welle's Chinese language service, the German Parliament should not avoid this sensitive subject.  Most of us do not know Chinese.  "How could we monintor these broadcasts and find the problems?  Do you have good experience?" he asked Mr. Wei.


Mr. Wei expressed his thoughts about Deutsche Welle.  He said that he never listened to Deutsche Welle, but instead learns about various broadcasts of each country according to the feedback from people inside China.  These friends told him that Voice of America and Radio Free Asia are ok, but Deutsche Welle is almost like the broadcasting by the Chinese government's Central Broadcasting Radio station that is not very interesting.  In recent years, the Chinese government used a lot of resources, both financially and in manpower, to infiltrate the news media in the Western countries.  So of course Deutsche Welle is on the top of their list.  He recalled that for the more than one decade he was in exile, Deutsche Welle only interviewed him a total of one dozen or so times.  This time after Deutsche Welle's Chinese language service received severe criticism, Wei even received calls from friends inside China saying that they have always thought that it was a station sponsored by the Chinese government.  They were shocked to know that the German government sponsors it.  This proves that the problem with Deutsche Welle's Chinese service is not an average error anymore.


Mr. Wei emphasized that Deutsche Welle should give full coverage of China's information; it should be a good supplement for free speech.  Free speech does not mean every news media could say all the opinions.  Of course every news media will have its leaning.  Only through news media of various leanings can we realize free speech.  Nowadays inside China, there is only the word from the Chinese Communist Party, which will not let other kinds of thoughts and opinions propagate.  So people really need different information.  As a supplement to free speech, the Deutsche Welle also defined its direction as to propagate the value system of democracy and human rights, as well as the information the Chinese could not learn.  This direction is totally correct; this is exactly the kind of radio station that the Chinese people need.  Yet, due to lack of supervision, most of the programs of the Deutsche Welle's Chinese service have departed from what its laws required.  Deutsche Welle should learn from the experiences of Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, to take an effective supervision on its editors and broadcasting members.  Deutsche Welle should not have treated the dissidents like Ms. He QingLian that way; instead, it should rely on people like her and her friends to monitor its own programs.


The former German ambassador to China, Dr. Volker Stanzel, stated that people's impressions are different, and China's situation is very complicated.  He said that his impression in Beijing is different than Wei's, that many people think Deutsche Welle is a pretty good station, despite not all the programs being satisfactory, despite that he once criticized the Chinese service. 


Parliament member Griefan emphasized the need to use these broadcasting programs to pass on value systems and news value outside of Germany.  But the issue is how to monotor the programs and improve the quality.


Another parliament member Johimsen thought that China has changed a lot, everyone could have different opinions.  Mr. Wei learned about Deutsche Welle via the others, so he really does not know that much.  Professor Geipel talked about infiltration by the Chinese government, but what can one do about it? 


Mr. Wei immediately rebuffed: as a matter of fact, one's own impression by listening to the station may not be that accurate; instead, the judgment of the general audience helps to learn the truth.  It is impossible that the Chinese government does not infiltrate the news media of the Western countries.  You Germans should know how the Communist Party of East Germany infiltrated the Western news media, or at least know how the news media of the Nazi's infiltrated the Western news media.  So how could the Chinese Communist party be the exemption?  According the Chinese Communist Party's own theory, the importance of infiltrating the news media is not less important than infiltrating the military and governmental organizations.  The question is how to monitor your own news media to prevent infiltration, instead of trying to ignore the existence of the problem.


Parliament member Dr. Eid urged for the monitoring process.  She criticized the director-general of Deutsche Welle, Mr. Erik Bettermann, for lack of a full explanation, as well as those people who resist the criticism of Deutsche Welle by accusing the people who criticize as "cold war thinkers" and "Puppets of Falun Gong".


Parliament member Dr. Daubler-Gmelin thought that there has been progress in Chinese human rights, although in many areas people's basic human rights are violated and are terrible.


Parliament member Sonksen thought that the problem of Deutsche Welle also exists with the Chinese language services of the other countries.  The director-general of Deutsche Welle, Mr. Erik Bettermann has already admitted in the newspaper that there are problem areas.  The issue is how to deal with the issues in Deutsche Welle.  He asked if Mr. Wei could introduce some methods.


Mr. Wei talked about some experiences with Voice of America and Radio Free Asia, although he thinks what they have done is far less than totally preventing the infiltration of the Chinese Communist Party.


Parliament member Steinback asked Mr. Peng for his already translated articles that have the problems.  He pointed out that the Human Rights Committee has requested to visit China, but was always refused by the Chinese government.  Steinback asked Dr. Sandschneider if he cares about Zhang Danhong's human rights and defends her, why does not he care about those detained and sentenced poets, writers, journalists and rights defenders' human rights in China and write open letters for them?  This is not what a political professor should be doing, not even a human should be doing.  We condemn the Chinese government's conduct in Zimbabwe and care about human rights of Tibetans and Uyghurs.


Parliament member Grinkel was particularly concerned that the Duetsche Welle uses the phrases that the Chinese government uses.  He said: when we talked about the holocaust, it is different than Nazi's.  Both are talking about killing the Jews, but with different expressions.   


As an opposition member of the former East Germany, Dr. Geipel went on further to criticize Deutsche Welle's working style and that its Chinese language service does not fit what the Chinese people under the dictatorship need.  She gave more suggestions on the supervision of the station.


Mr. Peng showed the translated articles he brought with him and asked the participants to have a copy if they wished.  He also pointed out that Deutsche Welle rarely communicates with Chinese dissidents.  It would be laughable to research on the China issue without communication with dissidents.


It had already passed 18:00, the original end of the hearing.  The director-general of Deutsche Welle, Mr. Erik Bettermann, spoke in response to everyone.  He pointed out that all the international radio stations have this serious issue as to how to broadcast to the dictatorial countries.


Bettermann said, this issue indeed has its international significance.  The Chinese government and the Internet also reacted strongly.  In the past, Deutsche Welle has run into related problems in the Arabic language service.  He stated that as the news media of Germany, we must keep distance from the Chinese government, but also keep distance from your dissidents.  As the human rights voice of global multi-media, I could not have fully monitored all the 30 different languages and it would be very expensive.  Now we have seen our weakness in the past, including problems in the personnel decisions.  I will respect the opinions of the parliament members to improve our work in the future.  After this incident happened, we have all felt the pressure.  I am not going to defend myself either.  Now that this problem has gone public, we will adjust adequately.


The hearing was extended for more than 40 minutes. 



Related photos:

1. Wei Jingsheng in the German Parliament:


2. Inside of the German Parliament in Berlin:


3. Wei Jingsheng and Huang Ciping meeting with German Parliament member Dr. Eisel:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A437-W244



Release Date: January 17, 2009



Topic: The Hot Debate at the Hearing in Der Deutscher Bundestag (National Parliament of Germany) on Deutsche Welle (the German Wave)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













2008年12月18日15点30分, 德国议会五大党派(基督教民主联盟、社会民主党、绿党、自由民主党、左派党)的二十多名议员聚集在议会大厦的讨论厅,其中社民党的议员有七名。德国之声监事会主席施密特、台长贝特曼及前驻华大使施丹泽等人列席了会议。德国议会邀请了中国著名异议人士魏京生、联邦共和国作家圈代表盖佩尔教授(女),流亡德国的中国民运人士彭小明,德国对外政策研究所主任桑德施耐德教授,英国BBC的斯班赛韦克和前德国电视一台编辑博劳伊梯根六位特邀嘉宾作证。由于当日从法国赶来的魏京生长途驱车略微迟到,会议延迟了十来分钟开始。德国议会文化与媒体委员会主席奥托向与会政治家们报告了大会主题,介绍了各位作证的嘉宾以及陪同魏京生先生来访的黄慈萍。






西方政府和社会必须抵制中国当局的这类手段。有远见、有观察能力的作家、 批评家必须站出来发表公正言论,揭露真相,例如揭露德国之声问题,声援刘晓波等等。联邦德国作家圈开展了这些工作。她强调,后来发自中国的声援公开信签署人是一批中国共产党的退休老干部,是一群早年追求民主、今天更加追求民主的高干。以及许多著名作家、记者、律师等民间人士。










桑德施耐德教授是四十九名汉学家和政治家共同签署公开信的代表。他说,他们的公开信是为了伸张德国之声编辑张丹红的人权而签署的。张丹红讲到中国共产党使得中国四亿人口脱贫是了不起的功绩,是对人权的最大贡献。她还把中国当局封锁自由网路跟封锁纳粹网页和色情网页相提并论。对此说法可以有争议。然而张丹红是一个外国人,德语不是她的母 语,她的言论失误情有可原。什么才是德国社会的主流形象?怎样才能准确表达德国社会的形象?恐怕是非常困难的。正因如此才需要多元报道。反过来,德国也要多元地看中国,对中国的看法也在变。中国的市场和企业,过去德国人认为是投资机会,后来又认为是竞争威胁。这次四十九人的公开信发表后,又有很多人、可以说所有德国的汉学家和中国问题专家都联署了。对于中国,人们有不同的看法,我的老师就说过很多中国的坏话,我却说了很多中国的好话。三月西藏骚乱中,藏人暴力打击汉人,汉人愤怒。我们的报道也要多元才行。


基督教民主联盟的议员艾泽尔强调了当前欧州议会给胡佳颁发萨哈洛夫人权奖的意义,并再次向大家介绍魏京生先生是1996年的萨哈洛夫奖获得者。(全体敲桌子表示尊敬)。现在魏先生也提出了德国之声有问题,德国议会决不能避讳敏感问题。他再次强调广播管理委员会的"平反"是错误的,博劳伊梯根的说法简直岂有此理!文稿的翻译是谁选择的?翻译有不同的文本,一万篇文稿仅选了几十篇,这里面有问题!而且同样是德国之声网页,中文内容跟德文内容有明显区别,本来应该是一致的,这里面也有问题!中国当局将德国之声网页封锁,仅仅挑选需要的文章加以转载。中国的新华社不加一字就可以使用,这证明德国之声的文章已经被共产党工具化。我们大部分人都不懂中文,文章被中国利用怎样监督?现在对德国之声问题出现了两大阵营。桑德施耐德先生,你 的胆子也太大了!你竟敢宣称所有汉学家都跟着你们签了名,我就知道好几个东亚和汉学研究所的人都没有签名!(桑德施耐德等人)这类懂中文的人写了文章给中 国当局作工具,我们不懂中文的人怎样监督?魏先生,你有没有这方面的好经验?


魏京生谈了他对德国之声的看法。他说,他从来都不听德国之声广播,只是通过国内的朋友们来了解各国广播在中国的反映。他的国内朋友们告诉他,美国之音和自由亚洲还可以听听,而德国之声简直就跟中央人民广播电台差不多,没有什么好听的。中国方面近些年来花费大量财力和人力,对西方国家的新闻媒体进行渗透,收买、利诱、什么手段都用上了。他们对德国之声这样的媒体当然要重点渗透,不渗透是不可能的。他回忆说,他从中国监狱里被直接遣送出国已经十多年了,德国之声只采访了他十来次。这次德国之声中文部遭到严厉批评之后,甚至有国内的朋友来电话说;过去一直以为德国之声是中共在海外办的电台,这次才知道是德国政府办的。 这证明德国之声的问题已经不是一般性的错误。




前驻华大使、现任外交委员会主任史丹泽说:中国的情况非常复杂,可以说, 中国人有了比以前多一点的自由,也可以说,中国政府侵犯了人民更多的自由。魏京生先生谈到德国之声完全是负面印象。我在北京的感觉不完全相同,人们对德国之声的看法不完全一致。很多人认为德国之声是个不错的电台。中国方面也不断地干扰它、封锁它。对它的节目也要有所区别,当然这些节目不能使所有人都满意。


















基督教民主联盟议员施坦因巴克问,彭小明先生说他们选择了其他文稿,翻译了出来。我们可以拿来看一看。我们从人权委员会的角度出发,向中国提出的访问请求,都不断被拒绝。我一直对此作低调处理。我们要等到面对面对话的时候直接提出人权问题。桑德施耐德先生,你的样子很"酷"嘛!你为张丹红的人权辩护,为什么不为那些在中国被关押判刑的诗人、作家、律师、记者和维权人士的人权写公开信?!当政治学教授不应该这样,做人也不应该这样。 我们谴责中国在津巴布韦罔顾人权的行为,关注西藏人和维吾尔人的人权。彭先生,德国之声对西藏、新疆问题有没有足够的报道?










已近六点,超过原定的时间。台长贝特曼讲话以回应各位发言。中国异议人士和作家圈等七封公开信提出了这个严肃问题,所有国际电台都面临怎样向专制国家播音的问题,这个问题具有国际意义。中国方面对此事件非常注意,官方和网络的反应都很强烈。德国之声过去在阿拉伯语方面也遭遇到有关问题,后来通过劳工法采取了制裁行动。对于中国异议人士,我还是要坦率地表达我们的立场。魏京生先生,我并没有贬低您的意思,还有彭先生,作为广播电台、德国的新闻媒体,我们既要对中国政府保持距离,也跟你们保持一定的距离。盖佩尔教授谈到的翻译稿件,不是全部新闻稿,但比议员们所说的要多得多。中国异议人士的申诉信所提出的批评并没有十分具体的实例,我们很难有针对性地改进。对是否有倾向性的批评,还有其他的批评,我们选择了一万份稿件, 找了一家独立的翻译机构翻译成德文。这也是一次总结。然后在《法兰克福汇报》的访谈中已经给了公众一个交待。








1. 魏京生在德国议会大厦:


4. 圣诞前的德国议会:


5. 魏京生及黄慈萍拜访波恩的德国议员Dr. Eisel:








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