Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A552-O165



Release Date: June 13, 2010



Topic: Democracy Activists in Denmark Commemorate the June 4 Massacre in Beijing, Wei Jingsheng Attends (The Epoch Times)

标题: 丹麦民运纪念"六四",魏京生到场参加 (大纪元报道)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Democracy Activists in Denmark Commemorate the June 4 Massacre in Beijing, Wei Jingsheng Attends



[The Epoch Times, June 11, 2010] Reporter Lin Da reports from Copenhagen - at 17:00 on June 9, 2010, Democracy activists gathered in front of the Chinese embassy in Denmark, to hold a demonstration commemorating the 21st anniversary of the June 4 Massacre in Beijing.  Meanwhile, they also demanded the Chinese Communist Party release the dissidents in jails in China.  The well-known Chinese democracy leader and the chairman of the "Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition" Wei Jingsheng also was there to participate in the protest.

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Statement Commemorating the June 4 Massacre: the Communist Autocracy will not Escape the Fate of Defeat


The protest started with the person in charge of the Chinese Democratic Front in Scandinavia, Mr. Liu Gang, reading a joint statement by the Chinese Democratic Front, the Chinese Democracy Alliance, and the Chinese Democratic Front-Alliance: "The Commemoration Statement in Observing the 21st Anniversary of June 4".  It stated: "The June 4 TianAnMen Massacre was 21 years ago, which is almost the time of one generation.  At that time, seeking for anti-corruption, anti-official profiteering, and striving for freedom and demanding for democracy, these young students shed their blood in TianAnMen.  Nowadays, corruption, the use the public treasury for personal gain, combining power and money to take the wealth of the whole society, has run even more rampant in the whole Chinese society.  The Communist Party refuses political reforms, and refuses freedom and democracy for the Chinese."


The statement also included that, because the Communist autocratic regime does not take care of Chinese problems at the root from the political system, and instead is satisfied with the mirage of a so-called "prosperity", so the whole society has not been harmonic.  Instead, nowadays in China there are all sorts of "resenting officials, killing the rich, releasing the anger, and killing the children" incidents.


The statement continued: "Communism and Fascism are the two evils of the last century that have resulted in misery for the human race.  The Communist autocracy violated human nature against the current of history.  Like Fascism, it will for sure be unable to escape its fate of defeat in the end.  The 70-year-old Soviet Empire collapsed in one night.  Although the Chinese Communists made it through the third country democratic waves in the world, although its special high class holding the wealth seems to have a lot of power, to the most it is only the glow before sunset that will not last much longer. A lot of information illustrates that the Chinese Communist autocracy is at its last leg of sunset while China walks toward democracy, just like the rising new sun in the morning.  History shall be on our side."

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Protest and Call on the Release of Unreasonably Locked Up Dissidents


Later, the overseas contact of the TianWang website, Mr. Zhang GuoTing, who was holding a sign "Release Huang Qi", said: "Today is exactly the second anniversary of the day the Chinese Communist Party arrested Huang Qi, the person in charge of TianWang.  Today, we are here to protest the Communist Party for doing that.  Huang Qi acted on behalf of the common people.  He is very kind and very moderate.  When Sichuan had the earthquake, he brought the volunteers of TianWang from Chengdu to deliver water and food to the people of the disaster area.  His crime was "leaking national secrecy" which is absurd.  What crime does he really have?  Today, we are here, not just commemorating the June 4 Massacre, but also calling for the release of Huang Qi, Tan Zuoren, and Yang Tianshui; the last who is on a hunger strike without water with danger to his life.  The Communist Party must release these democratic activists and rights-defending activists!"

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Wei Jingsheng: The People's Opposition Increases Day After Day, Having More Confidence in the Democracy Movement


Later, the well-known democracy leader Mr. Wei Jingsheng exchanged with friends in front of the demonstration place in front of the Chinese embassy.  He sighed with emotion: "The Communist Party's embassy in Denmark was their earliest embassy in Europe, from 1949 until now.  For more than 60 some years, the Communist regime has maintained this long.  The suffering of the Chinese people has not finished, and all of us have a responsibility to them.  Back in 1989, so many Chinese people chose the path by paying their blood, even lives.  Although that effort failed, its spirit is kept.  We are inheriting this spirit of opposition."


Mr. Wei said: "Interestingly for this year, while I have visited several countries including the USA and France, the activities commemorating the June 4 Massacre have not decreased from the last year."


He talked about Hong Kong: "People in Hong Kong feel the pressure from the Communist Party, realizing that the Communist Party is gradually taking away their freedom rights and has started to exploit and suppress the Hong Kong people.  Last year there were 150,000 people in Hong Kong commemorating June 4.  This year there are even more.  All these phenomena prove that the suppression and exploitation of the Communist Party has stimulated the opposition of the Hong Kong people.  This opposition has not decreased, but strengthened instead."


Talking about inside China, Mr. Wei said: "There is more and more information about various opposition movements against the Communist Party inside of China.  The scale is getting bigger and bigger.  Within the Communist Party, there is a constant anxiety."


Finally, Mr. Wei concluded with full confidence:  "We are more confident now than 21 years ago.   After so many years of effort, including the people who were killed at the June 4 Massacre, we know the price is not wasted.  There will be a day when we get the result of democracy and freedom."

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Original link of the report:



Related photos (all photo credit: Lin Da of the Epoch Times)

1. Democracy activists in Denmark in commemorating of the June 4 Massacre in Beijing:


2.Zhang Guoting of TianWang website protests arrests of the dissidents:


3.Well-known Chinese democracy leader, Wei Jingsheng, attended the commemoration:




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A552-O165



Release Date: June 13, 2010



Topic: Democracy Activists in Denmark Commemorate the June 4 Massacre in Beijing, Wei Jingsheng Attends (The Epoch Times)

标题: 丹麦民运纪念"六四",魏京生到场参加 (大纪元报道)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












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文告谈到,由于中共独裁政权不从政治制度根本上治理中国问题,满足于虚幻盛世的海市蜃楼,全社会非但没有和谐,"仇官、仇富、反智、泄愤、虐杀儿童" 闹得狼烟四起。


文告指出:"共产主义运动和法西斯主义同为上个世纪两个涂炭人类的邪恶。共产专制违背人性,反动历史,一定如同法西斯主义一样,逃脱不了败亡的宿命。存世七 十年的苏联共产主义帝国一夜之间轰然倒塌,中共虽然挺过了第三波世界民主浪潮,特权阶层敛财聚富看似实力增强,但也充其量是回光返照,岂能长久。" "种种迹象和信息表明,中共专制已经是日薄西山,强弩之末。而中国走向民主,如黎明时分远处地平线初升的朝阳,冉冉升起。历史进程在我们这一边。"

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首先,魏京生先生感慨地说:"中共驻丹麦大使馆,是中共在欧洲最早的使馆,从1949年到现在60多年了。共产党的政权维持了这么久了,中国人的苦难还没有结束,我们这些人是有责任的。我们对中国老百姓是有这个责任的。" " "六四"时那么多的老百姓,宁可流血牺牲,也要努力奋斗一下。虽然当时失败了,但这种精神留下来了。我们等于是承袭了这种反抗的精神。"









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1. 丹麦民运人士中使馆前纪念"六四"21周年(摄影:林达/大纪元):


2.天网网站张国亭呼吁释放天网负责人黄琦 (摄影:林达/大纪元):










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