Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A561-W330

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A561-W330


Release Date: July 25, 2010



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part XVI) Political Spying by the Chinese Communist Party -- by Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之十六: 中共收买和控制对方政客的间谍活动 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Way Out for China (Part XVI) Political Spying by the Chinese Communist Party

-- by Wei Jingsheng



To understand how difficult it is for China to be democratic, we must understand why till this day the Chinese Communists could still maintain their rule.  Besides the average suppression, brainwashing and espionage methods used by Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong and Adolf Hitler, nowadays there is the "spy diplomacy" conducted by Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.  This "spy diplomacy" goes beyond the typical type of spy activities including stealing intelligence information and assassination, it creatively includes buying and controlling the politicians on the opponent side.  As stated in the Art of War by Sunwu more than 2500 years ago: the best strategy is to attack the enemy by scheming; the next is by diplomacy; the next worse is by military; the worst is to attack their territory directly.  The Chinese Communists have been manipulating the strategy and diplomacy of its opponents.  This is the secret remedy for the Communist Party to save its autocratic regime.


Recently, the head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Richard Fadden let the news media to learn of his conversation with several other officials in a meeting about how some Canadian politicians are being controlled by foreign governments.  Among them, the most active one is the Chinese Communist regime.  His one stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves.  Immediately, there was a group of politicians and communities who came out to attack Mr. Fadden.  These communities were Chinese communities.  This response exactly proved the guilty conscience of these politicians, as well as proved that they were bought out by the Chinese Communist Party.  The party has been using these so-called Chinese communities in many circumstances to buy out these politicians.  This manipulation will bring a negative influence to all the Chinese community living in Canada.    


So Mr. Fadden testified in a special session in the Canadian parliament earlier this month.  He stated that all he said were facts with evidence, so he would not apologize.  Later, polls conducted showed 3/4 of Canadians believes in Mr. Fadden and supports his not apologizing.  Among them, more than 2/3 asked to publish the list of the politicians who are controlled by foreign governments.  This poll illustrates enough of the anger from the Canadian people.  On the other side, it also illustrates that "3 feet of ice is not the result of one cold day".  Many people and scholars in Canada have long noticed the activities by the political spies of the Chinese Communists and have hoped long for the Canadian government to come out to stop it.  They want to protect the core interests of Canada as a country and for its people.  They want guarantees that their own country will not be sold by some politicians.  They want to protect the sovereignty and independence of their own country from the manipulation of these foreign governments.


What happened in Canada is not a sole incident.  People paying attention should remember that just one year ago during Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's administration, the Australian Minister of Defense Joel Fitzgibbon was exposed by his lower ranked intelligence head for receiving money from Chinese business people as well as being offered free visits to China and improper business conducts as well.  Mr. Fitzgibbon had to resign, even though Prime Minister Rudd tried to save him.  On one side, this incident illustrates the honesty and uprightness of a democratic politics.  On the other side, it also illustrates that it may not be a "free lunch" for the Chinese Communists to buy out the Western politicians.  Instead, it is as Liu Shaoqi said: "to lose little for big gain."   


In this Australian politician example, it seems the minister did not receive that much bribery, yet his guilt is in control of the others.  When the politicians are under threat, then their help to the Chinese Communist government would be hard to calculate.  Not only he might help the Chinese Communists to gain the political and military secrets of the Western allies, but was also helping them to buy high grade minerals essential to make nuclear warheads, and thus threaten the security of the whole world including Australia itself.  Therefore, when Prime Minister Rudd tried to shield the Defense Minister from this scandal, Mr. Rudd naturally becomes the target of distrusts by the Australian citizens himself, and also negatively influenced the image of the Labor Party he represents.  This fallout is one of the true reasons that the Rudd Administration was forced to end before its full term, a reason that was not so suitable for public allegation.


Because there are loopholes in Western law, these kinds of nontraditional spy activities are not easy to be controlled by laws.  Therefore, in the past couple decades they have become extremely rampant.  I have been interacting with and visiting Western countries all these years and have found obstacles much bigger than what people could imagine.  Even many politicians who support human rights and democracy have run into obstacles that are difficult to imagine.  Some of them have had to make a sacrifice for the human rights and democratic undertakings in China, and even end their own political lives.


This kind of horrible political environment has made many democratic activists lose their confidence, even the confidence in a democratic system.  Some of them started to seek refuge with the Communist Party, so they could enjoy their own lives while becoming political brokers of the Chinese Communist Party.  Many more people do not want to stain their conscience, but have to quit this democratic undertaking which is much harder than one could imagine.  So we could say that the political spy war invented by Deng Xiaoping is indeed very successful.  It is the political magic weapon for the Chinese Communist Party to survive as of today.


However, this success is only temporary.  The advantage of a democratic politics is that there is no single person who can do anything he wants.  Even if one spends a huge amount of money to buy new media and politicians you cannot prevent people from seeing the truth.  What happened in Canada and Australia proved what Mao Zedong said: "People's eyes are bright."  Just as President Lincoln is said to have stated: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."


In facing politicians of one's own country, especially those who even admit themselves to be a friend of an enemy state, the democratic system and people who dare to be responsible will find their ways to deal with the situation.  What remains is just a time issue.


Meanwhile, this buying of politicians is a big matter related to China's progress toward democracy.  The Chinese democrats must also spend more time and energy to analyze and resolve the political spying war by the Chinese Communist Party, in an effort to gain the understanding and support of the world towards Chinese democratic undertaking.  If we were not even willing to do what we should, if we worry about this and that but only wait for something readily available, this kind of nation would have no future.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on July 14, 2010.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A561-W330

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A561-W330


Release Date: July 25, 2010



Topic: The Way Out for China (Part XVI) Political Spying by the Chinese Communist Party -- by Wei Jingsheng

标题: 《中国的出路》之十六: 中共收买和控制对方政客的间谍活动 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








《中国的出路》之十六: 中共收买和控制对方政客的间谍活动

-- 魏京生





最近加拿大的情报局长(Richard Fadden)做了个局,让记者似乎是偶然地听到了他和另外几个官员的谈话。谈话内容是关于一些加拿大政治家被外国政府控制的问题。这些外国政府中最活跃的就是中共。一石激起千层浪,马上就有一批政客和社团跳出来攻击情报局长法登,让他道歉。而跳出来的社团,全都是华人社区的社团。这恰好证明了这些政客做贼心虚,也证明了很多情况下中共正是利用这些所谓的华人社团收买了西方政客。这将给整个华人社区在加拿大的生存环境带来负面的影响。




加拿大的故事不是唯一的案例。细心的人应该还记得一年前。陆克文(Kevin Rudd)政府的澳大利亚国防部长(Joel Fitzgibbon)被他的下属情报局长揭发,收受中国商人的捐款,并且免费到中国旅游考察和做生意,因此而不得不辞职下台,就连总理陆克文出面也没保住他。这一方面说明了民主政治的清廉,另一方面也说明了中共收买西方政客决不是免费的午餐,而是刘少奇说的;吃小亏占大便宜。























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