Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A606-W370

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A606-W370


Release Date: January 22, 2011



Topic: Wei Jingsheng's Remarks on Hu Jintao's Human Rights (RFA Vietnamese Service)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng's Remarks on Hu Jintao's Human Rights

-- by RFA Vietnamese Service



On Jan. 21, 2011, Radio Free Asia Vietnamese Service reporter Ngoc Tran interviewed Wei Jingsheng in regarding Hu Jintao's USA visit.  The following is the interview.

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RFA Vietnamese Reporter: At the press conference on Jan. 19, 2010, answering a question relating to human rights in China, President Hu Jintao said, "We will continue our efforts to promote democracy and the rule of law in our country. At the same time, we are also willing to continue to have exchanges and dialogue with other countries in terms of human rights".  What do you think about President Hu Jintao's remarks in terms of promoting democracy and the rule of law in China?  What does China need to do more to improve these aspects?


Wei Jingsheng: International pressure and social pressure forced Hu Jintao to say that.  Also I think that due to the strong economic conflict between China and the USA, Hu had to make some concessions on issues beyond trade issues.  Thus, the comment illustrates that economic sanction is one of the measures that the Chinese Communist Party is most scared of.  Protecting the independence of the judiciary and allowing a free press are the essential conditions to protect human rights.  The Chinese regime has done the worst in these two areas.  The Chinese government has always monopolized the media to deceive its people so as to assure that they could use monopolized arbitrary judicial practice to suppress the people's resistance.

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RFA Vietnamese Reporter: President Hu Jintao also said, "China recognizes and also respects the universality of human rights". As President Obama comments, universal rights include basic human rights like freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association and demonstration, and of religion, rights that are recognized in the Chinese constitution.


Do you think that the Chinese people have these basic rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, of demonstration, or of religion?  Does the Chinese government respect these universal rights which are human rights as President Hu Jintao said?


Wei Jingsheng: Everyone knows that Hu Jintao is lying.  His remark is quite skillful.  What he "recognizes and also respects" is only "the universality", an academic concept, which can be tossed off as unrelated to any specific people or issues.  Regarding this academic concept, the Chinese Communist Party is louder than anyone else.  However, it never carries it out to specific people and issues.  Or put it this way: the Communist Party talks about human rights only to request others to respect their own human rights; but they never intend to respect someone else's human rights.

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RFA Vietnamese Reporter: Also, President Hu Jintao said, "China is willing to engage in dialogue and exchange with the United States on the basis of mutual respect and the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affairs".  This sounds similar to the response of many dictators of other countries. Governments say that they respect the universal basic human rights, but in fact, they violate these human rights and refuse to comply with their own rule of law or international agreements that they have signed such as the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights".


When other governments and/or human rights organizations mention that a dictator is violating human rights in his country, the dictator usually claims that the other countries are interfering in its internal affairs.  What are your comments about this? How can international organizations or governments help the Chinese government comply with its own law without being accused of "interfering in its internal affairs?"


Wei Jingsheng: To these criminals who do not respect the law, it is impossible not to "interfere" with their "internal affairs".  Only when the international community is not afraid of "interfering in internal affairs", can it protect the rights of the people who are persecuted by the autocratic governments.  Since the Chinese Communists recognize the "universality of human rights", then it is not an "internal" affair.  This is the meaning of "human rights without borders".

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RFA Vietnamese Reporter: In an interview on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, "I am going to go back to Washington and meet with the President of China. He is a dictator." What do you think about this remark?


Wei Jingsheng: Politicians are often tightly wrapped with their blandishments.  This is a truth that was accidentally spoken out.  But, it is also why the leaders of Congress from both parties did not attend the State Dinner in the White House.  As Congressional members were elected by their constituency, they do not want the voters to see them getting cozy with "a dictator".  That is because such conduct is contrary to their fundamental values and will make them embarrassed in front of voters.  In addition, it also demonstrates that these politicians were not bought out by the 45 billion dollars from Hu Jintao, as a way to show their loyalty to their constituencies.

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Original audio:

http://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/in_depth/Wei-jingshengs-remarks-on-hu-jintaos-human-rights-ntran-01232011120029.html or




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A606-W370

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A606-W370


Release Date: January 22, 2011



Topic: Wei Jingsheng's Remarks on Hu Jintao's Human Rights (RFA Vietnamese Service)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











自由亚洲电台越南语部Ngoc Tran于2011年1月21日采访并播出了其就胡锦涛访美对魏京生的采访。以下为采访内容。

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记者:胡锦涛还表示,“中国承认并尊重人权的普遍性”。正如美国总统奥巴马所评论的,普遍的权利,包括言论、出版、集会、示威以及宗教等方面的自由是中国宪法所承认的。 你认为,中国人民是否有言论自由、新闻自由、集会自由、结社自由、示威自由,及宗教自由这些基本权利?请问中方政府是否象胡锦涛主席说的那样尊重这些人的普遍权利?



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记者:此外,胡锦涛主席说:“中国愿与美国在相互尊重的基础和不干涉对方内部事务的原则上进行对话与交流。” 这听起来像类似的其它国家的许多独裁者的反应。政府声称他们尊重人的普遍权利也就是基本人权。但事实上,他们违反这些人权并拒绝遵守他们自己的法律,以及他们所签署的国际协议,如有关“公民权利和政治权利的国际公约”。 当其它国家政府或人权组织提到某个政府违反了自己的人权,那个政府通常就声称,其它国家干涉其内政。对此您有什么意见?国际组织或政府怎样才能帮助中共政府遵守其法律而不受“干涉其内政”的指控?



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http://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/in_depth/Wei-jingshengs-remarks-on-hu-jintaos-human-rights-ntran-01232011120029.html 或








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