Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A616-O172



Release Date: March 5, 2011



Topic: Washington Seminar:  From the Dramatic Changes in the Middle East and North Africa, One Sees the Importance of Quitting the Communist Party in China (NTDTV)

标题:华府研讨: 从北非中东剧变看退党自救 (新唐人电视台)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Washington Seminar:  From the Dramatic Changes in the Middle East and North Africa, One Sees the Importance of Quitting the Communist Party in China



[NTDTV, March 3, 2011] Recently, people in many countries in North Africa and the Middle East broke out in anti-dictatorship protests, which have resulted in dictators such as Mubarak stepping down.  On Wednesday, March 2, the Epoch Times held a related seminar in the United States Congress.  It invited scholars and experts to discuss the collapse of the dictatorships in countries such as Egypt, and to analyze what inspiration it might bring to the Chinese people.


Wei Jingsheng, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, said at the seminar: "The opposition against the dictatorships in these countries has proved that the dictators are really paper tigers.  This is also true with the Chinese Communist Party; in fact, they are really paper tigers as well."


The collapse of the dictatorships in the Middle East has induced a panic in the Chinese Communist regime.  It is very afraid the people inside China will follow suit.  The regime has increased its effort to control the Internet, arrest Chinese dissidents, and forcibly suppress "Jasmine rallies".


Experts believe that this fear is due to the complete illegitimacy of Communist rule.


John Tkacik, Jr., former senior U.S. diplomat, said: "the Chinese government really has no legitimacy for 95% of people.  Ninety percent of people just put up with them because it is easier than trying to complain to them."


Experts think that the collapse of authoritarian regimes such as Mubarak can give Chinese people a lot of inspiration.


Wei Jingsheng said: "What can we Chinese people learn from this experience?  Of course, what I just said is good experience.  First, it is not necessary to have any leaders for the revolt; second, the most important is to have courage."


Dr. Li Xiangchun, Global Quitting the CCP Service Center spokesman, said: "When the Chinese Communists are brought to justice, all those members who are affiliated with the Party will also be put on trial."


The Global Quitting the CCP Service Center representative said currently more than 90 million people have quit the CCP related organizations, which proves that the Chinese Communists have long been abandoned by the people.  Those who are still within the communist system should learn a lesson from the drastic changes occurring in the Middle East.  They should quit the Communist Party as soon as possible and choose justice and save themselves.


Dr. Li Xiangchun said: "It is very important for people inside China to stay away from the Communist Party so they can be cleared."


From the US Capital Washington, this was reported by NTDTV's Kitty Wang.



Original link for the report:


Also available at:



Other related reports:

http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/11/3/4/n3186851.htm and




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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A616-O172



Release Date: March 5, 2011



Topic: Washington Seminar:  From the Dramatic Changes in the Middle East and North Africa, One Sees the Importance of Quitting the Communist Party in China (NTDTV)

标题:华府研讨: 从北非中东剧变看退党自救 (新唐人电视台)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








华府研讨: 从北非中东剧变看退党自救





















http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/11/3/4/n3186851.htm 及








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