Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A629-W391



Release Date: May 13, 2011



Topic: China's Crackdown on Human Rights Focus of Hearing, Wei Jingsheng's Testimony and Suggestions



Original Language Version: English (English version at the beginning, Chinese version at the end)



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China's Crackdown on Human Rights Focus of Hearing, Wei Jingsheng's Testimony and Suggestions



Washington, May 13 - The Chinese government's renewed crackdown on its own people, including extremely harsh treatment of human rights leaders-many of whom are missing-was detailed at a Capitol Hill hearing today held by Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), the chairman of the congressional panel that oversees international human rights.


"The human rights situation in China has gone from abysmally bad to worse," Smith said. "In fact, we've not seen this level of blatant violations of human rights since the crackdown on Tiananmen Square protestors in June 1989.  Since February of this year, the Chinese government has significantly increased its oppression of human rights advocates, including activist lawyers, bloggers, clergy and members of independent religious groups.  It has resorted not only to social pressure, intimidation, and physical harassment, but also to threats against family members, beatings, and even forced disappearances." Click here to read Smith's hearing statement.


Smith is a senior member of the Foreign Affairs Committee who chairs its human rights panel, which is formally known as the Africa, Global Health and Human Rights Subcommittee. He is also a commissioner of both the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) and the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.


Testimony from witnesses at the hearing included statements by: Wei Jingsheng, Chair, Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and former political prisoner; Harry Wu, Executive Director, Laogai Research Foundation, and former political prisoner; Jing Zhang, Director of Operations, All Girls Allowed; Steven Mosher, President, Population Research Institute; Philem Kine, Asia Researcher, Human Rights Watch, and; Andrea Worden, Adjunct Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law.


After he denounced government abuses in China, Wei Jingsheng was arrested in 1979 and imprisoned through September 1993. After a brief release he was again jailed until November 1997. Harry Wu served 19 years in a dozen separate Chinese labor camps, or laogai-supposed reform programs through hard labor. He was freed in 1979, and came to the United States where he established the Laogai Research Foundation, a non-profit research and education organization.


Wei Jingsheng formally testified at the U.S. Congressional hearing on the worsening Chinese human rights on Friday, May 13, 2011.  He said that the situation has become especially bad the past half year.  Later he also made some suggestions during the question and answer period.  Considering the deteriorating Chinese human rights situation and the huge US-China trade deficit that is severely damaging the U.S. economy, Wei Jingsheng suggested that the CECC should play its safeguard card now.  One of the reasons that it was established at the PNTR vote in May 2000 was to monitor human rights and to suggest ways to improve human rights in China, include revoke China's PNTR status should it become necessary.  That time has come.  Wei Jingsheng also suggested that the U.S. should give demands for the UN to safeguard human rights when it gives money to the UN.


Below is Wei Jingsheng's testimony.

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Testimony about Deteriorating Human Rights in China before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the United States House of Representatives

by Wei Jingsheng

May 13, 2011


In recent years, especially in the last half-year, China's human rights have been deteriorating rapidly.  The Chinese Communist regime strengthened its suppression against the dissidents, human rights lawyers, and all kinds of religious and faith groups.  It also strengthened its blockade and control of the Internet, broadcasting and print media.  The regime's attitude towards general mass organizations has gone from some degree of tolerance into intolerance.  It also increased its arbitrary handling of legal cases involving both the general public and its own officials.


Among all, the most important changes are reflected in the following two points.


The first is the Communist regime's increased arbitrariness in dealing with law.  There is an obvious strengthening of the tendency to dominate judicial cases by various levels of the Communist organizations and officials.  Take the Li Zhuang case in Chongqing as an example.  Almost all the legal proceedings have been destroyed.  Only according to the intention of the local Communist leaders, a wrongful case was created against a rights-defending lawyer.  The authority has not only undermined the judicial process, but also used means of deceptive and illegal exchange to force the related parties to plead guilty.  Further, it made illegal court decisions when evidence was absent.


Yet, this decision has received collective recognition and encouragement by the highest level of the Chinese Communist leaders.  This model will soon be popularized throughout the whole country.  It will not only greatly encourage illegal sentencing, but also reduce the possibility of judicial intervention for the defendant to gain access and help from lawyers and thus create the biggest convenience for the Communist officials to interfere with judicial system.  Thus, likely China could revert to the lawless state during the Cultural Revolution period when the Communist regime smashed the existence of the judicial mechanism.


The second is that the laws for illegal detention have been expanded from officials and dissidents to include the general public include religious and faith groups.  The forced "disappearance" of the famous artist Ai Weiwei recently is a typical example.  What is noteworthy  is that, just as in the case of Li Zhuang in Chongqing, this case of Ai Weiwei is also supported by the highest-level Communist leaders.  Thus, it soon will become a model for the whole country.


The characteristic of this case is that the authority publicly carried out its action of forced "disappearance".  After it violated China's own Criminal Procedure Law and detained the person, the authority did not notify the family, yet released the related information publicly in the media by its official spokesman.  This is equivalent to flouting laws in the open, and announces the fact that the will of the Communist Party is above the law.  This is significantly different from the individual illegal activities during the Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin eras.  It also represents the transformation of the whole justice system towards the extreme dictatorship of the Nazi and Mao Zedong.


Two reasons producing these changes are noteworthy.


The first is that the Chinese Communist Party has lost its confidence in its own ruling capacity.  Due to the increased opposition from the people, as well as the intensified internal struggle within the party, there are very few people who believe that the system of the Communist Party can continue.  Besides returning to the lawless state of the extreme dictatorship, the Communist Party does not have a method for controlling the social crisis.


The second is that the international community, particularly the U.S. government, is showing its weakness to the Chinese government due to economic interests.  This weakness has led, for a while now, to a rising defiance against the USA by the Chinese officials and the society at large.  When the international society is concerned about human rights, it is considered as politicians staging a show for their own voters, in a way to deceive the people of their countries.  Whoever pays attention to this international pressure would be ridiculed by the others.


So now it has even developed to the degree of directly ridiculing the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.  This ridicule enabled the related Chinese officials gain some benefits of public opinion.  The action of Hu Jintao humiliating the United States at the White House also won him rare praise within the Communist Party.  This kind of attitude has been or will be applied to the Western businessmen and tourists in general.  The U.S. Congress and the administration should not ignore such kind of developments.

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Related photos:

1. Congressman Chris Smith chairs the hearing:


2. Wei Jingsheng and others who testify in the US Congress:


3. Wei Jingsheng at the hearing:




(Wei Jingsheng Foundation expresses its gratitude for using the news release of Congressman Chris Smith.  Related link is: http://chrissmith.house.gov/News/DocumentSingle.aspx?DocumentID=241544)



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.  We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic governance on this planet. 


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A629-W391



Release Date: May 13, 2011



Topic: China's Crackdown on Human Rights Focus of Hearing, Wei Jingsheng's Testimony and Suggestions



Original Language Version: English (English version at the beginning, Chinese version at the end)











华盛顿5月13日 -- 中共政府更进一步地镇压自己的人民,包括对人权领袖们予以极其严厉的对待,许多人因而失踪。这是在新泽西的众议员克里斯﹒史密斯今天在国会山主持的听证会上听取到的细节。史密斯是美国众议院外交委员会负责监督国际人权小组的主席。


“中国的人权状况已经从一塌糊涂变得每况愈下,”史密斯说。 “事实上,自1989年6月在天安门广场镇压示威者以来,我们还未见过它公然侵犯人权达到过这样一个程度。自今年二月起,中共政府更大大地加强了对人权倡导者的压迫,其中包括维权律师、博客写手、神职人员及独立的宗教组织的成员。它不仅仅诉诸于社会的压力、恐吓和骚扰,而且还对家庭成员予以威胁、殴打,甚至是被失踪。“(史密斯在听证会上的发言连接:http://chrissmith.house.gov/UploadedFiles/2011-5-13_China_Opening_Statement.pdf)




听证会听取了证人们的证词,其中包括有:中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生;劳改研究基金会执行主任及前政治犯吴弘达;女童之声的运作主任张菁;人口研究所所长Steve Mosher;人权观察亚洲研究员Philem Kine;美国大学华盛顿法学院的兼职法学教授Andrea Worden.







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-- 魏京生  2011年5月13日



















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1. 美国国会众议员克里斯﹒史密斯在国会山主持听证会:


2. 魏京生以及其他证人:


3. 魏京生在听证会上:













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电话: 1-202-270-6980






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