Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A768-W488

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A768-W488


Release Date: July 2, 2013



Topic: Analysts See Opening for US to Challenge China in Africa (by Natalie Liu of VOA)



Original Language Version: English/Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Analysts See Opening for US to Challenge China in Africa

-- by Natalie Liu, Voice of America

July 1, 2013



President Obama is on the last leg of his three-nation tour of Africa, aimed at promoting U.S. trade with the continent.  As Washington turns a fresh eye toward a continent that Obama describes as about to "take off," U.S. government officials and investors alike will find that geopolitical rival China has already made huge strides there.


China's footprint in Africa is huge.  The 20-story African Union tower (in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia) which Beijing donated to the continental group is a testament to the size of Beijing's ambition.


"Every country, as it achieves global greatness, seeks to leave behind major landmarks that become evidence of its ascendance into global power," said Wole Soboyejo.


Winston Wole Soboyejo spoke to VOA via Skype.  He is a professor at Princeton University. 


"We must make sure that we combine these monuments with the development of people, because ultimately, it is people-centered development that really matters," he said.


China has long described its relationship with Africa as a relationship between "brothers" in the "anti-colonialist struggle."  Beijing's recent rise as a commercial power interested in Africa's rich natural resources has aroused a degree of concern on the continent. 


Longtime Chinese activist Wei Jingsheng says Chinese investment in Africa often is tainted with corruption, a trait that travels abroad with Chinese state-owned or private enterprises which have become all too used to it at home.


"These people - they're used to doing business in a corrupt manner inside China, they take it with them to Africa - it inevitably causes resentment and resistance from ordinary people in Africa," said Jingsheng.


Wei says U.S. and European corporations have been slow to invest in Africa because of the high risks involved, leaving an open door for China.


"Now both U.S. and European countries realize this approach is problematic, that Africa has almost been turned into China's backyard; Americans and Europeans now are rushing to find ways to change the situation.  I'm not sure what they'll do," he said.


Professor Soboyejo, a native of Nigeria, says many Africans would welcome a greater U.S. involvement on the continent.


"Many people view and appreciate many things in the U.S. - for example, they admire the U.S. educational institutions, they admire many things about the U.S.'s ability to manage its environment, they admire the quality of certain things that come out of the U.S. such as its movie industry, its ingenuity in IT," he said.


He also says the United States can win new friends and build opportunities for investment in Africa by stressing its commitment to free expression and its tradition of welcoming immigrants from many different backgrounds.


"I think with those kinds of investments by the U.S., with those kinds of connections by the U.S., you will see that Africa will become an increasingly vital trade partner in ways that will benefit both sides," said Soboyejo.


President Obama seems to agree that the time is right.  In a speech this weekend in South Africa, he said Washington is ready to up its game with new trade and investment and the possible renewal of AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act), the act that removed tarrifs for many exports from the continent.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A768-W488

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A768-W488


Release Date: July 2, 2013



Topic: Analysts See Opening for US to Challenge China in Africa (by Natalie Liu of VOA)



Original Language Version: English/Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 美国之音记者燕青




华盛顿 - 美国总统奥巴马刚刚结束了对非洲的访问。这是他以总统的身份,第二次去到非洲。奥巴马此行,强调了美国要加大对非洲大陆的投资,并且说要鼓励非洲各国社会 的发展,包括民主体制的建设。正如很多媒体报导已经指出的,无论是美国政府官员还是投资人,去到非洲,可能都会意识到一点,那就是:中国的足迹在非洲颇为纵深,是美方不能够忽视的。






索伯耶卓(Winston Wole Soboyejo)是普林斯顿大学的教授。他通过Skype接受了美国之音的采访。






长期关注中国和国际社会发展的魏京生表示:"中国去非洲投资的这些资本家 -- 不管是国营企业,还是私营企业,他们毕竟都是资本家 -- 他们会把中国的腐败带到非洲去。非洲这些国家,虽然并不全是民主国家,但是对腐败问题,每个国家的老百姓都是不高兴的。(中国这些官员和资本家)他们在中国从事的腐败是明目张胆的,无所顾忌的,几乎是公开的。他们在非洲这么做 -- 把腐败带到非洲 -- 必然会引起非洲社会(普通民众)的反对、排斥和抵制,这样就导致了他们和非洲民众不断地发生矛盾,就像最近很多新闻报导所显示的。"




























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