Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A781-O219



Release Date: Oct. 15, 2013



Topic: The Manifesto of the Democratic Revolution in China -- Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Manifesto of the Democratic Revolution in China

October 6, 2013

(Passed by the plenary of the 11th Conference of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition)



During the five thousand years of the Chinese civilization, there have been many heroes and shining legacies.  China was the first democratic republic created in Asia.  However, since the red Communist devil invaded southward into China, it has taken sadistic pleasure out of China and the Chinese people have been tormented.


By false platitudes of equality and liberation, freedom and democracy, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) defrauded the people for support.  After the Communist Party stole the power, it put people of all nationalities in a hopeless disaster beyond redemption.  The CCP used violence to take "land reform" and looted people's properties for its own gain.  The CCP initiated its "three-anti campaign" and "five-anti campaign" against political opponents and capitalists.  The CCP forced the so-called "public-private partnerships", deprived and repressed the business owners.  The CCP used the "campaign against counter-revolutionaries" to subject political dissidents to a bloodbath.  The CCP forced collectivization to deprive Chinese peasants.  The CCP's policy created the Great Famine in China where tens of millions of Chinese starved to death.  The CCP used the "anti-Rightist Movement" and Cultural Revolution to manufacture universal hysteria in China, resulting in fratricide within families, to the degree of blood running like rivers and human bones left in the field without proper burials.  Even more, the CCP was blinded by lust for gain.  It intervened in both the Korean War and the Vietnam War, thus plaguing mankind even further.


What nonsense for the Communist leadership to talk about the relative merits of the various decades of Communist rule.  In the collective six decades of the CCP, its monstrous crimes are all heinous!  In the first three decades of the Communist rule, it used the false pretext of Communism to carry out feudal servitude; eventually turning the homes of the Chinese people who should have shared the happiness together into a totalitarian tyranny of hell.  In the later three decades of the Communist rule, it used the false pretext of "reform and opening" to plunder and carve the Chinese people's wealth.  It has reached such a degree that all the officials in China are corrupted.  Their lives are dissipated.  They act like tyrants.  The CCP has been poisoning the ecosystem in China and destroying the environment.  Now, there is no legitimacy at all for the ruling clique of the Chinese Communist Party.  The elite families have been carrying hundreds of millions of proceeds from their corruption to flee overseas.  They panic in the way of a dog who lost its home.


In contrast, there are hundreds of millions of exploited Chinese people who have been laid off, whose properties have been seized, who are kept apart, who were driven away, who were shut up, who were tortured, who were killed.  Not only do these victims have to face the corruption of the judiciary, they also have to face the difficulties in education, health care and housing.  The Chinese people have to face the deteriorating ecology, the housing bubble, and the inflation and toxic food.  Even clean drinking water and air are a luxury to them.


This wide spread indignation and discontent is outrageous.  The Chinese people have suffered from the Communist rule for too long.


Since the clique of Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang took power, they have not thought of promoting the benefit of the people and abolishing the harmful, nor have they mended their ways.  Instead, they stubbornly go against the rule of common sense, and indulge in prosecuting the people.  They cut off the future road to a constitutional democracy, and blocked ways of the scholars who care for commoners.  The Communist regime has since enacted draconian censorship laws.  It detains and persecutes dissidents.  It even brazenly kills innocent and brave people who dare to rise up.


The CCP ruling clique has become the public enemy of all oppressed people of all ethnic groups in China.


We hereby appeal for all the oppressed and exploited peoples in China to unite, to rebel and rise up, to overthrow the totalitarian tyranny of the Communist Party, to build a happy homeland of freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law.  The Chinese people have the right to use various manners include peaceful demonstrations, arming against violence, military coups, etc. to end this tyranny.  We want to rebuild social justice and make wealth available to all.  These changes have become the historic responsibility that the Chinese political opposition must bear.


All the individuals, groups, organizations and armed forces that have this common understanding shall be our comrades in arms.  We shall build a broad united front, without geological difference between the north and south, without political difference between left and right.  For the purpose of saving this nation and eradicating systemic sources of corruption and inequality, the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and the democratic organizations inside of China and overseas, swear this oath to console the people by punishing the wicked, and sending out the punitive expedition against our common enemy of the Communist Party.


Once the mighty torrent of democratic revolution is launched, it shall have the bind the sky and the power of a thunderbolt to clean up all the dregs that are against freedom, anti-democratic, and anti-humanity, to create a new society of freedom, democracy, rule of law, and prosperity in China.


The Communist reform is already dead.  A democratic revolution shall be taken.  We must abolish the tyranny, to rebuild a new republic in China!


-- Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition

Adopted and published in Nashville, Tennessee, USA on October 6, 2013



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A781-O219



Release Date: Oct. 15, 2013



Topic: The Manifesto of the Democratic Revolution in China -- Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)














中共虚言承诺平等解放,自由民主,骗取人民支持。及至窃取政权之后,即置各族人民于万劫不复之灾。暴力土改,打家劫舍。三反五反,公私合营,剥夺 镇压民族资本家。镇反肃反,血洗政治异己。强行集体化,剥夺农民;制造大饥荒,害命数千万。反右文革,制造全民歇斯底里,致使手足相残,血流成河,白骨盈 野。更兼利令智昏,介入韩战越战,为祸人类。


什么两个三十年不能互相否定?中共执政六十年以来,罪恶滔天!前三十年假共产为名,行封建奴役之实;终将我各族人民本应共享幸福之家园,变为极权 暴政之人间地狱;后三十年借改革开放之名,行掠夺瓜分全民财富之实。乃至全国上下,无官不贪,骄奢淫逸,作威作福。荼毒生态,摧毁环境。今日之中共统治集 团,已毫无合法性可言。权贵家庭纷纷携亿万腐败所得,逃亡海外,惶惶如丧家之犬。
































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