Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A794-W504



Release Date: December 6, 2013



Topic: "I Shall Laugh Loud Even As the Sword Crosses on My Neck, Our Brave Hearts Are Just As Noble As the Kunlun Mountains Regardless Whether We Live or Die." -- Prize Dedication to the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" Rights Defending Group as Recipient of the Tenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation

标题:我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑 -- 2013年第十届"魏京生民主斗士奖"给成都"链子门"维权民众的颁奖词


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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"I Shall Laugh Loud Even As the Sword Crosses on My Neck; Our Brave Hearts Are Just As Noble As the Kunlun Mountains Regardless Whether We Live or Die."

-- Prize Dedication to the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" Rights Defending Group as Recipient of the Tenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation



In 1911, China established the first Republic in Asia.  There were hundreds and thousands of brave people who struggled with their blood and even lives who contributed to this achievement.  Among them was the heroic idol I have always worshiped, the shining example for the Chinese intellectuals, Tan Sitong.  It was the public beheading of this outstanding and brave intellectual in 1898 that caused the downfall of the last dynasty in China, as well as brought new hope for a new Republic in Asia.


Tan Sitong was born into a privileged family, where his father was the governor of Hubei Province.  Tan Sitong read a lot and traveled a lot ever since he was young.  Yet, instead of enjoying a privileged life, he risked his life to promote political reform of the society.  As one of the main characters of the Hundred Days' Reform, a 104-day national, cultural, political and educational reform movement from 11 June to 21 September 1898 at the end of the Qing Dynasty China that failed, he refused to escape from persecution.  Right before he was beheaded in front of the crowd, Tan Sitong read out his poem that shocked the spectators: "I wanted to kill the evils, but fell short of the strength to transform the world for the better.  This death is what I deserve. Rejoice, rejoice!"


"I shall laugh loud even as the sword crosses on my neck; our brave hearts are just as noble as the Kunlun Mountains regardless whether we live or die."  These are the sentences Tan wrote on his prison wall before the execution.  It reflected his mentality of bravery and determination while facing death.


Although Tan Sitong was executed, his death awakened many people, especially Chinese intellectuals with a conscience.  It symbolized the political failure of the Qing Dynasty's reformation from within itself and turned China toward a violent and hostile revolution against the Qing Dynasty.  Indeed, only one decade later, it ended the Qing Dynasty and ultimately established the Republic of China.


Now, China has come to this critical point again.  If we recognize the peaceful 1989 Democracy Movement was initiated by the students and heavily handed by people within the highest leadership of the Communist Party, we would realize that these were the times that there was still an opportunity for the Chinese Communist regime to reform itself.  At that time, the students had not yet come to the level of rebellion that people in China are at today.  They kneeled in front of People's Hall to petition, and even turned the three heroes who denounced Mao Zedong's dictatorship into the police.  Yet, at that time, China did not have a Communist leader like Gorbachev who initiated reform within the USSR, nor a brave intellectual like Tan Sitong who dared to face harsh treatment and even death without fear and retreat.


Since then, the Communist regime has continuously rejected the reform demand, and the political system in China has become even more oppressive to the average people.  It has lost its legitimacy completely.  The result is extreme disparity between the rich and poor in China, and extreme resentment against the Communist regime from the people.  The ever growing protests numbering hundreds of thousands every year that requires the Chinese government to spend more money "to maintain stability" than it spends on the expanding military is a clear indicator.  These people in protests are just like the people we are honoring today: the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" rights defending group.


But the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" rights defending group are not alone.  In China, there are many people who group together like this Chengdu "Chain-Gate" group -- not only to defend themselves, but also because they have come to the realization that they must act together to be effective and powerful.  Further, they realized that only through a democratic system and respect for the law will their rights and property be protected.  When people come to use force against violent regime, it is their statement that they do not want to be lambs to be eaten by wolves.  As a democratic revolution is on the rise in China, any tolerance and mercy to the wolves would only lead to more slaughtering of the lambs.


We have already seen plenty of examples, including those people who were nominated to the Wei Jingsheng Foundation to get this award.  They included Mr. Yang Jia who was forced to kill policemen after years of abuse and humiliation, Ms. Deng Yujiao who killed officials who tried to rape her, and Mr. Xia Junfeng who was a hardworking vendor who just want to be with his family and get his son educated, yet he ended by striking the “city management”personnel to death when he was wrongfully detained and beaten.  Even lambs have a temper and conscience to kick back when aggressors become too outrageous.


In the past 3 decades, as the Communist Party became a huge network of interest groups to exploit and suppress the Chinese people, its policies and practices have also grown more restless and vicious.  Like the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" rights defending group, many individuals started with their own rights defending when their rights were violated and properties were illegitimately confiscated.  But they have grown bigger and moved upward.  Despite harassment and even imprisonment, they have maintained unity and fought for their rights together.  This is a model for the Chinese people to learn.  Only when we maintain unity to fight against our mighty enemy, then there is a chance for us to succeed.


In the past, I had always felt depressed that we do not see as many intellectuals having the bravery and determination for their beliefs and ideologies as did the intellectuals in the Tan Sitong time.  People such as Tan Sitong had clear minds and would give up everything even their lives for a noble cause and for the other people.  At that time, with their conscience, they led the people and the society to move forward.  However, looking at what is happening in China now -- I see an awakening of the people over all.  Wei Jingsheng once responded to a reporter on the question of him as "Father of Chinese Democracy": "Yes, I spent years in jail and have yet to see China to be democratic.  However, look at how little people knew about democracy back in 1978 and the Democracy Wall time, and how much they know now.  And they demand and strive for democracy too!"


These awakened people are the hope of a democratic and free China!



Ciping Huang

Executive Director

Wei Jingsheng Foundation



For more details about this year's awards, please refer to our prize announcement:



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or contact us at HCP@weijingsheng.org or HCP0411WJS@aol.com or call 1-202-270-6980.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A794-W504



Release Date: December 6, 2013



Topic: "I Shall Laugh Loud Even As the Sword Crosses on My Neck, Our Brave Hearts Are Just As Noble As the Kunlun Mountains Regardless Whether We Live or Die." -- Prize Dedication to the Chengdu "Chain-Gate" Rights Defending Group as Recipient of the Tenth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation

标题:我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑 -- 2013年第十届"魏京生民主斗士奖"给成都"链子门"维权民众的颁奖词


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please send your request for special delivery to us or visit:

http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2013/report2013-12/WJSF10thPrize131206dedicationA794-W504.htm which contains identical information.





-- 2013年第十届"魏京生民主斗士奖"给成都"链子门"维权民众的颁奖词





谭嗣同出生于一个优越的家庭。他的父亲是湖北省省长。从少儿年代起,谭嗣同便读了很多书,也去过许多地方。然而,无意贪图优越的生活,他却冒着生命危险,带着对社会的责任感,来促进政治改革。1898年,当谭嗣同所积极投入的百日维新失败时,他勇敢地拒绝逃离,视死如归。1898年9月28日,谭嗣同在北京宣武门外的菜市口刑场英勇就义,临刑前高呼:“有心杀贼,无力回天。死得其所,快哉快哉!” “。






























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电话: 1-202-270-6980





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