Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A834-W532



Release Date: August 10, 2014



Topic: Abolishing Agricultural Household Registration, Another "Clever" Move by Xi Jinping? (Voice of America)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Abolishing Agricultural Household Registration, Another "Clever" Move by Xi Jinping?

-- by Yan Qing, Voice of America


Last Updated 03.08.2014 19:41


WASHINGTON - Recently, the Chinese government announced that it would completely reform the household registration system that has been implemented for half a century that separates urban and rural populations.  The reform will abolish the residential registrations of "agricultural" and "non-agricultural", and will replace them with a unified registration.


The news caused concern among some public opinions within China and overseas.  Some commentators expressed the concern that this initiative will bring to the city "slums" and other phenomena.  However, the views of the majority of people tend to think that it is a "good policy" because they feel that the implementation of many years of a household residential registration system that separates urban and rural population was not fair to start with.  It has been even more problematic in recent years as peasants came to the cities to work and to live, resulting in the increasing emergence of various conflicts and problems.


* Equality to Everyone *


Democratic advocator Wei Jingsheng has been caring about Chinese social processes for a long time and proposed that the Chinese needed a democratic system "the Fifth Modernization" as early as 1970's.  When he was interviewed in Washington by Voice of America, he said that to abolish the divide between rural and urban population would be helpful to the formation of a free and equal society.  "Already almost half of the populations in Chinese cities are rural migrant workers.  They are not treated as human beings in the cities.  This is a very bad situation.  In fact, equality would be good for everyone, not just good for these rural populations."


* 'Rural Household Registration' and 'Family Planning' Policy in China *


Speaking of why there is such a policy that separates rural household registration and urban household registration, Wei Jingsheng said it comes from the same roots as another policy that was produced and implemented by the Chinese Communist regime that for a long time has been raising eyebrows in the world.  "The reason is the same as the family planning policy.  That is because the Communist regime did not do well with the economy and was unable to solve the problem of unemployment.  So it forced the peasants to stay in the countryside by the excuse of "rural household registration" to make sure that they could not get into cities.  The family planning is the same.  When the Communist regime did not do well economically, it blamed the people for having too many kids."


When asked if the introduction of this new policy of the Chinese government marks some kind of social "progress," Wei Jingsheng said it is more a correction of wrongdoings than a "progress."  Besides, the rural population is moving to the cities anyway.


* Let the Chinese Society Go Back to Normal *


Wei Jingsheng, who always believed that there a lot of elements of freedom and equality within the Chinese traditional culture, said: "The social system in China for more than two thousand years always had equality between the rural and urban populations, to the degree that there were times that the peasants had the qualification to take exams to be officials while businessmen did not!  Thus, for Chinese society, this new policy is only to return China to its normal situation."


Wei Jingsheng said although abolishing the rural household registration, so the rural and urban populations are on an equal footing, is not a "historic progress", it will be conducive to the stability and development of Chinese society because this it meets the basic concept of humans being "created equal."


* Property Rights, Land, Education, and Health Care *


When the official media in China including the China News Agency and Xinhua News Agency reported the news of the reform of the household registration system on July 30, they were citing "the views regarding further promotion of the reform of the household registration system" given by the Chinese State Council on July 24.  In particular, "peasant workers", which is generally considered a phrase of discriminatory in nature, was not used in the document.  Instead, it was replaced with the expression "the migrant agricultural population."  Meanwhile, the document also mentions the concept of "the principle of equal rights and responsibilities" and "civic duty" and so on.  In the section on "effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the migrant agricultural population and others", it particularly mentioned "to perfect the rural property rights system":


"At this stage, one cannot force a peasant to withdraw from a contract of using the land, the right to build a house on the land, and the right to the distribution of collective income as conditions for them to settle in the cities."  In addition, to "protect the equal education rights of the children of the migrant agriculture population and other residents, the policy shall include the compulsory education of the children of the migrated population as part of the educational development planning and fiscal guarantee of all levels of government", and "the integration of the basic medical insurance system for both the urban and rural residents."


* Roadmap of a Mass Movement *


Speaking to the VOA during his interview, Wei Jingsheng said that the Chinese government under the leadership of Xi Jinping launching this initiative at this time has a direct relationship with the current vigorously carried out anti-corruption "in depth".  In Wei's view, "Xi Jinping's move is relatively good, that he may be beginning to rely on the people.  It is a good thing to rely on the people.  In the history of China, those leaders who successfully rectified the officials all relied on the support of the people."


Xi Jinping himself went to rural areas from city during his youth.  He has many years of experience with the peasants.  Wei said that Xi is relatively in a better position to understand the peasants, in comparison to other officials of the Communist Party: "Unlike some cadres who do not know peasants at all and look down at the peasants in their hearts.  Many Communist cadres are like this, that they feel that they are superior.  Xi had a longer time in the countryside.  That helps his understanding of peasants and being relatively closer to them.  However, most importantly, I think that the social conflicts in China have been too serious for a long time.  Many Chinese have become second-class, even third-class citizens, which is a problem that must be solved."


* Strategic Gateway to Success *


As to the current Chinese President Xi Jinping being determined to lead China in the direction of a democratic society, Jamie Metzl, the senior fellow of the "Asia Society" said that only when the political reforms are each implemented which include the rule of law, transparency, press freedom, and people having the power, then the real intention of Xi Jinping will be fully displayed.  As of now, Xi's measures including anti-corruption inevitably let outsiders detect the move against his political dissidents.  Further, some observers relate Xi Jinping to the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, as the current "Little Mao Zedong" and "Little Stalin" respectively.  Some analysts say that it will be helpful to punish the high level corruption for Xi Jinping to collect all the power into himself within a period of time.


Arthur Waldron, Professor of history and international relations at the University of Pennsylvania, said during a previous interview with VOA that, since the end of the Mao Zedong era, China has done a lot, with some visible and considerable achievement.  Now it is facing the rest of the "10%" which is the most difficult task, yet "this 10% will determine the success or failure," of China being able to break through the cage of the past and become a country of order in a true sense.



Original link of this report:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A834-W532



Release Date: August 10, 2014



Topic: Abolishing Agricultural Household Registration, Another "Clever" Move by Xi Jinping? (Voice of America)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 美国之音 燕青

最后更新 03.08.2014 19:41



华盛顿 - 中国政府日前公布说,将彻底改革实施了长达半个世纪的城乡户口制,取消"农"与"非农",将全民进行统一登记,由过去的"二元"转为"一元"。






















中国新闻社和新华社等官方媒体在7月30号报道了户口体制改革的消息,援引的是国务院7月24号出台的"关于进一步推进户籍制度改革的意见"。其中,特别没有用到"农民工"这一被普遍认为是具有歧视性质的词语,而是改用"农业转移人口"。这份文件同时还提到了"权责对等的原则"、"公民义务"等概念。在"切实保障农业转移人口及其他常住人口合法权益"一栏下面,特别提到要"完善农村产权制度":"现阶段,不得以退出土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、 集体收益分配权作为农民进城落户的条件"。另外,"保障农业转移人口及其他常住人口随迁子女平等享有受教育权利,将随迁子女义务教育纳入各级政府教育发展规划和财政保障范畴"、"整合城乡居民基本医疗保险制度"。




魏京生在接受美国之音采访的时候说,习近平领导下的中国政府,在这个时候推出这一举措,和当下大力进行的高端、或者说是"深水"反腐有着直接的关系。在魏京生看来,"习近平走出的还是一步比较好的棋,就是说他开始依靠老百姓了;只要依靠老百姓就是一个好事。" 中国"历史上能够成功整顿吏治的,依靠的都是老百姓的支持。"






至于说现任中国国家主席习近平是否有决心带领中国朝着民主社会的方向迈进,美国"亚洲协会"的高级研究员麦策尔(Jamie Metzl, Senior Fellow, Asia Society)说,等到法治、透明度、新闻自由、主权在民这些政治改革一步步落实了,习近平真正的意图才会全部展现出来。就目前来看,反腐等措施难免让外界嗅到政坛上打击异己的气味。更有观察人士将习近平和俄罗斯当下领导人普京分别比作"小毛泽东"和"小斯大林"。不过,也有分析人士说,要惩办高端腐败,习近平一段时间内大权独揽有助于成功。


美国宾夕法尼亚大学历史和国际关系学教授阿瑟.沃顿(Arthur Waldron, University of Pennsylvania) 之前接受美国之音采访的时候说,自从毛泽东时代结束以来,中国方面已经做了很多了,而且也已经看到了相当的成果,如今面临的是剩下的那"10%"最为艰巨的任务,而"这10%恰恰将决定成败",即中国是否能够冲出过去的牢笼,成为一个真正意义上的有序的国家。











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