Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A853-W547



Release Date: December 5, 2014



Topic: The Wei Jingsheng Foundation Announces the Eleventh Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" Award



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Wei Jingsheng Foundation Announces the Eleventh Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" Award


December 5, 2014


Since 2004, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation has awarded the "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" every year on December 5th.  In the last ten years the awarding of this prize has had reverberations around the world.  Those people persisting in the fight in China, who are at any moment in life-threatening danger, have thus been encouraged and consoled.


As can be expected, those who nominate a candidate believe the person they have nominated has made a great contribution to the cause of Chinese Democracy.  Nominating someone in and of itself is a way to commend all champions of democracy, including those unknown, untiring democracy heroes who do not concern themselves with fame and fortune.  We have great respect for their strength of spirit and the sacrifices they have made.  Usually, this prize gives greatest consideration to those individuals and groups who have persisted in their work on the domestic democracy movement inside China, especially these who gave up their own freedom and even their lives.


In recent years, the international climate has changed and the Chinese Communist Regime has moved even further backwards on human rights and democracy.  This autumn of 2014 was an eventful one.  The perversity of the Communist regime in China has not only made people in Mainland China live in misery, but also directly affects the political situation in both Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Since September of 2014, the Hongkongers that have gradually lost their freedoms since the handover have finally broken out a movement for genuine universal suffrage.  Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets, demanded genuine universal suffrage and self-governance.  More, the election results in Taiwan a few days ago show an even more vivid expression by the people in Taiwan rejecting the Communist regime.  In a democratic society, the people who by their stand and actions sell their own people out will be punished eventually. 


Now, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation "Wei Jingsheng Democracy Champion Prize" judging committee announces the award of this year's prize to such an unusual group that cherishes freedom and longing for democracy.  This year's "Wei Jingsheng Democracy Champion Prize" is to be awarded to the people who struggle for genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong.  For more than two months now, the Hong Kong people have persisted in their fight for genuine universal suffrage, with waves coming one after another during the movement, receiving concern and solidarity from the people all over the world, especially in Mainland China.  The indomitable Hong Kong people have established a shining example for the people in Mainland China who strive hard to establish a democratic and free society.


This year, the Wei Jingsheng Foundation received several proposals recommending "The people who struggle for genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong."  As one of the recommendation letters said: "This movement took a peaceful and rational principle, with gatherings and demonstrations to seek for genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong.  Starting from the end of September, this movement has continued nearly two months.  Although it received full scale negative publicity in Mainland China (by the Communist regime), although the truth there is completely blocked, although the results of this movement may not be ideal, even pessimistic, its symbols of umbrellas and yellow ribbons, the hot blood and sincerity of the young people in Hong Kong, the aspirations of the universal values of freedom and democracy by people in Hong Kong, as well as their stubborn insistence under high pressure and difficulty, have been forever written into the contemporary history of the modern Chinese democratic movement."


For more details of this year's champion, please read the prize dedication by Ms. Huang Ciping: "An unforgettable autumn: The Hong Kong people's struggle for genuine universal suffrage shall become a glorious page in the history of Chinese democracy."


Giving this year's prize to the Hong Kong People's struggle for genuine universal suffrage is also a recognition of the years effort of people in Hong Kong who have been supporting people in Mainland China for their fight for democracy and freedom.  For decades, Hong Kong has been the lighthouse for people in Mainland China who yearn for freedom.  There have been many people who risked their lives to flee to Hong Kong.  After the 1989 Tiananmen massacre, there were many people with lofty ideals who fled to Hong Kong from Mainland China and received care and hospitality from people in Hong Kong.  Since then, the annual commemoration of the Tiananmen Massacre has become a spectacle in Hong Kong, and receives headline reports by worldwide media and newspapers every year.  The little candles lit by Hong Kong people mourning the death of innocent people under Communist tyranny become beacons of hope for Mainland Chinese who are yearning for freedom and democracy.  In comparison, our prize today seems to be insignificant, but it represents the gratitude of the people in Mainland China toward people in Hong Kong.


This year's award money donated by individuals totaled $1,500.  Those who donated money are donating their passion and belief in Chinese democracy.  For this passion we want to express our deepest gratitude.  We will use this award money towards activities that support the Hong Kong People's struggle for genuine universal suffrage.  In addition we also want to express our appreciation to all those people who recommended nominees for our eleventh annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize," including the nominators who are the laureates of the "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" from previous years.  We thank all of you for your support and encouragement.



Wei Jingsheng Foundation "Wei Jingsheng Democracy Champion Prize" Judging Committee:

HUANG Ciping, CHEN Xingyu, LIU Jijie, CHEN Bangzheng (signed)



For more details about this year's awards, please refer to our prize dedication:



For further information and detail, visit our website at: www.weijingsheng.org

or contact us at HCP@weijingsheng.org or HCP0411WJS@aol.com or call 1-202-270-6980.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A853-W547



Release Date: December 5, 2014



Topic: The Wei Jingsheng Foundation Announces the Eleventh Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" Award



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













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