Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A865-W557

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A865-W557


Release Date: May 28, 2015



Topic: Wei Jingsheng's Speech on Vietnam Human Rights Day This Year



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng's Speech on Vietnam Human Rights Day This Year



May 11 is the annual Vietnam Human Rights Day.  In 1994, the US Congress passed a resolution to desinate the date as Vietnam Human Rights Day.  In the past 21 years, Vietnam Human Rights Day has been held in the US Congress every year.  Human rights friends and Congressional members have been invited to speak and to express their views on the related issues.  Wei Jingsheng has attended this activity for many years.  His speeches related to Vietnam were quite popular.  This year, Wei Jingsheng was invited to speak again and express his views.


The following is Mr. Wei's speech.


Usually people like to hear nice words.  Several friends have already said a lot, so I will not waste time to repeat.  Instead, I want to talk about some practical issues, about the relationship in between China, the United States, and Vietnam.


Now the Communist Parties of both China and Vietnam are inciting nationalism.  Most people have a normal sense of patriotism.  But when the governments come forward to incite patriotism, it is not normal.  Autocratic governments incite patriotism and nationalism for the purpose to cover up their own domestic failures.  The Communist governments in China and Vietnam are busy playing a drama which is actually helping each other, meanwhile covering up the serious social conflicts in both countries.  The drama is not really for those few islands.


The United States is now supporting the nationalism in Vietnam.  I see a lot of overseas Vietnamese friends also actively supporting the Vietnamese Government's nationalism, as if it was in the fight for the national interests of the Vietnam.  Chinese opposition groups abroad are very clear minded; no one supports the nationalism of the Chinese government.  It will depend on the wisdom of your leaders as how to react to the US policy of supporting the Vietnamese government in dealing with China.


More than f orty years ago, in an effort to deal with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the United States supported the Chinese Communist Party.  This support saved the Chinese Communist government during its most serious crisis.  It has delayed the democratization of China for decades.  Looking back, that effort did not play a substantive role in the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe; not even a greater role than Radio Free Europe.


Now they carried out the same strategy to support the Vietnamese Communist government in dealing with the Chinese Communist Party.  If it is indeed helpful to overthrow the Communist rule in China, of course I would be very happy (audience laughter).  But I very much doubt this possibility.  Both the Soviet Union and China are big countries, while Vietnam is a small country.  This strategy can only bring trouble to Vietnam, to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.


We the overseas democrats of both countries have been helping each other with mutual support over so many years.  Our goal is for the democracy and freedom of the people in both countries.  Our goals and interests are the same.  We should not let our interest and friendship be damaged for a few small islands.


Wei Jingsheng's speech ended with warm applause.  The Vietnamese leaders came to the podium to hug, shake hands and take photos with Mr. Wei.  One representative dressed in Vietnam national costume followed Mr. Wei to shake hands and say goodbye.  It was a very moving scene.



Related photo:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A865-W557

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A865-W557


Release Date: May 28, 2015



Topic: Wei Jingsheng's Speech on Vietnam Human Rights Day This Year



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



















美国现在正在支持越南的民族主义。我看到很多海外的越南朋友也积极地支持越南政府的民族主义,以为这是在争取越南民族的权益。海外的中国反对派组织很清醒, 没有人支持中国政府煽动的民族主义。对美国政府支持越南政府对付中国的政策应该如何反应,这就要看你们的领袖们的智慧了。



















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