Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A884-W568

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A884-W568


Release Date: September 16, 2015



Topic: On International Day of Democracy, Wei Jingsheng Talks about Prospects for Democracy in China (Voice of America)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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On International Day of Democracy, Wei Jingsheng Talks about Prospects for Democracy in China

-- by Xu Bo, VOA connect, Voice of America

September 15, 2015



September 15 is the annual International Day of Democracy established by the United Nations.  The theme of this year's International Day of Democracy is "Space for Civil Society."  The theme reminds governments of each country: a strong and free civil society is the indication of successful and stable social development of the country.  Development of the Chinese democratic movement has faltered.  Especially in recently years, it has had even more setbacks, resulting in the UN Human Rights Council criticizing China's human rights situation on the eve of International Day of Democracy.  We bring Wei Jingsheng, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, to talk about this criticism.


Moderator Xu Bo: the International Day of Democracy was adopted and established by the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly on November 8, 2007 -- to address international democracy on September 15 each year.  From 2008 onwards, various countries organize activities to celebrate and commemorate the International Day of Democracy, to improve people's understanding of democracy.  So Mr. Wei, you are the most qualified person to introduce us to this day.  Why did the United Nations want to set up such a festival, what was its origin?


Wei Jingsheng: It began with, I think in 2000 or 1999, many human rights and democracy organizations in many countries would go to the United Nations to appeal for democracy and human rights in their countries.  This activity gained wide attention and played a role of promoting democracy in these countries.  But then there were changes to the UN charter, manipulated by the Chinese government.  Human rights organizations in many countries do not have much money to hold activities in Geneva.  So the United States lost that battle.  Later, the United States tried to adopt a resolution to establish this democratic day in the UN General Assembly, as an counterattack against those authoritarian states.  I think that is an encouragement to these people striving for democracy in their countries.


Moderator Xu Bo: We all know that the democratic movement in China has twists and turns.  Mr. Wei, would you please evaluate the current state of the democratic movement in China?


Wei Jingsheng: China's pro-democracy movement has been in a low tide since that large-scale movement in 1989.  The main part of the movement should be inside China.  However, due to severe suppression inside China, it is difficult to form a large-scale movement.  So it has transformed into a civil rights movement, to safeguard the fundamental rights of citizens.  Of course, civil rights were also the intention of the democracy movement.  The main part of the pro-democracy movement has been in exile overseas.  However, the situation abroad is very difficult.  This difficulty is not only true of China's democracy movement, but also of other countries.  Usually the individuals have to go to work and to make a living to survive.  They only have spare time to engage in pro-democracy work.  Also some people gradually lost their patience and slowly departed away.  Others people also gradually withdrew because their life became relatively easy.  Of course, they are still friends of the democracy movement.  But the real people who work in the pro-democracy movement naturally became fewer and fewer.  But, there remain many people who are dedicated, and continue so.  This dedication is also very important.


Xu Bo Moderator: We have just seen that the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights delivered a speech in Geneva on Monday, to express uneasiness and was critical of the detention of human rights lawyers in China.  He said that was part of the expansion of Xi Jinping's suppression of civil society.  Mr. Wei, what is your comment?


Wei Jingsheng: As a matter of fact, after the movement in 1989, many people within the Communist Party, including Deng Xiaoping himself, accepted some lessons.  They knew that the outcome would not be good and could have serious consequences when they act against the people of the whole country.  As a result, during the ruling period of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao the Chinese government gradually reduced the intensity of repression and opened a little bit of freedom of speech, so the society began to perk up.  Now Xi Jinping needs to solve the problem of the Communist Party's ruling crisis.  According to what Wang Qishan said recently, even the legitimacy of the rule by the Communist Party has come into question.  This is the first time they recognized the legitimacy issue.  In this grim situation, Xi Jinping is trying to revert to the era of Mao Zedong by means of forceful repression and large-scale false propaganda to solve the existential crisis of the Communist Party. This is a big step backwards.


Moderator Xu Bo: Good.  We thank Mr. Wei Jingsheng, chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, for accepting our interview in Washington.



Original link of this report:






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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A884-W568

魏京生基金会新闻与文章发布号: A884-W568


Release Date: September 16, 2015



Topic: On International Day of Democracy, Wei Jingsheng Talks about Prospects for Democracy in China (Voice of America)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)







































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