Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A931-O260



Release Date: April 9, 2016



Topic: Voice of America's "Issues and Opinions" Program: Wei Jingsheng Talks About Xi Jinping's USA Visit and the Nuclear Policy of China



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Voice of America's "Issues and Opinions" Program: Wei Jingsheng Talks About Xi Jinping's USA Visit and the Nuclear Policy of China

-- by Bao Shen, Voice of America


March 31, 2016


Washington DC -- The 2016 Nuclear Security Summit will be held in the US Capital City, Washington, DC on March 31 and April 1.  Leaders of many countries, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, will attend the conference.  The Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and other Chinese dissidents and Tibetan human rights activists will gather in these two days to protest against the Chinese Communist regime's human rights violations in China and Tibet, and to demand the Chinese government to ensure nuclear safety and stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons over the years.  Today, the "Issues and Opinion" program invited Wei Jingsheng, the Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, to talk about his views of Xi Jinping's visit and China's nuclear policy.


Wei Jingsheng thinks that the last two years' response of Beijing to the Kim Jong-un regime in North Korea could be summarized in one sentence -- "overwhelmed without knowing what to do".  The Chinese government has nurtured North Korea into a nuclear weapons state.  However, unlike his father, Kim Jong-un is uncontrollable by China, and even has targeted Beijing.


The nearest North Korean nuclear test site is only a dozen kilometers away from China.  If the nuclear test is carried out, diffusion radioactivity will be floating into China.  Wei Jingsheng expressed that the government of any country would have a very strong reaction if that happened.  The current regime of Kim Jong-un may be said to have entered a "crazy state."  A responsible approach for the Chinese government is to take stringent measures against Kim Jong-un.


The so-called "declining influence" of the Chinese government over the North Korean regime is due to the many pro-North Korean officials within the Chinese Communist Party.  They have great influence.  These officials are mostly older.  They form a strong pro-North Korean clique within the Chinese government when the North Korean issue is discussed.  Therefore, the so-called "declining influence" is due to the indeterminacy of the Chinese government.  If they really made up their mind, China has a lot of ways to deal with North Korea.


Some international experts on China have said that the Chinese government is worried that once the North Korean government collapses, there will be unrest in the Korean Peninsula.  Wei Jingsheng thinks that this is an excuse made by the above-mentioned "pro-North Korean clique".  What the Chinese government fears is that once it loses North Korea as its little brother, it is going to have a hard time to play dangerous tricks in international affairs.  However, even with the collapse of the Kim regime, North Korea is still very far away from a democratic society; so these fears seem superfluous.


Wei Jingsheng thinks that there is only one way for North Korea to become "denuclearized": by China or the United States using military power to remove North Korea's nuclear weapons directly.  The possibility of North Korea giving up nuclear weapons voluntarily is unlikely.  He thinks that the US government is currently beginning to understand that the Chinese government should be forced to take tough measures.


Regarding Xi Jinping's attendance at the Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington DC, Wei Jingsheng thinks that the possibility of Xi Jinping and Obama reaching a consensus is very small.  That is because Xi Jinping is not yet determined to take certain measures; thus what he could really talk with President Obama about is going to be rather limited.  Currently, the pro-North Korea's clique within the Chinese Communist Party is a quite strong force that can limit Xi Jinping.



Link of the original report:



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(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is grateful to Yi Shi for his translation of this report and his other contributions to this Foundation.)



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A931-O260



Release Date: April 9, 2016



Topic: Voice of America's "Issues and Opinions" Program: Wei Jingsheng Talks About Xi Jinping's USA Visit and the Nuclear Policy of China



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 宝申

最后更新 2016.03.31 05:14



华盛顿--2016年核安全峰会将于3月31日和4月1日在美国首都华盛顿举行。包括中国国家主席习近平在内的许多国家的领导人将出席这次会议。中国民主运动海外联席会议及其他中国民运人士和西藏人权活动人士将在这两天举行集会, 抗议中共在中国和西藏侵犯人权的行为,并要求中国政府确保核安全并停止其多年来的核武器扩散。今天的时事大家谈节目邀请中国民主运动海外联席会议主席魏京生,谈谈他对习近平此次访美和中国核政策的看法。




























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