Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A937-O265



Release Date: May 22, 2016



Topic: 40 Minutes of Video that Subvert the Classical Thinking about the Cultural Revolution (RFA Cantonese Service)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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40 Minutes of Video that Subvert the Classical Thinking about the Cultural Revolution (video)

-- reported by He San of Radio Free Asia Cantonese Service

May 16, 2016



This May 16th was the 50th anniversary of the tragic start of the Cultural Revolution.  In Washington DC, a group of Chinese dissidents who live in the USA discussed the Cultural Revolution and revisited the roles that Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, and the general public played during the Cultural Revolution.  Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng pointed out the "following the trend" mentality that resulted in a whole generation of the Chinese telling lies while looking at the truth.  Xia Yeliang, a former professor of Peking University, said generations of Chinese still live in the shadows of the Cultural Revolution because of the culture of "fears of retaliations".  He also said it was not just the loss of the intangible goods in China, but also the destruction of the Chinese nation by the Communist regime that still continues despite the end of the Cultural Revolution.


Last week, a "Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Cultural Revolution" roundtable (May 13th - May 14th) was held in Washington DC, hosted by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation.  Wei Jingsheng pointed out that in order to examine the Cultural Revolution, we must reflect on the roles of Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, and those children of high-level Communist officials, etc.  He said the "red guards" that first responded to the call of Mao Zedong were led by Zhou Enlai's clique.


Wei Jingsheng said that only those officials' children had enough nerve to be easily agitated at the beginning.  Most of them were from Zhou Enlai's clique; of course there were also the children from the General Office of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee.


Wei Jingsheng said people had the herd mentality.  Once they saw other people around them treating Mao Zedong as a God, they would also do the same.  As a result, they thought they were just doing what everybody was doing, even though they were all lying.


Xia Yeliang, a research fellow from the CATO Institute, said that initially Zhou Enlai and Liu Shaoqi would not dare to revolt against Mao Zedong.  They knew the "persecution" culture of these "work groups" from the Cultural Revolution, which made both Liu and Zhou not dare to go straight against Mao during the Cultural Revolution


Xia Yeliang said they did not know what Mao Zedong was thinking about.  Once Mao Zedong proposed something, they confessed they could not keep up with Mao's thoughts.  Mao claimed that if he did not study for 3 days, he could not catch up to Liu Shaoqi.  Later Liu Shaoqi said that "an old revolutionary person encountered a new problem" -- that even for him as a senior Communist Party member, it was getting harder to understand things.  When asked about issues during the Cultural Revolution, Zhou Enlai replied he did not quite know.  When Liu Shaoqi was asked he also was not sure.  No one was sure.


Xia Yeliang pointed out that several generations of Chinese peoples' personality had been distorted due to the 10 years of Cultural Revolution.


Xia Yeliang said that when the Cultural Revolution developed into a later stage, people become extremely evil and they started to expose each other with discredit, fabrication and even wishing the other people to be persecuted to death.  Why did so many people want others to be persecuted to death?  It was because they were afraid it would be reversed and the others expose and attack them.  At that time, many people had the mentality that persecuting others to death was a way to ensure safety for themselves.


When Mao Zedong died, Lama Kyap Gazan, a Tibetan who was a former law school teacher in Qinghai was still a teenager.  He said that there was a difference between normal and abnormal "crying and laughing" during the Cultural Revolution.


Lama Kyap Gazan recalled that some people's crying was so abnormal that he laughed out in Mao Zedong's memorial.  Afterwards, the Communist Secretary of the People's Commune made him stand for 3 hours in the yard and clean up the township government compound for two days.


He also talked about the destruction of 6,000 Tibetan temples during the Cultural Revolution and the Communist Party taking the opportunity to plunder the wealth of Tibetans that was saved for generations.


Lama Kyap Gazan said that people had been putting treasures into gold vaults and silver vaults in the Potala Palace since the Fifth Dalai Lama.  They never took anything out from the Potala Palace.  Now the Palace is empty.  The Communist regime took away all the wealth there, in the name of repairing the Potala Palace.


During the Cultural Revolution, Yu Luoke was killed by the Communist regime because of his article "Origin Theory", which questioned the blood lineage theory promoted by the Communist Party.  His brother Yu Luowen made a speech at the roundtable.  Yu Luowen pointed out that until today, many truths about Cultural Revolution are still distorted.


Yu Luowen said: my brother questioned if some one used a stick to beat you, were you going to beat that stick, or beat that person?  I think what he said made a lot of sense.  You should always target the people who gave the orders, instead of the people who followed the orders.


The "resorting to violence" historical facts of the Cultural Revolution are still buried by the Communist regime, which is also the pain of the regime.  Writer Zheng Yi pointed out that during Cultural Revolution, the inflow of private firearms reached one million.  Yu Luowen said those "resorting to violence" were similar to armed separatists -- he also argued against people's imagination of these "resorting to violence" cases.


Yu Luowen said that many facts had been distorted by now.  "During that period, I visited northeast (part of China) and Sichuan; they were very democratic.  They did not fight these "black five" kind of families defined by the Communist regime.  Everyone was thinking about how to have law and order in the area they controlled, thus to gain the support of the citizens.  Maybe in the near future, this will happen as well.  For example, we may see local warlords, local self-governing, even armed separatism.  Under this kind of situation everyone is worried about possible chaos in China.  I think there would be no chaos in China at all because I visited that kind of place during the Cultural Revolution period."


Xia Yeliang estimated that the destruction resulted in loss of three trillion Chinese Yuan during the 10 years of Cultural Revolution.


Xia Yeliang said a conservative estimate would be at least three trillion RMB.  Plus some artifacts and treasures that were priceless and difficult to measure in monetary terms.  The population statistics in 1982 showed that there were more than 230 million illiterate people in China, more people with illiteracy when it is compared with the times before Cultural revolution.


He also said the non-material loss was the destruction the Communist regime brought against the Chinese nationality, which still continued despite the end of the Cultural Revolution period.


Xia Yeliang said, they said that the Cultural Revolution had ended, but how about the mentality of the Cultural Revolution?  We are still consciously thinking of improving ourselves and keep reflecting.  Yet we cannot say everyone is free of the mentality of the Cultural Revolutionary thinking.  It is not enough for these former Red Guards to repent.  Every single one of us should give this repentance.  This was a major disaster for our nation.  Since 1949, there have been political movements organized by the Communist regime almost every year.  You can see them through the People's Daily, Red Flag magazine, and Liberation Army Daily, by simply read the editorials and articles part.  Some people made a study and found that political movements, big or small,  never ended after 1949.


This station carefully selected 40 minutes of video from the "Reflections on the 50th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution" roundtable.  We welcome our audience to watch on the Internet.



The original link of this report:



Related video:



Also, this report in sound only:



(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is grateful to Yi Shi for his translation of this report and his other contributions to this Foundation.)



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Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A937-O265



Release Date: May 22, 2016



Topic: 40 Minutes of Video that Subvert the Classical Thinking about the Cultural Revolution (RFA Cantonese Service)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 自由亚洲电台粤语部何山報道






"文革50周年反思研討會"上週 (5月13-14日)在華府舉行,由魏京生基金會主辦。魏京生提出反思文革,必須要反思周恩來、劉少奇及中共高幹子弟等在文革中的角色。他說,起初響應毛澤東的紅衛兵,以周恩來系統的人為先。


魏京生說: 只有一批幹部子弟,膽子比較大,一煽就煽起來。周恩來系統的人最多,當然也有中央辦公廳系統一些子女。




魏京生說:  人有個從眾心理,一看周圍的人都在神化毛澤東,那我就跟著神化。結果,以為是從眾,大家都在跟著作假。


加圖研究所研究員夏業良就說,周恩來、劉少奇起初與毛澤東不遑多讓, 深知工作組的"整人"文化;使劉、周兩人,在文革中亦不敢逆毛意。


夏業良說: 不知道毛澤東在想什麼,一旦毛澤東提出甚麼,就說我可能跟不上毛澤東的思維。毛澤東講三天不學習,趕不上劉少奇;後來劉少奇說,老革命遇上了新問題,像他這樣資深的共產黨員,也發現看不懂了。那時候問文革的事情,問周恩來,周恩來說不清楚;問劉少奇,也說不清楚,沒有人能說清楚。




夏業良說: 發展到後期,是窮兇惡極,相互揭發。抹黑,捏造,甚至要把人至於死地。有很多人,為甚麼要把人整死?就是生怕別人再反過來,揭發他;所以,那時候整人要把人整死,整死人才能讓自己安全,當時有很多是這樣的心理。


毛澤東死時﹐當時仍是少年﹑前青海法學院教師、藏人拉瑪巧就說,文革中的 "哭與笑",也有正常不正常之分。


拉瑪巧說:開 (毛澤東)追悼會,有些人哭得不正常,我當時笑了出來,笑了以後,追悼會開完,公社書記把我放到院子裡站了三個小時,在兩天打掃鄉政府衛生。




拉瑪巧說: 布達拉宮裡,從五世達賴喇嘛開始,那金庫、銀庫,有甚麼都是往裡面放,從來不拿。現在是空空的,中共就是借口維修布達拉宮,其實取走所有的財富。
















夏業良說:說文革結束了,文革思維還在嗎? 我們這些人算是有進步意識的,有反思的,都不敢說每一個人把文革思維都肅清,光紅衛兵的懺悔是不夠的,我們每一個人都應該有這樣一個反思。這是我們民族一個重大的災難。你看共產黨從1949年到現在,每一年都有政治運動嗎? 幾乎每一年都有,你看人民日報、紅旗雜誌、解放軍報,只要看他發表的社論,文章你能看出來。有人統計了一下,大大小小的政治運動,從1949年到後來,基本是沒有停。



















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