Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A967-W620



Release Date: October 16, 2016



Topic: The Coup of Hua Guofeng and Beyond -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:从华国锋的政变说起 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Coup of Hua Guofeng and Beyond

-- Wei Jingsheng



Hua Guofeng (who was Mao Zedong's designated successor in 1976 at Mao's death as the paramount leader and Premier of China, as well as the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party) was a very interesting person.  His behavior had always been like a very well behaved man: before his coup that arrested the Gang of Four, he gave people the impression that he was a too well behaved person to the degree that the others worried for him; after the arrests of Gang of four, he still seemed to be too well behaved, to the degree that the others got anxious for him.  Yet indeed this once, he took a blockbuster action, or in a popular modern idiom "eye-popping".


So some scholars have doubts: in the end what was his character?  In my opinion, he was indeed an honest and well behaved man without a lot of conspiratorial calculations as to how to outmaneuver other people.  Those people who were quite good at conspiracy and calculation, such as Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Liu Shaoqi, were able to get to high positions with a lot of power by their conspiracy and calculated outmaneuvering.  But Hua Guofeng obviously was not such a person.  If it was in a different environment, he may never have made a blockbuster action.


Some people are not like that way.  On the surface, they may look pretty good at calculation, to the degree that their edges and smarts were well exposed.  Yet to the end they just had some smaller scale smarts, and would be outmaneuvered by their opponents.  As what was said in the Dream of Red Mansions (a classic of Chinese literature): one lost one's life when he was too smart and good at calculating the others.  In modern Chinese history, we have Liu Shaoqi and Bo Xilai who lost life and freedom to Mao Zedong and Wen Jiabao, who were even better at the conspiracies and calculations.


The situation involving Hua Guofeng was quite interesting.  First, he got the upper hand in his quick dealing of those who wanted to outmaneuver him, but then he was outmaneuvered by the other people who he was going to outmaneuver.  So it looks like he was not a well calculating person.  His fast action in "taking a sharp knife to cut gossamer" style was forced due to frustration.


The situation at that time (1976) was: Although Mao Zedong had come to the end of his life and lost some of his wits, he still had not forgotten to clear the way for his wife (Jiang Qing) to get the power in the future.  So Mao got rid of Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and their cronies, who would be the rivals to Jiang Qing, and put Hua Guofeng, who looked well behaved, into a leadership position for a transitional purpose.  It would be a matter of course for Jiang Qing to take over power later on.


This time, there were some unusual contributive historical accidents.  Mao Zedong's son, who had fewer character defects, was killed much earlier (by the US bombs during the Korea War).  Otherwise, it might be as some of our friends evaluated that China would become a real Communist dynasty like the 3 generations of the Kim family in North Korea.  Without the succession of his son, Mao had no choice but to let his wife inherit this leadership.  For one who went to all the trouble to build this communist dynasty, he would not "let the fertilizer flow into the others' field": We must continuously hold this power if we seized the power.  Till now this is still the theory that the Communist leaders in China have.


Another historical accident was due to the great character defects the intended successor Jiang Qing had.  She lacked the ability to establish friendly relations with others, but rather offended people often without knowing herself.  To use a modern expression, she had a very low EQ.  Her peripheral relationships with the others were even less than those of the silly Prime Minister Li Peng, thus creating favorable conditions for a coup in the Emperor's court.


In addition to the above two historical accidents, there was the most important environment, a historical necessity.  That was that people of the whole nation were extremely unhappy of the poor results of the Communist revolution, to the degree that was enough to have another revolution.  The April 5 Tiananmen Movement before Mao Zedong's death was the best proof that this degree had been reached.  Who would take the responsibility for Mao's crimes?  No one wanted to be the scapegoat, except the Jiang Qing clique that was silly enough to think that the prestige of Mao Zedong was their best historical heritage.


Although the remaining prestige of Mao was still strong, the dissatisfaction and kinetic energy of resistance had also been accumulating and becoming more robust.  Jiang Qing's clique thought that they were able to control the situation by relying on Mao's remaining prestige.  The premise of their confidence was that the people's rebellion did not have an accountable leader.  Hua Guofeng looked so well behaved to the degree that he could not act as a leader of resistance.  So the Gang of Four treated Hua Guofeng and some other important individuals as their followers, without proper status.  It was true later on when Mao Zedong's cronies (leader of the guards) Wang Dongxing and (Marshall) Ye Jianying played the main roles in the coup.


Most of the successful coups were not based on the traditional elite groups anymore.  Their main strength relied on the discontent and pressure of the whole society, as described by the old Chinese saying that those who got the hearts of the people shall get the world.  If one wants to get the hearts of the people, then one should follow the hearts of the people.  Therefore, the Hua Guofeng group had correctly re-proposed the program of Lin Biao's group: to develop productive forces and to improve people's living standards.  That program had followed people's hearts so well to a degree that was now forgotten by the people.


Hua Guofeng successfully completed his court coup, and established a new ruling group.  But why did he soon suffer a serious failure and lose the power in his hands?  Some people say he was too stupid, that he should not have let Deng Xiaoping came to power.  The fact is, to analyze with political theory, that he should not have followed the traditional politics of using the political elites to run the country.  Within the traditional elite group, there are a lot of people who are qualified to compete for leadership status, which was the political foundation of the instability of his power.


More important than a good calculation of the struggle for power, Hua Guofeng did not really satisfy the hope of the people.  Under his slogan of "to develop productive forces," he did not put forward to change the irrational political and economic system in China.  The political system of the Communist one-party dictatorship and the non-market-oriented economic system have long been criticized, even opposed by the Chinese people.  Reforming the system was the conclusion and hope of the people for a long time.  The lack of political vision and lack of further compliance from the people become a favorable condition for other elite groups which could and should replace Hua's leadership.


Not everyone has the quality of leadership.  Hua Guofeng was a typical example.  The coup he launched was for self-survival, which was coincidently a success.  But he did not understand that the needs of the times was not only the dissatisfaction of people with the Gang of four, not just the slogan of "to develop productive forces", but the change of the irrational political and economic system which was in need of reform.  The time needed a reform in leadership, not a successor to the emperor.


In this lack of understanding, Hua Guofeng committed a decisive error and was lacking the requirements of a leader of the times.  So immediately he was replaced by a leader who knew the requirement of the times.  Although Deng Xiaoping's beautiful slogan was never fully fulfilled, it did overwhelm the conservative image of Chairman Hua Guofeng.  Deng Xiaoping successfully replaced the well behaved person Hua Guofeng, and let him really become a transitional character.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written on September 30, 2016 and recorded on October 1, 2016.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A967-W620



Release Date: October 16, 2016



Topic: The Coup of Hua Guofeng and Beyond -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:从华国锋的政变说起 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生








































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