Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1029-W669



Release Date: July 24, 2017



Topic: Invitation to Attend the Third "Human Rights Without Borders" Exhibition and the Third "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize Award Ceremony in the US Congress



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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Invitation to Attend the Third "Human Rights Without Borders" Exhibition and the Third "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize Award Ceremony in the US Congress



You are coordinately invited to attend.


Place: in the Foyer of the Rayburn House Office Building of the US Congress

Address: Independence Avenue and South Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20003


Time: opening and award ceremony: 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Thursday, July 27, 2017

Exhibition: 11:00am - 7:00pm, Thursday, July 27 & Friday, July 28, 2017


On Thursday, July 27, 2017, the third "Human Rights Without Borders" exhibition and the third ceremony awarding the "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation will be held in the foyer of Rayburn House Office Building of the US Congress.  These events are co-sponsored by:

The Wei Jingsheng Foundation

The European Parliament Liaison Office with the US Congress

Freedom House

Reporters Without Borders

Tianwen United Institute

IFCSS (Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars, USA)

Chinese European Post


This time, the "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation will be awarded to US House Representative Christopher Smith, for his decades-long devotion and effort to improve human rights and freedom all over the world, especially China.  The first "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize was awarded to former Congressman Frank Wolf, a life-long champion for freedom and human rights.  The second was awarded to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Mr. Robert L. Bernstein, founder of Human Rights Watch, life long champions for freedom and human rights as well.


Members of the Congress, as well as the members of the human rights organizations, and people who support and are interested of the progress of freedom, human rights and democracy in the world will participate.  All the events on that day will be open to the general public.


A reception with hors d'oeuvres and drinks will be served from 5:30pm to 7pm


The main theme of this year's exhibition is in observance of the 50th year anniversary of the Cultural Revolution in China, which was a human rights catastrophe.  The materials distributed this year will feature the European Parliament's 25th anniversary of the Sakharov Prize and its Laureates, and its efforts on human rights, equality, freedom, and democracy; etc.


Please let us know if you could attend or not, and if you need more detail, please contact us at: HCP0411WJS@aol.com or HCP@WeiJingSheng.org or call: 1-202-270-6980.

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About "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation


The "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize was a decision reached by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation during its board meeting in March 2012 in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA.  Mr. Wei Jingsheng's long-time desire is to express gratitude to those people who have been supporting Chinese freedom and human rights.  It was initiated by board member, Dr. Jonathan X. Chen, who contributed directly his well known popular calligraphy at the base of the prize trophy: "Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, Equality."


As Wei Jingsheng expressed, "I have received so many prizes for our Chinese's effort of democracy and human rights, yet we have not expressed enough our appreciation of the importance of the people who continuously support us from their hearts and morale stand despite all the difficulty."  The Wei Jingsheng Foundation wishes through this effort to show its appreciation to the international society and supporters.


The prize trophy of the "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" prize is a copy of the artwork designed by the famous sculptor Mr. Mario Chiodo, who designed the largest cast bronze representational sculpture west of the Mississippi in the USA called "Remember Them -- The Champions for Humanity."  In this sculpture group there is a quotation from Wei Jingsheng: "We all dream of freedom in the same way."



Related photo: The trophy of the "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" prize by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation




This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.  We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic governance on this planet. 


You are welcome to use or distribute this release.  However, please credit with this foundation and its website at: www.weijingsheng.org


Although we are unable to afford to pay royalty fees at this time, we are seeking your contribution as well.  You may send your articles, comments and opinions to: HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please remember, only in text files, not in attachments.


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To find out more about us, please also visit our websites at: www.WeiJingSheng.org and www.ChinaLaborUnion.org for news and information for Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and human rights and democracy movement as whole, especially our Chinese Labor Union Base.


You may contact Ciping Huang at: HCP@Weijingsheng.org or

Wei Jingsheng Foundation office at: 1-202-270-6980


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1029-W669



Release Date: July 24, 2017



Topic: Invitation to Attend the Third "Human Rights Without Borders" Exhibition and the Third "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize Award Ceremony in the US Congress



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)











地址:Independence Avenue and South Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20003









本届魏京生基金会“人权自由卫士奖”将颁发给致力于改善世界尤其是中国人民的自由与人权的美国国会众议员克里斯托弗·史密斯(Christopher Smith)先生,感谢他数十年如一日的奉献和努力。多年致力于自由与人权进步的美国国会前议员弗兰克·沃尔夫(Frank Wolf)是第一届“人权自由卫士奖”的得主。第二届“人权自由卫士奖”的共同得主为美国众议院民主党领袖南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)女士和鲍勃·伯恩斯坦(Robert Bernstein)先生。他们几十年来都为改善世界各地尤其是中国的人权和自由所做了奉献和努力。











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“人权自由卫士奖”的奖品是美国著名雕塑家马里奥·奇奥多(Mario Chiodo)的作品。奇奥多先生以创造了美国密西西比河以西最大的青铜铸造的雕塑群而闻名。在这组《记住他们--世界人道领袖们》的群雕中刻有魏京生的一段文字:"我们以同样的方式梦想自由(WE ALL DREAM OF FREEDOM IN THE SAME WAY)"










欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱:  HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG



Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA

电话: 1-202-270-6980






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