Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1027-W668



Release Date: July 22, 2017



Topic: Marxism-Leninism in China (part 2) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:马列主义在中国(之二) -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Marxism-Leninism in China (part 2)

-- Wei Jingsheng



The theory of Marxist-Leninist is fundamentally wrong.  That is because this theory ignores the reality of humans being animals, and assumes that humans are perfect and sacred, or with the potential nature of being sacred.  To design a theory from this wrong premise, regardless how perfectly it was designed, could only be a perfect mistake.


We may consider that human beings are high-level animals, which come from a state of low-level animals and tend to be advanced and noble, but human beings are still animals.  Humans still retain many of the characteristics of wild animals.  Instead of being like the gods in the imagination and ideal, they need to eat and consume in a human society.


For example, animals are selfish; at least these slightly higher leveled animals are selfish, which is an essential nature for an individual to survive.  Selfishness may be called in a more complex way an instinct quality.  More advanced animals appear to have some altruistic psychological ability, and some even manifest another instinct, the instinct required for cooperation.


These two instincts complement each other; the better developed the ability to cooperate, then the better the survivability of the groups and individuals.  Human society has the best of these two kinds of ability combined, thus has the strongest ability to survive in nature.  Even hundreds of thousands of years ago in the ape era, it was more outstanding than the other animal populations.


In that era, humans beings lagged behind a lot of animals when considering the sharpness of the teeth and claws.  Human beings were only moderate when considering the speed of running.  Human beings were only moderate when considering strength or power.  Humans could not go high into the sky or dig beneath the ground, nor swim in the river and ocean.  Its comprehensive ability can only be classified in the middle of the animal family, or even below the middle.  What made this humble little man of medium quality to come out and rapidly rise?


The ability to improve and manufacture tools was an ability developed later by human beings.  The real abilities to make this humble medium-rated race to rise were the ability to cooperate with each other, the internal organizational skills, and the ability to take risks and to sacrifice.  These are indispensable abilities of group organizing, often not out of instinct, but by acquired quality after birth which is called morality by the modern people.


Take an example of bears.  The bears are big and strong.  But they cannot cooperate, even between mates.  So its strong advantage got discounted.  In the fierce competition for survival, they fell behind in the competition and become animals that can only rely on miscellaneous food to barely fill their bellies.  Fortunately they can climb the trees; otherwise they cannot even ensure their own safety.


The body size and strength of the wolves are much smaller.  But they could cooperate well, thus their survivability is much better than the bears.  They could guarantee to survive with meat, without having to degenerate into omnivorous animals.  Because of their ability to cooperate with each other, they can prey on much larger animals than themselves, and also can resist a much larger opponent than themselves, even can threaten the survival of the bears and tigers.  This is the power of cooperation.


Scientists in modern animal behavior have found that the cooperation of social animals requires a certain moral system support.  The most common is the organization system which has its core as the hierarchical system.  The characteristics of this form are it significantly reduced the occurrence of internal battles and improved the ability to cooperate for hunting and self-defense.  The disadvantage is that the numbers of the group are small; otherwise it is difficult to maintain an effective hierarchy.  When groups reached a certain extent they will inevitably split.


Before entering the era of civilization, like the lion and wolf groups, human beings maintained an extremely authoritarian hierarchy.  Although larger groups could be maintained due to the improvement of tools, group sizes were still limited and a tribe would inevitably split when it was too big.  To split according to rules would be the best choice for that era, as well as an important reason for survival in the competition.


The core of this rule is to gradually reduce the extreme tyranny of monkeys and baboons, and gradually increase the freedom of the individual in we call human rights; to resolve internal disputes in a peaceful manner, and to reduce the jungle rule of forceful suppression.  The size of the groups that could be maintained becomes bigger and bigger, eventually forming countries.


In this long process of evolution, the rules that were called moral and legal by modern people gradually matured, complementing each other to replace the jungle rule.  This maturity reduced the internal competition, enhanced the internal harmony, and significantly enhanced the force against outside threats, eliminating the so-called backward groups through selection faster and faster.


This process of evolution was not always smooth sailing.  From time to time, this or that extreme would appear.  One extreme is the Legalism of the Chinese philosophy, or dictatorship in the Western society, which regresses to the law of the jungle.  Another extreme is to deny the animal nature of human beings and the extreme beautification of the kindness part of the human nature, which is the Confucianism of the East, or the religious sentiment in the West.


The Great Unity of the World could only be an idea in China.  In reality, after hundreds of years of elimination through selection and combination, it evolved into a hybrid theory in the Han Dynasty - or so-called Way for a Monarch to Rule, which combined both Legalism and Confucianism.  Although this system was behind the modern democratic system and it suppressed the enthusiasm of a society to move forward, it had a large degree of respect for human rights, and also allowed a lot of freedom to individuals, with relatively minor violent repression.  So it was maintained for more than two thousand years in China, and became the target people longed for in these eras and the preferred place to immigrate to, just like the United States and Western Europe are now.


In the process of evolution of the system in the West, during a window period before the democratic system perfected itself, another kind of hybrid theory appeared.  This was the Communism based on religious sentiment.  A pure communism is difficult to achieve; thus there a new variant appeared as a hybrid - using the dictatorship of jungle rule to force cooperation in an effort to realize this Communism of the religious sentiment.


There are fundamental differences between the jungle rule and the Legalism of the Orient.  The Legalism was more mature, and emphasized the rationality of everyone being equal before the law.  The dictatorship of the jungle rule is to turn humans back into the monkeys and baboons, to use the fist to speak and smash the rationality.  Thus even when the dictatorship is matched with modern tools of suppression, it can only maintain temporary and smaller societies.  This is not a social system that can be maintained for a long time.


Therefore, this Marxist-Leninist system of retrogression was only born due to accidental causes, and inevitably will not be maintained for a long time.  If it will not collapse like the Soviet Union, it must take the capitalism road like China.  Nevertheless, it is a historical certainty for the market economy to be the human invention of most effective cooperation with internal adjustments in large-scale.



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded June 29, 2017.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1027-W668



Release Date: July 22, 2017



Topic: Marxism-Leninism in China (part 2) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:马列主义在中国(之二) -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生
















































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