Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1024-O292



Release Date: July 9, 2017



Topic: Press Release: GCSW and Wei Jingsheng Foundation to Demonstrate in Regarding Interpol in Front of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, Germany



Original Language Version: German (English at the beginning, German at the middle, Chinese version at the end)



Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please send your request for special delivery to us or visit:

http://www.weijingsheng.org/report/report2017/report2017-07/protestInterpol170709inGermanyA1024-O292.htm which contains identical information.




Press Release: GCSW and Wei Jingsheng Foundation to Demonstrate in Regarding Interpol in Front of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, Germany



Time: on July 10, 2017 (Monday), at 15:00 - 17:00
Place: in front of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Thaerstr.11, 65193 Wiesbaden
Mobile phone number of the organizer: +1 202 270 6980 (Dr. Qian)
Subject: Protection for Chinese human rights activists abroad, in regarding to Interpol
Special event:
Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization), headquartered in Lyon has 190 members.  It has the original task of strengthening international cooperation against crime.  However, there is no external control over Interpol.  The function of international cooperation has been and continues to be abused, e.g. during the Nazi era.  The Interpol Statutes forbid assistance in the case of politically motivated offenses and military or religious matters.   Some dictatorial states, e.g. China, abuse the function of Interpol by placing Interpol’s Red Notice around the world to find political dissidents and human rights activists, with the cover coat of prosecution of alleged offenders.
In 2016, the Chinese vice minister of Public Security, Mr. Hongwei Meng, was appointed as the President of Interpol.  Thus the concern is reinforced that the Chinese regime uses Interpol as a center for dissidents and human rights activists.
Germany is one of the most important founders of Interpol.  Its Federal Criminal Police Office is the national central office of Interpol in Germany.  The former Vice President of the Federal Criminal Police Office, Mr. Jörgen Stock, was Vice-President, now acting as the Secretary General of Interpol.  Therefore, Germany is to take more responsibility for Interpol.  Mr. Stock, however, rejected any communication with NGOs to listen to the suggestion of avoiding the abuse of Interpol power by its member states.
In this context, Chinese human rights activists are demonstrated abroad in front of the Federal Criminal Police Office to set a sign for human rights.
All are therefore very welcome.
Dr. Yuejun Qian
Chairman of GCSW
PO Box 550304
60402 Frankfurt a.M.
Fax: +49 69 5083 0357
EMail: info@chinesen.de
Attachment: Press release of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation

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Press Release about Wei Jingsheng’s Visit to Germany in July 2017


Wei Jingsheng, the opposition leader against the Chinese Communist dictatorial regime, is in Germany from July 4, 2017 to July 12, 2017.  In particular, from July 6 to July 9, Mr. Wei is in Hamburg during the G-20 Summit in Hamburg to attend demonstrations and to meet with press.  He will be available for interviews while he is in Germany.  (He could be reached via e-mail: hcp@weijingsheng.org and hcp0411wjs@aol.com also by phone: 001-202-270-6980.)


Wei Jingsheng is particularly concerned about the one subject of the aggression of the Chinese Communist dictatorship to the world, especially when Meng Hongwei, the deputy minister of the Public Security (Chinese police) , became the president of Interpol half a year ago.  Mr. Wei is very concerned that the Interpol will become a convenient tool for the Chinese government to persecute democracy activists and political opponents, as it did for Nazi Germany in the 1940’s under the Nazi leaders including Reinhard Heydrich.


Considering that Jurgen Stock, the current Interpol Secretary-General, was the former deputy head of Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office and has not expressed his determination to avoid Interpol becoming a tool of persecution against  innocent people as it did during World War II, Wei Jingsheng will lead a group of Chinese human rights and democracy activists to protest during the G-20 in Germany and later in front of the Bundeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden, the capitol of Hesse where Jurgen Stock grew up and served as Vice President of the Bundeskriminalamt which is the German branch of the Interpol.


Wei Jingsheng, himself a victim of Interpol who was detained due to the unpublished notice by Interpol has been very concerned of the manipulation of Interpol by the Chinese government.  To threaten the democracy activists and political opponents, the Chinese government translated and propagated Interpol’s “red notice” as “red international warrant” in Chinese.  However, right before Wei Jingsheng’s press conference in Lyon (the headquarters of Interpol) about Interpol, the Chinese government and the Interpol withdrew most of its 400 Chinese names on the Interpol list of “Red Notices” on Interpol’s website and also the Chinese government’s website.  Recently, Interpol even revised its presidents list: taking off the heads of the Nazi secret police that served as Interpol presidents from 1938 to 1946 (https://www.interpol.int/About-INTERPOL/Structure-and-governance/President).  However, these actions themselves reveal the evil nature of that time that even Interpol is embarrassed to admit.  If Interpol is truly embarrassed for these actions against innocent people, it should avoid making this kind of history and then simply trying to erase it, and it should have dialogue with people like Wei Jingsheng with a willingness to correct itself .


Despite Interpol’s Secretary General Jurgen Stock turning a deaf ear to Wei Jingsheng’s appeal for a meeting to express his concern, we want this press release to be a reminder to the kind Germans to avoid a repeat of the world tragedies and to help the Chinese people by stopping the persecution by the Communist regime, which is really a help to all of us in this world.


Bio of WEI Jingsheng


WEI Jingsheng is the best-known Chinese human rights and democracy fighter and is the leader for the opposition against the Chinese Communist dictatorship.  He was sentenced to jail twice for a total of more than 18 years due to his democracy activities, including a ground breaking and well publicized essay he wrote in 1978: "the Fifth Modernization".  He is the author of "Courage to Stand Alone -- letters from Prison and Other Writings", which compiles his articles written initially on toilet papers in jail.


Wei Jingsheng is a winner of numerous human rights awards, including the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Human Rights Award in 1996, the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, the National Endowment for Democracy Award in 1997, and the Olof Palme Memorial Prize in 1994.  He was praised in numerous places with various titles, such as "Father of Chinese Democracy" and "Nelson Mandela of China".  Hundreds thousands of entries about him can be found on the Internet in many languages, not just in English and Chinese.


In 1978, Wei wrote his essay entitled "The Fifth Modernization" which stated that without democracy, China could not truly modernize. In 1979, Wei was tried, convicted of "counter-revolution" and sentenced to 15 years.  He was first on death row for eight months, and then in solitary confinement for nearly five years. He was kept in two other forced labor camps under strict supervision from both guards and prison handlers until 1993 when he was released. Within six months he was arrested a second time. He was tried again, convicted of "counter-revolution" and sentenced to another 14 years.


Wei Jingsheng has not been silenced by his forced exile in 1997.  There are numerous reports of his work outside of China for the Chinese cause.  Many of his articles are published in major newspapers in different languages.  Every week, he gives speeches and commentaries through various radio and TV stations, especially to the Chinese audience via Radio Free Asia.  His close ties to many congressional members and legislators, as well as governmental officials of many democratic countries and non-governmental organizations, enable him to represent the Chinese democratic force and use his influence to push for human rights and democracy in China.


In 1998, he founded the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition (OCDC), which is an umbrella organization for many Oversea Chinese democracy groups, with members in over dozens of countries.  He has been serving as its chairman since then.  He is also the president for the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, a non-profit organization.  In September 2006, he co-founded Asia Democracy Alliance and was elected as its president.


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(German version)


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,


Wei Jingsheng Foundation wird mit Unterstützung der Gesellschaft der Chinesischen Studenten und Wissenschaftler in Deutschland e.V.(GCSW) eine Demonstration vor dem Bundeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden veranstalten. Der berühmte chinesische Menschenrechtler, Herr Wei Jingsheng wird auch persönlich dabei sein:


Zeit: am 10.07.2017 (Montag), um 15:00 - 17:00

Ort: vor dem Eingang des Bundeskriminalamtes, Thaerstr.11, 65193 Wiesbaden

Handy-Nr. des Veranstalters: +1 202 270 6980 (Dr. Qian)

Thema: Schutz für chinesische Menschenrechtler im Ausland, im Fall der Interpol


Konkreter Anlass:


Interpol (Internationale Kriminalpolizeiliche Organisation) mit dem Hauptsitz in Lyon hat der Zeit 190 Mitgliedstaaten. Sie hat die ursprüngliche Aufgabe, die internationale Zusammenarbeit gegen Kriminalität zu verstärken. Es besteht jedoch keine externe Kontrolle über Interpol. Die Funktion der internationalen Zusammenarbeit wurde und wird immer wieder missbraucht, z.B. in der Nazi-Zeit. Die Interpol-Statuten verbieten eigentlich Hilfestellungen bei politisch motivierten Delikten und militärischen bzw. religiösen Angelegenheiten. Manche diktatorische Staaten, z.B. China, missbrauchen die Funktion der Interpol, indem sie Rote Auszeichnung (Red Notice) weltweit zur Fandung der politischen Dissidenten und Menschenrechtler erstellt, mit dem Deckmantel der Verfolgung angeblicher Straftäter.


In 2016 wurde der chinesische Vizeminister für öffentliche Sicherheit, Herr Hongwei Meng, zum Präsidenten der Interpol ernannt. So wird die Sorge verstärkt, dass das chinesische Regime die Interpol als Mitter gegen Dissidenten und Menschenrechtler nutzt.


Deutschland ist einer der wichtigsten Gründer der Interpol. Das Bundeskriminalamt ist das nationale Zentralbüro der Interpol in Deutschland. Der ehemalige Vizepräsident des Bundeskriminalamtes, Herr Jörgen Stock war Vizepräsident, ist der amtierende Generalsekretär der Interpol. Deshalb soll Deutschland mehr Verantwortung für Interpol wahrnehmen. Herr Stock hat jedoch jede Kommunikation mit der NGO abgelehnt.


In diesem Zusammenhang werden chinesische Menschenrechtler im Ausland vor dem Bundeskriminalamtes demonstriert, um ein Zeichen für Menschenrechte zu setzen.


Sie sind deshalb herzlich willkommen.


Dr. Yuejun Qian

Vorstandsvorsitzender der GCSW

Postfach 550304

60402 Frankfurt a.M.


Fax: +49 69 5083 0357

eMail: info@chinesen.de


Anlage: Pressemitteilung der Wie Jingsheng Foundation

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Release about Wei Jingsheng's Visit to Germany in July 2017


Wei Jingsheng, the opposition leader against the Chinese Communist dictatorial regime, is in Germany from July 4, 2017 to July 12, 2017.  In particular, from July 6 to July 9, Mr. Wei is in Hamburg during the G-20 Summit in Hamburg to attend demonstrations and to meet with press.  He will be available for interviews while he is in Germany.  (He could be reached via e-mail: hcp@weijingsheng.org and hcp0411wjs@aol.com also by phone: 001-202-270-6980.)


Wei Jingsheng is particularly concerned about the one subject of the aggression of the Chinese Communist dictatorship to the world, especially when Meng Hongwei, the deputy minister of the Public Security (Chinese police) , became the president of Interpol half a year ago.  Mr. Wei is very concerned that the Interpol will become a convenient tool for the Chinese government to persecute democracy activists and political opponents, as it did for Nazi Germany in the 1940's under the Nazi leaders including Reinhard Heydrich.


Considering that Jurgen Stock, the current Interpol Secretary-General, was the former deputy head of Germany's Federal Criminal Police Office and has not expressed his determination to avoid Interpol becoming a tool of persecution against  innocent people as it did during World War II, Wei Jingsheng will lead a group of Chinese human rights and democracy activists to protest during the G-20 in Germany and later in front of the Bundeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden, the capitol of Hesse where Jurgen Stock grew up and served as Vice President of the Bundeskriminalamt which is the German branch of the Interpol.


Wei Jingsheng, himself a victim of Interpol who was detained due to the unpublished notice by Interpol has been very concerned of the manipulation of Interpol by the Chinese government.  To threaten the democracy activists and political opponents, the Chinese government translated and propagated Interpol's "red notice" as "red international warrant" in Chinese.  However, right before Wei Jingsheng's press conference in Lyon (the headquarters of Interpol) about Interpol, the Chinese government and the Interpol withdrew most of its 400 Chinese names on the Interpol list of "Red Notices" on Interpol's website and also the Chinese government's website.  Recently, Interpol even revised its presidents list: taking off the heads of the Nazi secret police who served as Interpol presidents from 1938 to 1946 (https://www.interpol.int/About-INTERPOL/Structure-and-governance/President).  However, these actions themselves reveal the evil nature of that time that even Interpol is embarrassed to admit.  If Interpol is truly embarrassed for these actions against innocent people, it should avoid making this kind of history and then simply trying to erase it, and it should have dialogue with people like Wei Jingsheng with a willingness to correct itself.


Despite Interpol's Secretary General Jurgen Stock turning a deaf ear to Wei Jingsheng's appeal for a meeting to express his concern, we want this press release to be a reminder to the kind Germans to avoid a repeat of the world tragedies and to help the Chinese people by stopping the persecution by the Communist regime, which is really a help to all of us in this world.


Bio of WEI Jingsheng


WEI Jingsheng is the best-known Chinese human rights and democracy fighter and is the leader for the opposition against the Chinese Communist dictatorship.  He was sentenced to jail twice for a total of more than 18 years due to his democracy activities, including a ground breaking and well publicized essay he wrote in 1978: "the Fifth Modernization".  He is the author of "Courage to Stand Alone -- letters from Prison and Other Writings", which compiles his articles written initially on toilet papers in jail.


Wei Jingsheng is a winner of numerous human rights awards, including the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Human Rights Award in 1996, the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, the National Endowment for Democracy Award in 1997, and the Olof Palme Memorial Prize in 1994.  He was praised in numerous places with various titles, such as "Father of Chinese Democracy" and "Nelson Mandela of China".  Hundreds thousands of entries about him can be found on the Internet in many languages, not just in English and Chinese.


In 1978, Wei wrote his essay entitled "The Fifth Modernization" which stated that without democracy, China could not truly modernize. In 1979, Wei was tried, convicted of "counter-revolution" and sentenced to 15 years.  He was first on death row for eight months, and then in solitary confinement for nearly five years. He was kept in two other forced labor camps under strict supervision from both guards and prison handlers until 1993 when he was released. Within six months he was arrested a second time. He was tried again, convicted of "counter-revolution" and sentenced to another 14 years.


Wei Jingsheng has not been silenced by his forced exile in 1997.  There are numerous reports of his work outside of China for the Chinese cause.  Many of his articles are published in major newspapers in different languages.  Every week, he gives speeches and commentaries through various radio and TV stations, especially to the Chinese audience via Radio Free Asia.  His close ties to many congressional members and legislators, as well as governmental officials of many democratic countries and non-governmental organizations, enable him to represent the Chinese democratic force and use his influence to push for human rights and democracy in China.


In 1998, he founded the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition (OCDC) which is an umbrella organization for many Oversea Chinese democracy groups, with members in over dozens of countries.  He has been serving as its chairman since then.  He is also the president for the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, a non-profit organization.  In September 2006, he co-founded Asia Democracy Alliance and was elected as its president.



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.  We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic governance on this planet. 


You are welcome to use or distribute this release.  However, please credit with this foundation and its website at: www.weijingsheng.org


Although we are unable to afford to pay royalty fees at this time, we are seeking your contribution as well.  You may send your articles, comments and opinions to: HCP@weijingsheng.org.  Please remember, only in text files, not in attachments.


For website issues and suggestions, you may contact our professional staff and web master at: webmaster@Weijingsheng.org


To find out more about us, please also visit our websites at:

www.WeiJingSheng.org and www.ChinaLaborUnion.org

for news and information for Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and human rights and democracy movement as whole, especially our Chinese Labor Union Base.


You may contact Ciping Huang at: HCP@Weijingsheng.org or

Wei Jingsheng Foundation office at: 1-202-270-6980


Wei Jingsheng Foundation's postal address is:

Wei Jingsheng Foundation, P. O. Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA


You are receiving this message because you had previous shown your interest in learning more about Mr. Wei Jingsheng and the Chinese Democratic Movement.  To be removed from the list, simply reply this message and use "unsubscribe" as the Subject.  Please allow us a few days to process your request.





Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition News and Article Release Issue Number: A1024-O292



Release Date: July 9, 2017



Topic: Press Release: GCSW and Wei Jingsheng Foundation to Demonstrate in Regarding Interpol in Front of the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden, Germany



Original Language Version: German (English at the beginning, German at the middle, Chinese version at the end)
















地点:德国联邦刑事局的入口处(Thaerstr.11, 65193 Wiesbaden, Germany

主办单位电话:+1 202 270 6980(钱博士)









德国是国际刑警组织的主要创始人之一。德国联邦刑事局是国际刑警组织在德国的国家中心局。现任国际刑警组织秘书长Jurgen Stock先生曾经担任德国联邦刑事局的副主席。因此,德国应当为国际刑警组织承担起更多的责任。但遗憾的是,Stock先生拒绝与任何非政府组织联系,拒绝倾听如何防范其成员国滥用国际刑警组织的建议。











传真:+49 69 5083 0357


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反对中共独裁政权的领袖魏京生先生将于201774日至2017712日访问德国。特别是76日至79日,魏先生将抵汉堡参加有关20国汉堡峰会的示威活动并与媒体会面。他在德国期间也可以接受其它媒体的采访。 (通过电子邮件:hcp@weijingsheng.orghcp0411wjs@aol.com也可以通过电话:001-202-270-6980。)




其一是在汉堡20国集团首脑会议的时候,魏先生要向全世界通报中国人权状况的恶化情况,特别是他对西方世界由于经济利益而对这些问题避而不见的担忧。 魏京生指出,中国人权的恶化也不会给西方的商界带来健康的商业环境,最终中共政权的侵略性也将损害西方的经济利益,乃至世界和平,如同第二次世界大战时期发生过的情况。


魏京生先生尤其担忧的是中共独裁政权黑手伸向世界,特别是半年前公安部副部长孟宏伟成为国际刑警组织的主席。魏先生非常担心,国际刑警组织将成为中国政府迫害民主活动家和政治对手的便利工具,如同一九四十年代国际刑警组织在包括Reinhard Heydrich的纳粹领导人的手下为其所利用。


由于现任国际刑警组织秘书长Jurgen Stock是德国联邦刑事检察院的前主席;由于他并没有表示要下决心避免刑警组织再次成为像二次大战时期那种迫害无辜人民的工具,魏京生将带领一批中国人权民主活动家,在汉堡二十国峰会的抗议后,到位于黑森州首府威斯巴登的德国联邦刑事局的总部抗议。Stock先生在黑森州长大,曾任德国联邦刑事局副主席。而德国刑事局则是国际刑警组织在德国的国家中心局。






尽管国际刑警组织的秘书长Jurgen Stock假装没听见魏京生先生的呼吁,我们这个新闻稿还是希望能够提醒善良的德国人民避免重复世界性的悲剧,并帮助中国人民停止共产党政权的迫害,这也将是对这个世界上所有人的帮助。







欢迎投稿(暂无稿费)或批评建议,请寄信箱: HCP@WEIJINGSHENG.ORG


魏京生基金会电话: 1-202-270-6980

通讯地址:Wei Jingsheng Foundation, PO Box 15449, Washington, DC 20003, USA






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