Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1033-W672



Release Date: August 2, 2017



Topic: Concerned About Chinese Human Rights, US Representative Smith Receives "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize (NTDtv)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Concerned About Chinese Human Rights, US Representative Smith Receives "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize

-- Rep. Smith receives award during the third "Human Rights Without Borders Exhibition"


New York time: 2017-07-29 10:13 AM



The US Representative Chris Smith, co-chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, was awarded the "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation on July 27, due to his long time concern for the Chinese human rights movement.  The award took place as part of the third "Human Rights Without Border Exhibition" sponsored by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation that was held in the US Congress. 


Wei Jingsheng, democracy activist, said: "This award is mainly to recognize an American statesman who has been supportive to us for many years.  In the past, it was always others that gave us prizes, so I think these people who worked hard for so many years to support us should be rewarded by us."


The US Representative Smith said that we cannot be optimistic of the Chinese human rights situation under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.


US Congressman Chris Smith: "(The Communist regime) is using torture and other coercive means to control the population, forced abortions, and persecution of anybody who is a religious believer, such as Falun Gong practitioners, Catholic, Protestants, Uyghurs, Muslims, Tibetans and so on. "


Smith has been supporting China's democratic movement for more than two decades.  He believes that the Chinese people should not live under the dictatorship.


US Congressman Chris Smith: "China will be free from the dictatorship.  Whether it be Nazi or what it might be, they do not live on forever.  The sooner China changes from dictatorship to democracy, the better, obviously for its own people and for the world."


Mr. Wei Jingsheng said that no matter how long it will take, he will not give up the goal of democratization in China.


Democracy activist Wei Jingsheng: "This goal is sure to be achieved, because now the majority of the Chinese people want to achieve this goal."


The event was also supported by organizations such as the European Parliament and the Freedom House.  This year is the 51st anniversary of the "Cultural Revolution."  There were a lot of display panels regarding the truth of the "Cultural Revolution".


New Tang Dynasty reporters Shi Qingyun and York interviewed and reported from Washington DC, USA.



Link of the original report:



Related photo:






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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1033-W672



Release Date: August 2, 2017



Topic: Concerned About Chinese Human Rights, US Representative Smith Receives "Human Rights and Freedom Defender" Prize (NTDtv)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 第三届〝人权无国界展〞 史密斯议员获奖


纽约时间: 2017-07-29 10:13 AM 




7月27日,由魏京生基金会主办的第三届〝人权无国界展〞在美国国会内举行,并将今年的〝人权自由卫士奖〞颁发给美国众议员克里斯·史密斯(Chris Smith)。






美国国会众议员Chris Smith:〝(中共一伙)使用酷刑,使用强制手段控制人口--强制堕胎,他们打压有信仰的人士,比如法轮功修炼者、天主教人士、新教徒、维吾尔人、穆斯林、西藏人士等。〞




美国国会众议员Chris Smith:〝中国一定会脱离独裁政权,无论是纳粹还是什么,这类政权不会长久。中国越早从独裁走向民主,对它的民众以及世界就越好。〞

























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