Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1078-W715



Release Date: January 21, 2018



Topic: Huang Ciping Invited to Attend RFA's China Live Program: China Is "Not Free," Will the Constitution in China Named after "Xi Jinping"? (Radio Free Asia)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Huang Ciping Invited to Attend Radio Free Asia's China Live Program:

China Is "Not Free," Will the Constitution in China Named after "Xi Jinping"?



On January 19, 2018, Huang Ciping, Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation, and Gao Xin, a political commentator and writer residing in the USA, took part in a China Live program hosted by Radio Free Asia's He Ping: "China is 'not free' and will its constitution named after 'Xi Jinping'".  More than ten thousand viewers watched the show.


Freedom House, the international human rights organization, released its annual global freedom report this week.  In Mainland China, where the authorities continue to severely suppress civil rights and expand the influence of autocratic ideology abroad, it was re-rated as "not free" again.  Yet, last Thursday's Second Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has drawn special attention to whether Xi Jinping can realize his intention to turn the "Communist Party's core" into his dictatorial leadership in China through amending the Constitution of China.  What will the so-called "Constitution of China" really mean to the ordinary people, when it evolves from Mao's flag to today's "Xi Jinping's thoughts"?  With the approaching Winter Olympic Games, Kim Jong-un is sending a song and dance troupe as well as cheerleaders to promote this Olympics.  But, will these actions end the nuclear issue of North Korea, which threatens world peace?  The live show discussed these topics.


Ms. Huang Ciping expressed the following points in this program:


1. The recent 2nd Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the 19th Congress of the CCP once again proved that China is under the rule of one-party dictatorship.  Before the National People's Congress (NPC) and CPPCC conferences, the CCP convened this conference to define the criteria for the two conferences and even gave the requirement to "amend the Constitution."  Adding to the existing "adherence to the four cardinal principles" and "upholding the leadership of the Communist Party," we now have another term of "thoughts of Xi Jinping."  Compared with the "collective leadership" of the CCP in the past, "Xi's dictatorship" is another backward step.


2. With recent circumstances in China, the Cultural Revolution has returned.  Although Xi Jinping has far less prestige than Mao Zedong and even Deng Xiaoping had back then, he has the same ambition as them.  Now China's constitution has been abducted to make Xi Jinping officially China's dictator.  This is the official start of the second Cultural Revolution.  This situation is in line with the just released annual report on freedom in China published by Freedom House.  Huang presented individual cases of China's suppression of human rights over the past few years, which are also in line with this annual report about freedom.


3. Regarding the discussion of whether or not to have a president for China, Huang Ciping thinks that Xi Jinping most cares about power, not the so-called name such as the President of China.  In fact, back when Liu ShaoQi was persecuted to death, Liu was the President of China.  It shows that once one loses his power, even the president of the country cannot protect himself.


4. Although Xi Jinping intends to carry out the second Cultural Revolution and make himself the Mao Zedong in a new era, he is far short of the prestige and the popularity of Mao back then.  Today, as he means to become a dictator, not only the ordinary people do not worship him, even people within the Communist Party leadership, are not accepting him.  With the political and military purges by Xi Jinping, more and more people want to rebel.  The high level generals in the military have been cleaned.  Fan Changlong, who was in charge of the army, has also been detained and investigated recently.


5. Regarding the global deterioration of the indicators of democracy and freedom over the past decade and the global negative impact of China and Russia, Huang pointed out that it is directly related to allowing China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2000.  Although China has developed economically, it has become more authoritarian and closed politically meanwhile.  During the past more than one decade, the economic strength China has gained has enabled the CCP to use its money to negatively influence world politics and directly oppose democracy and freedom, including eroding and damaging the current democratic and free countries.  This is why many countries' freedom and democratization indices have declined.  Huang Ciping mentioned that as early as 2000 during the debate as to whether China should be accepted into the World Trade Organization, she, with Mr. Wei Jingsheng and others, strongly opposed it because they saw the consequences of today.


6. Huang Ciping pointed out that there is no human rights protection for ethnic minorities such as Tibetans and Uyghur in China.  Recently, Joshua Wong and others in Hong Kong were convicted and sentenced for the "Umbrella Movement".  This shows that Hong Kong has not only reduced its degree of freedom but also lost its well-reputed rule of law.  It also shows that the so-called "one country, two systems" has existed in name only.  Huang Ciping recalled her dispute with a reporter from the Xinhua News Agency about the return of Hong Kong to China 20 years ago.  He believed that the legal system in Hong Kong would help bring a sound legal system in mainland China.  But Huang believes that under the one-party tyranny of the Communist Party, Hong Kong will lose its existing rule of law.


7. Huang Ciping pointed out that the so-called "patriotic sentiment" of the Chinese people is actually caused by the very deliberate guidance and propaganda made by the CCP.


8. Regarding the performance of Kim Jong-un's song and dance troupe during the Winter Olympics in South Korea, Huang Ciping believes that this "friendly gesture" is in an effort to cover up people's concerns about North Korea's nuclear threat.  This trick is what Kim Jong-un learned from the Communist Party in "West Korea" but will not work.


9. Huang Ciping reminded Chinese people and CCP leaders not to forget that North Korea's nuclear warheads are now also targeted at China.  They say: "Japan is a 100-year-old enemy and China is a rival of 1,000 years."  Huang Ciping, who did nuclear physics research at Institute of Atomic Energy in China, pointed out that the CCP is responsible for the nuclear proliferation that has not only reached Pakistan, but also includes North Korea, Iran and other countries.  Now it is the CCP's own bitter fruit.  Therefore, Chinese leaders should stand together with the United States to resolve the nuclear threat by North Korea as soon as possible.



This video interview comes from the Radio Free Asia website:



Video of this program could be viewed at:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1078-W715



Release Date: January 21, 2018



Topic: Huang Ciping Invited to Attend RFA's China Live Program: China Is "Not Free," Will the Constitution in China Named after "Xi Jinping"? (Radio Free Asia)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)











2018年1月19日,魏京生基金会执行主任黄慈萍,中国旅美政论作家高新作为嘉宾参加了由自由亚洲电台何平主持的中国热评节目 :中国"不自由",宪法也姓"习"啦?上万观众观看了这次节目。






1. 最近的中共19届2中全会,再次证明中国是在一党专政的统治之下。在即将召开人大与政协会议之前,中共先召开会议给两会定下调子,甚至是给出“修宪”的要求。在已有的“坚持四项基本原则”,“坚持党的领导”上,现在又多了一个“习思想”;而“习独裁”与过去中共的“集体领导制”相比,是又一个退步。


2. 从最近的一系列情况看,文革又回到了中国。尽管习近平远没有毛泽东甚至是邓小平当年的威信,但他有与他们一样的野心。现在中国的宪法又被绑架来使习近平正式成为中国的独裁者。这是第二次文革的正式开始。这个情况与“自由之家”刚发布的有关中国的自由年度报告是吻合的。中国这几年对人权打压的具体案例也是与这个自由年度报告相吻合的。


3. 有关是否还立国家主席的讨论,黄慈萍认为习近平最在乎的是权力,而非所谓的名义。事实上,当年身为中国国家主席的刘少奇被迫害致死,也说明一旦失去权力,就是有国家主席的名义都自身难保。


4. 尽管习近平有意进行第二次文革,做新时代的毛泽东,但他远没有当年毛的威望与人气。在他意为独裁者的今天,不仅一般老百姓并不崇拜他,而且党内领导层甚至政治局中的人都不服他。随着习近平在政界、军界的整肃,越来越多的人有叛意。军内的上将都遭到了清洗。最近军队里掌实权的范长龙也被审查。


5. 有关这十几年全球的民主自由指标逐年恶化,并受到中国和俄罗斯在全球的负面影响,黄慈萍指出这是和2000年容许中国加入世界贸易组织直接相关的。因为中国经济上虽然发展了,但政治上却变得更加独裁和封闭。但它这十几年所得的经济实力,却使得中共得以用金钱对世界政治进行负面影响,直接与民主自由对抗,包括腐蚀和破坏目前的民主自由国家。这也是为什么许多国家的民主自由指数都下降的原因。黄慈萍提到,早在2000年讨论中国是否应该加入世界贸易组织时,她与魏京生先生等一起极力反对,就是因为看到了今天这一后果。


6. 黄慈萍指出在中国境内的少数民族如藏人和维吾尔人没有什么人权保障。而最近香港黄之锋等人被判刑更说明香港不仅自由度减少了,且其著名的法治也已不再。这也说明所谓“一国两制”已名存实亡。黄慈萍回顾当年香港回归时与一名支持回归的新华社记者的争论。他认为香港的法制将带动大陆的法制健全,而黄慈萍认为在共产党的一党专制下,香港将失去其已有的法治。


7. 黄慈萍指出中国民众所谓的“爱国情绪”其实是中共非常蓄意的引导和宣传所造成的。


8. 有关此次在韩国举办冬季奥运会期间,金正恩送歌舞团表演,以此“友好”希望能掩盖人们对朝鲜核威胁的担忧,黄慈萍认为这是徒劳的,骗不了人。而这伎俩是金正恩从西朝鲜的中共学来的。


9. 黄慈萍提醒中国的老百姓及中共领导人不要忘记朝鲜的核弹头现在也对准在中国。他们说了:“日本是100年的敌人,而中国是1000的宿敌。”曾在中国的原子能研究院做核物理研究的黄慈萍指出这一点中共是有责任的,因为其核扩散不仅仅到了巴基斯坦,也包括朝鲜、伊朗等国。现在是自食其果。所以中国的领导人更应该与美国站在一起,尽快解决朝鲜的核威胁问题。















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