Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1096-W733



Release Date: March 31, 2018



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Invited to Attend Radio Free Asia's China Live Program: "What End Will Wu Xiaohui Have?  Are China and North Korea in Resurgence or Jackals from the Same Lair?"

标题:魏京生参加自由亚洲电台中国热评节目:吴小晖会有怎样的结局? 中朝"旧情复燃"还是一丘之貉?(自由亚洲电台)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Invited to Attend Radio Free Asia's China Live Program: "What End Will Wu Xiaohui Have?  Are China and North Korea in Resurgence or Jackals from the Same Lair?" 



On March 30, 2018, Wei Jingsheng was invited to participate in a discussion in the China Live program hosted by Radio Free Asia's He Ping.  The main subjects of the program were: "What end will Wu Xiaohui have?" and "Are China and North Korea in resurgence or jackals from the same lair?"  Other guests who participated in the program included Mr. Liu Ping, the Special Correspondent of the Mirror Group in Washington DC and a columnist of China Times; and Mr. Wu Zuolai, a Chinese political commentator living in the USA.  The following is a brief introduction by Radio Free Asia at the beginning of the program.


This week, Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, went to Beijing to report his duties.  Although the Chinese officials called it an "informal visit," it still brought a big response from Beijing.  Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping affectionately called Kim his "comrade" and the visit "a visit of the relatives."  This description brought a color of brotherhood to the Chinese-North Korean relationship, which had fallen to the freezing point.  Along with the great changes that may occur on the Korean Peninsula, China has resorted to military exercises that "exceed the standard" in the South China Sea.  In the face of the challenges of hot issues such as US-China trade, Taiwan and the South China Sea, what is the meaning of Xi Jinping's call of "special timing and important significance"?  Although the dictatorship of Xi Jinping has yet to gain a firm footing, what do the felony accusations against the Anbang Group's Wu Xiaohui, who was a grandson-in-law of Deng Xiaoping, transmit as a chilling signal to the Chinese community?



This video interview is located at the RFA website:



Youtube video could be viewed at:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1096-W733



Release Date: March 31, 2018



Topic: Wei Jingsheng Invited to Attend Radio Free Asia's China Live Program: "What End Will Wu Xiaohui Have?  Are China and North Korea in Resurgence or Jackals from the Same Lair?"

标题:魏京生参加自由亚洲电台中国热评节目:吴小晖会有怎样的结局? 中朝"旧情复燃"还是一丘之貉?(自由亚洲电台)


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)








魏京生参加自由亚洲电台中国热评节目:吴小晖会有怎样的结局? 中朝"旧情复燃"还是一丘之貉?



2018年3月30日,魏京生先生参加自由亚洲电台何平主持的中国热评节目:"吴小晖会有怎样的结局? 中朝"旧情复燃"还是一丘之貉?"同时参加评论的嘉宾还有明镜集团华盛顿特派员、中国时报专栏作家刘屏先生,及旅美中国时政评论人士吴祚来先生。以下为自由亚洲电台的片头介绍。

















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