Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1117-W749



Release Date: June 17, 2018



Topic: Strikes by Workers Are Their Rights, as Well as Their Needs -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:罢工是权利也是需要 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Strikes by Workers Are Their Rights, as Well as Their Needs

-- Wei Jingsheng



Recently, people's eyeballs may have been more attracted by the meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) Summit 2018, instead of major issues in China, i.e. the cross-provincial truck drivers' strikes and the exposure of Foxconn's exploitation of the workers by international agencies.  These issues are more relevant to the Chinese people.


Whether at home or abroad, the public opinion on the right opposes or even demonizes the workers who strike.  They think that these workers have undermined economic growth and are a disease of society.  These sayings fit a saying in China: "a man who eats enough does not know the hunger of a man in starvation".  If you have to work day and night, yet cannot earn enough money to support your family, surely you will sympathize with the strikers.  This is the difference between classes.


Why do western capitalists love the tyranny of the Communist Party in China so much?  Even some tyrants in the third world are supported and helped by Western capitalists.  It is because only under the tyranny will there be workers who are most tame yet with the lowest wages.  With these conditions that are impossible in the West, capitalism will gain the maximum profit.


Why do Westerners not engage in an autocratic tyranny in their own countries?  Jewish people in World War II had the most painful lessons.  Excessive profits have resulted in an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor, as well as an increase in differentiation between social classes.  Or, as in the two world wars, social conflicts turned into foreign wars; or as in ancient China, insurrection swarmed with chaos all over the country, until the change of a dynasty.


After World War II, various democratic countries changed their policies and relaxed restrictions on workers' movements.  This relaxation allows workers to gather and fight for higher wages, thus fully share in the fruits of social progress and economic development.  On the surface, there are various theories and arguments, but the essence is the implementation of socialism in various degrees.  This restricts the expansion of the gap between the rich and the poor, narrows down or even eliminates the class differentiation, which makes the society more harmonious, and promotes the stable development of a society in all aspects.


As a result, it not only limits the expansion of the gap between rich and poor, but also expands the domestic market synchronously and steadily along with the economic development.  This is a very important condition for normal economic development.  Only a few small countries such as Switzerland can rely on exports and finance to develop their economies.  Big countries like China and the United States must rely on a strong domestic market for stable and reliable economic development.


Americans naively envisaged that they may expand their free trade to more countries, thus to achieve even higher efficiency from the divisions of international resources and advantages.  This is the origin of trade liberalism.  In practice, after the World War II, it did help some allies quickly restore their economies.  Under the premise that everyone would comply with a common legal system there was no major problem.


With large countries where the rule of law was not followed, such as China, this free trade has undergone fundamental changes and has had serious consequences.  China uses the rules of free trade to dump cheap goods, meanwhile implements protectionism in the other direction.  It uses other people's market to develop its own economy while not giving others the same opportunity to use its own market.  When using unfair trade to develop the economy in a manner similar to theft, the result is that although money was made with profit, there is no simultaneous development of the technology and management, while the gap between the rich and the poor grows rapidly, and social turmoil intensifies.


Western countries on the loser side cannot always tolerate this predatory type of unfair trade.  The Chinese society cannot always tolerate this kind of development of predation against laborers.  To achieve balanced and stable development, we must first establish a fair distribution of social wealth.  Strikes and labor union movements are successful ways to achieve this result.


Selfishness is human nature.  And it is impossible for capitalists to take the initiative to raise wages and abandon their excess profits.  The government can only adjust the income of various classes roughly.  It is impossible and unnecessary to control all the details between the labor and capital.  In labor relations, there is a need to introduce market laws automatically adjusted by the employers and the employees.  Among these, there are series of measures such as organizing labor unions and strikes, which have become an important tool for maintaining social fairness and political stability.  So the strikes by the Chinese workers are their rights, as well as their need.



Original link of this RFA commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on June 12, 2018.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1117-W749



Release Date: June 17, 2018



Topic: Strikes by Workers Are Their Rights, as Well as Their Needs -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:罢工是权利也是需要 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生





































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