Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1121-W753



Release Date: July 1, 2018



Topic: Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness” -- A calligraphy by Zhu Yufu (written in prison)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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A Selected Work of "Wandering and Singing for Freedom - Chinese Literature and Art from Exile & Prisons Series" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation


Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness”

-- A calligraphy by Zhu Yufu (written in prison)



Notes by Huang Ciping, the Editor:


Zhejiang, the province of my ancestors, a family of intellectuals for more than 700 years, has beautiful scenery and outstanding people.  Despite it being a land of prosperity, its superior living conditions have not weakened the people's will and upward spirit.  The talented scholars in Zhejiang are outstanding representatives of Chinese civilization, including many members of the Chinese Democratic Party in Zhejiang.  On June 25, 1998, Wang Youcai, Wang Donghai and Lin Hui publicly applied for registration with the Zhejiang Provincial Civil Affairs Department to establish a Chinese Democracy Party in an effort to break through the Communist regime's ban to build political opposition parties in China.  That was the first attempt to organize an opposition party openly and legally in Mainland China.  For twenty years now, they have not been afraid of oppression and persist in their ideas, carrying the touch of freedom and democracy with unyielding bravery.


In 1990, I participated in the organization of the first Chinese opposition party overseas and was elected a member of the Central Committee and was the only female there.  Ever since then, I have always believed that the establishment of a political opposition party is the premise condition for confronting the Chinese Communist Party and eventually realizing a democratic political system in China.  For this action, I paid a heavy personal and family price; thus I fully understand the hardships and pains of such price.  Exactly for this reason, I truly admire the courage and sacrifice of the fellow members of the Chinese Democratic Party inside of China, who are in an even more difficult environment.  On this day of the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, we introduce Mr. Zhu Yufu, an outstanding member of the Chinese Democracy Party who persists in his democracy ideals and unremitting effort despite being in prison for many years.  Here we display his calligraphy works while he was in prison: Wen Tianxiang’s "Song of Righteousness”.


Song of Righteousness" was written by Wen Tianxiang in prison in 1282 AD. Wen Tianxiang was the champion during the national exam to select intellectuals when he was only 21 years old.  He was proficient in astronomy and geography.  He was also an excellent go player and a poet.  His outstanding calligraphy was strong yet elegant.  He became a prime minister of the country.  His ability was even appreciated by his enemies.  Faced with the infringement of the powerful Mongolian army, Wen Tianxiang donated all the wealth of his family in exchange for military expenses.  He organized an army to resist the aggression that was dominated by peasants and supplemented by intellectuals.  However, in 1278, Wen Tianxiang was captured, while separated from his family when the country was invaded.  His enemy used various means to persuade and to conquer him.  The Marshal of the Yuan army asked Wen Tianxiang to write a letter to persuade other resistance forces to surrender; he categorically refused.  On January 9, 1283, tens of thousands of people gathered on sides of the streets to witness the courage of the execution of Wen Tianxiang.  Before the execution, the supervisor said: "Prime Minister, what do you have to say, so we could report to the superior and have you exempted from death?"  But Wen Tianxiang refused to say anything and calmly met his death.  What Wen Tianxiang passed on to future generations was not only his excellent ability in writing and military strategy, but also his noble and unyielding character.  He is the highest-ranking Chinese literati who had the worst ending.  He is an example that modern Chinese intellectuals should learn from.


Mr. Zhu Yufu wrote this calligraphy of Wen Tianxiang's prison poem "Song of Righteousness" in prison.  There is a span of more than 700 years between the "Song of Righteousness" written by Wen Tianxiang and this calligraphy of the Song by Zhu Yufu, yet the courage for righteousness and the unyielding spirit are the same.

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About the calligrapher Zhu Yufu in this release:


Zhu Yufu (Alias: Jin Jiang), pen-named as "the silly oldman", was born on February 13, 1953.  He is a native of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, and one of the founders of the Chinese Democratic Party in 1998.


In June 1971, Mr. Zhu Yufu graduated from the Chinese Department of Hangzhou Normal College and was assigned to work at the Hangzhou Botanical Garden.  He taught himself art and was a disciple of the famous calligrapher Mr. Sha Menghai.  He was good at oil painting and sculpture at his youth.  He participated in drawings for the book "Selection of Urban Greening Tree Species" and participated in the sculpture work of the West Lake Scenic Area in Hangzhou City.


At the end of 1978, Zhu Yufu joined the Hangzhou Democracy Wall Movement as one of the initiators.  In 1979, he established and was elected to take charge of the "May 4th" monthly magazine, which was the main private journal of Hangzhou at that time.  After that, he was summoned before and his home searched by the Communist authorities many times.  In 1989, Zhu Xifu was summoned again for his support of the student movement.  In June 1998, he actively participated in the preparations of the Chinese Democratic Party.  He was detained on June 19, 1999 and officially arrested on September 15, 1999.  He was sentenced to seven years in prison and deprived of political rights for three years in the name of "subversion of the state power".


On May 18, 2007, Zhu Yufu was arrested again.  On July 10, the Shangcheng District Court of Hangzhou City sentenced him to two years in prison for "public service nuisance".  On March 5, 2011, Zhu Xifu was arrested for publicly supporting the Jasmine Revolution in China.  On April 11, he was charged with "subverting state power".  On February 10, 2012, the Hangzhou Intermediate Court sentenced Zhu Xifu to 7 years in prison and 3 years deprivation of political rights for “inciting subversion of state power”.  During the last seven years of his time in jail, the prison officials strictly forbade him from leaving the prison cell.  After confrontations, they finally allowed him to practice calligraphy in his prison cell.


The picture of Zhu Yufu:



To view the calligraphy of Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness" by Zhu Yufu, please visit:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1121-W753



Release Date: July 1, 2018



Topic: Wen Tianxiang's "Song of Righteousness” -- A calligraphy by Zhu Yufu (written in prison)



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



Note: Please use "Simplified Chinese (GB2312)" encoding to view the Chinese parts of this release.  If this mail does not display properly in your email program, please send your request for special delivery to us or visit:







"为自由而浪迹天涯 -- 中国流亡及牢狱文学与艺术系列"作品选










【正气歌 】是文天祥在狱中所作。文天祥年仅21岁就考取了状元。他精通天文地理,还是一个优秀的棋手和诗人。他书法出众,官拜丞相。他的能力甚至为他的敌人所欣赏。面临强大的蒙古军队的侵犯,他捐出全部家财作军费,组织了一支以农民为主、知识分子为辅的军队抗御侵略。然而,1278年,国破家亡且妻离子散的文天祥还是被俘了。敌人采用各种软硬兼施的手段想征服他,元军的元帅要求被囚中文天祥给其它的抵抗部队写招降书,被文天祥断然拒绝。1283年1月9日,上万人聚集街道两旁,见证了文天祥的英勇无畏。行刑前,监斩官问:"丞相有什么话要说?回奏尚可免死。"文天祥却不再说话,从容就义。文天祥传给后人的不仅仅是他能文能武的优秀才能,更是他威武不屈的高尚品格。他是中国文人中学位最高却结局最为惨烈之人。他更是现代中国知识分子应当学习的榜样。



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2007年5月18日,朱虞夫再次被捕。7月10日,杭州市上城区法院以妨害公务罪判处他有期徒刑二年。2011年3月5日,朱虞夫因公開支持中國茉莉花革命又被捕,4月11日被控颠覆国家政权罪。 2012年2月10日,杭州中级法院以“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”判处朱虞夫有期徒刑7年,剥夺政治权利3年。最后一次七年的服刑期间,监狱严禁朱虞夫走出监室,经过抗争后狱方终于允许他在监室练字。





























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