Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1170-W799



Release Date: December 23, 2018



Topic: Chen Xiaoping of the MingJing News, Interviews Wei Jingsheng: The Emergence and Disappearance of the Democracy Wall



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Chen Xiaoping of the MingJing News, Interviews Wei Jingsheng: The Emergence and Disappearance of the Democracy Wall -- What Was Its Relationship with the CCP's Internal Struggle?



At 11am on December 17, 2018 (12:00 am on December 18, Beijing time), Chen Xiaoping, the host of the MingJing News, invited Wei Jingsheng, as the main participant of the Democracy Wall, to talk about the Democracy Wall 40 years ago.  The main issues discussed in the one-hour TV show were:

1. How did the Democracy Wall emerge?

2. How did the Democracy Wall disappear?

3. Who were the main players in the Democracy Wall?

4. What was the fate of the Democracy Wall participants?

5. How to summarize of the Democracy Wall 40 years later?


The YouTube link to this TV show is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xurxg_DNbgc

which has received more than 22,200 hits and many praises.  Here are a few highlights from the discussion:


02:50 The appearance of the Xidan Democracy Wall is related to petitioning.  Deng Xiaoping used the Democracy Wall to defeat Hua Guofeng.  Wei Jingsheng later published a big character poster appealing for the "Fifth Modernization -- Democracy" and was arrested.  The Democracy Wall prompted the formation of Deng Xiaoping's opposition within the Communist Party.


15:00 At the beginning, Hu Yaobang and Chen Yun opposed the execution of Wei Jingsheng.  Many people within the Communist Party realized they should not let Deng Xiaoping become a one person dictatorship.  In the end, Wei Jingsheng was only sentenced to 15 years.  When Wei Jingsheng was detained by the plainclothes police, he asked the young people nearby to report the arrest at the Democracy Wall.


24:15 At that time, Hu Ping, Wang Juntao, and others created many journals, such as Beijing Spring, etc.  These people participated at the Democracy Wall earlier than Wei Jingsheng.  The Democracy Wall was the punching bag for ordinary people to get relief.


32:47 There was no discussion within the participants of the Democracy Wall about the nature of the Democracy Wall.  Participants in the joint meeting of the Democracy Wall did not reach an agreement.  At that time, there were also many people who opposed Wei Jingsheng's participation in the Democracy Wall and cut ties with him.


42:00 The impact of discussions on the Democracy Wall had created new Democracy Walls around the world.  The Formosa Incident in Taiwan learnt from the Democracy Wall in Beijing.  Sun Yat-sen lead China to a democratic society, and the Democracy Wall has brought China back to democracy.  The 1989 democracy movement in China revealed that the reformists within the Communist leadership were not very reliable, and democratization in China still relies on the power from the Chinese civilians.


The following are the top 24 comments reacted to the interview:


1: Lao Wei, the old predecessor of the Chinese democracy movement, I wish you good health!


2: When I was young, I knew that Wei Jingsheng was a hero.  Today, I respect Mr. Wei even more! ! !


3: The Xidan Democracy Wall opened my mind.  I was thinking about why such "a great party and such great leaders" could turn China into the edge of economic collapse?  We need a multi-party system with restriction of each other to assure that our country and people would not suffer such a great disaster!


4: I want to pay tribute to Old Wei and Juntao -- the pioneers of modern Chinese democracy! ! !


5: The Cultural Revolution had the internal fights within the Communist leadership in the open, but now it is through brutal means including assassination!


6: Very good interview.


7: Thank you Xiaoping!  To let Lao Wei and us recall that era of passion and encouragement...


8: Old Wei, no matter what others say, we always support you!


9: We cannot forget the past!  We need all the Chinese to strive for a democratic, free and legal system.


10: Old Wei, the old predecessor of the Chinese democracy movement, I wish you good health!


11: Old Wei has a vision in his thought, it seems that Old Wei wants to hand over the task to brother Juntao!


12: I listened twice and I had different reactions ~ Thank you Mr. Wei for your dedication.  It's great to have you!


13: Old Wei should not have regrets in his life, after these brilliant years, he lived a life really worth it!


14: I finally learnt a lot of truths, thank you very much and admire Mr. Wei's dedication and contribution.


15: A Chinese democracy warrior.


16: Wei Jingsheng is old and strong, and should be able to go for thousands miles!


17: Mr. Wei is a gem of Chinese democracy.  I hope he could give a systematic summary both theoretically and practically, and to contribute to democracy to humans, especially to the more than one billion Chinese.  When the Chinese democratic process turns into a hurricane, it would not only be the sorrow of the Chinese people, but also the sorrow of mankind.


18: At45:50, what Old Wei said was right, which is the United States helped the abuses in China!


19: The old gentleman is really easy to understand.  He really knows more than many experts


20: Greetings to Mr. Wei.  You must take care of your health!


21: The most unforgivable thing Hua Guofeng did was to build the Memorial Hall of Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square.


22: Lao Wei is a well-deserved contemporary Chinese national hero!


23: He was very handsome when he was young.


24: This interview of Old Wei is very good, especially in the last 10 minutes, every sentence hits right.



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1170-W799



Release Date: December 23, 2018



Topic: Chen Xiaoping of the MingJing News, Interviews Wei Jingsheng: The Emergence and Disappearance of the Democracy Wall



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)












1. 民主墙是如何出现的?

2. 民主墙是如何消失的?

3. 民主墙的主要参与者是谁?

4. 民主墙参与者的命运。

5. 40年后看民主墙的总结。







02:50 西单民主墙的出现是与上访有关,邓小平利用民主墙打倒了华国锋。魏京生后来在上面发表大字报要求第五个"现代化",然后因此被捕。民主墙促使党内形成了邓小平的反对派。


15:00 当初胡耀邦和陈云反对将魏京生处死,党内也有很多人意识到不能让邓小平一个人说的算。最后只判了15年,当初被便衣警察抓的时候魏让旁边的年轻人去民主墙报案。


24:15 当初胡平,王军涛等人创建了许多期刊,例如北京之春等。这些人比魏京生进入民主墙的时间都要早。民主墙就是普通百姓的出气筒。


32:47 民主墙的参与者内部并没有关于民主墙其本质的讨论。民主墙的联席会议的参会者也没有达成一致,当时也有很多人反对魏京生加入民主墙活动并与他做切割。


42:00 海外讨论民主墙的影响让世界各地都涌现了新的民主墙。台湾的美丽岛运动就是学习的民主墙。孙中山将中国引向民主社会,民主墙又让中国重新走向民主。89年之后中共内部的改革派不是很可靠,民主化还是要靠民间力量。






































18:45:50 老魏这句话说的太对了,就是美国在助纣为虐!



















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