Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1192-W819



Release Date: February 23, 2019



Topic: The Future Direction of Sino-US Relations (part 3) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:今后中美关系的走向(之三) -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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The Future Direction of Sino-US Relations (Part 3)

-- Wei Jingsheng



Some friends asked in amazement, since the United States is in a strong position and China has no chance of winning, what are they talking about endlessly?  Just knock Xi Jinping flat and that would be the end of it, right?  If things in the world were that simple, humans could have stayed in the monkey era.


It's like playing chess, and it looks like there is no hope, but there is always a possibility to make a comeback and turn defeat into victory.  There are precedents for this in Sino-US relations in the past, and now Xi Jinping is embracing this kind of fantasy to allow the scapegoat Liu He to negotiate endlessly.  He himself can pretend to be a hero in front of the Chinese people, and the double dealer can play to his own strength.


What is Xi Jinping's hope?  One is Trump's lack of political experience, as we have said before, and like the criticism of Ambassador J. Stapleton Roy: one should not deal with national affairs through personal feelings.  President Trump has not dealt with politics in the past, and running a company where he alone has the final say is completely different from the habits of running a country, where he might not have the final say.


His style of unpredictability may make him a good businessman.  But as a politician, it makes him seem untrustworthy.  Your friends don't know how to coordinate with you; your enemy can easily believe that your stupidity can be used.  Xi Jinping neither makes concessions nor retreats, just hopes that the endless negotiations will provide a good opportunity to trick Trump into personally bypassing the negotiators.


Aside from the unpredictable behavior, I believe the CCP also sees the deeper weakness of President Trump.  This may be a weakness that the media and observers rarely see, which is that he wants to make a good name in history.  As a successful businessman, he was able to turn himself into a celebrity in the media.  That he dared to venture out to be elected president has shown that he wanted more, that he wanted to make a good name for himself at a higher level in history.


This is not a bad thing in itself.  This was the deep motive of many great politicians who dared to be great.  However, considering Trump's limited term in office, Xi Jinping can be far more troublesome, by simply adopting delaying tactics.  In the end, the one bringing down Xi Jinping may not be Trump himself, but his successor, who might pick it up cheap.  This is hard to bear for the ambitious president.  So what to do?


Just when you want to sleep, someone conveniently sends you a pillow.  If one cannot be the greatest, then at least one can surpass his predecessor, President Obama.  Hence the plan to nominate President Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize was induced.  Obama won the award for doing nothing, and it made all the people in the world feel funny.  There's no need to guess that the awards committee members would butter up a great power.  For a president who considers himself the great, taking this prize should not be that difficult. 


Actually, that's not the case.  China is also a great power, and has many businesses with that small Nordic country which are at risk being cancelled by China at any time.  And what is the excuse of this plan to get a Peace Prize?  Of course, it is to resolve North Korea's nuclear weapons.  Who can really control the attitude of Kim Jong-un?  Of course, it is again China.


This is why President Trump must take the negotiating power, still not necessarily the deciding power into his own hands.  The venue for the negotiation could be either in China or at Trump's own estate.  This will ensure that the core content of the negotiations will not be disclosed to the media.  And it will guarantee the achievement of two goals, to win this award for this great President and at least to become a President greater than Obama.


When you add it up, there are not really many American presidents who have won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Because in the past judges did not want to be suspected, but now they are not afraid, as the opportunity is rare.  Xi Jinping's men are also smart enough to be able to grasp a good opportunity with a single move to defeat this American president who is ambitious and not so talented.


Then what?  Many friends are eager to know the aftermath.  Then Xi Jinping would have succeeded in dragging on this chess game in which he was already losing, and he would then have a comeback.  Xi Jinping's other moves would include tearing up all the previous agreements, and leaking the content of the secret negotiations to the media, thereby destroying the reputation of both President Trump, and the institutes of democracy.   Xi would have defeated Trump, as well as broken the confidence of the Chinese people in democracy.  One stone, two birds.


It should be acknowledged that using the Nobel Peace Prize to make a comeback in the game is indeed a good move.  And looking at the democratic mechanism in the United States, is there a masterstroke to turn this around?



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on February 20, 2019.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1192-W819



Release Date: February 23, 2019



Topic: The Future Direction of Sino-US Relations (part 3) -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:今后中美关系的走向(之三) -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生






































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