Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1209-W832



Release Date: May 18, 2019



Topic: Dr. Chen Xiaoping of Mingjing TV Interviews Huang Ciping, Who Went to Germany Due to the Death of Zhang Jian



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Dr. Chen Xiaoping of Mingjing TV Interviews Huang Ciping, Who Went to Germany Due to the Death of Zhang Jian



On May 14th, 2019, Dr. Chen Xiaoping of Mingjing TV interviewed Ms. Huang Ciping, who had just returned from a special trip to Germany due to the bizarre death of Mr. Zhang Jian of France.  After the program was aired on May 15th, there were nearly 30,000 views and more than 400 praises, as well as over one hundred of comments in just over two days.  The following are the relevant program content and the top 24 reviews.


Interview link:


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Mingjing TV: Rule of Law and Society

Huang Ciping & Chen Xiaoping: A Reversal of the Reason of Zhang Jian's Death that Turned Into an Investigation, with the German Police Talking about a Criminal Investigation Including Radioactive Materials (20190514, No. 139)


In this program, Mr. Chen Xiaoping (@MJTVxchen15) interviewed Ms. Huang Ciping (@Huang_ciping).  The two discussed the aftermath of Mr. Zhang Jian's death and why the pro-democracy people would suddenly developed liver disease.  Is it due to biological and chemical weapons from the Communist regime?


02:05: It is not surprising that Zhang Jian died.  His initial disappearance was very suspicious.  He was not allowed to board the plane by Air France in Thailand.  Later, after a transfer in Oman, he was sent to the hospital after the airplane was diverted to Munich due to his illness.  Huang Ciping talked about the experiences of meetings and chats with him.  Wei Jingsheng and Zhang Jian may have had the illness, but other Wei Jingsheng's friends also died suddenly and bizarrely because of liver disease.  Huang Ciping is very curious why so many democracy activists got this illness of low probability?  Later, according to investigation of the German police, Zhang Jian indeed had a liver abscess, which is very suspicious.  In the past, some relevant departments have warned the democracy activists to guard against the chemical and biological weapons of the Communist regime.


21:30: What kind of disease is liver abscess?  Now we mainly want to know what kind of bacteria is in the liver abscesses?  Why did the Germans diagnose Zhang Jian as having sepsis initially?  After Ms. Huang Ciping went to Munich, Zhang Jian's younger brothers also arrived.  Later, the two sides disagreed on the way to handle Zhang Jian after his death.  Ms. Huang Ciping asked the police to intervene in an effort to understand this death.


34:24: Later, the forensic expert indeed found out that Zhang Jian had a liver abscess, and the current investigation direction turned to the criminal investigation including the possibility of radioactive materials.  Is there any other channel besides the liver abscess to be suspicious of?  Ms. Huang Ciping believes that bacteria may be just one of the means, because there are too many other things that are difficult to be explained now.  What is the relationship between Zhang Jian's death and his trip to Southeast Asia?  Why is there a problem with Zhang's return ticket with Air France?


46:40: The recent warnings against pro-democracy people are getting louder and louder, and their situation is getting more and more dangerous.  Ms. Huang Ciping described the relationship between Zhang Jian and the 1989 Democracy Movement in China.  He is also an active member of the democracy movement.  It is necessary to publicize this matter now.  If you are sick, you must go to the doctors.  Ms. Huang Ciping said that she is concerned for people around her when thinking of the chemical and biological weapons of the Chinese Communist regime.


Extended links:

Zhang Jian, student in the 1989 Democracy Movement in China, suddenly died.  Friends are all saying that they do not believe it:


It is bizarre that Zhang Jian suddenly died; the French government should take necessary action.  After 30 years, what are the consequences of the June 4th Massacre?


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Viewers comments:


1. Friendlyleo 2013:

[Introduction to Huang Ciping] Huang Ciping, female, was born in 1962.  Currently, she is the Secretary-General of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition, and the Executive Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation.  In 1978, she was admitted into university without graduation from high school.  She graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a bachelor's degree in modern physics.  Arriving in the United States in the summer of 1984, she received a master's degree in nonlinear optics at the University of Toledo.  The June 4th massacre in Beijing in 1989 changed her life course.  Since then, she has been actively involved in public life and the Chinese democracy movement in China, treating promoting a democratic and free China as her mission.  Nowadays, she is going all over the world with the opposition leader Wei Jingsheng, on behalf of the Chinese people.  She meets and talks with government officials, celebrities, as well as members of the Congress and parliamentarians.  For more than a decade, she has written many articles on various content in English-based media.  The main topics are about human rights, compassion, and social justice...


Simon Winston:

Ms. Huang is very smart and is the pride of the democracy activists.


Zhao Ming:

The secret act of Chinese secret agents assassinating the people must attract international attention!!  We have to!!  Let us appeal together, again and again!!!


Li wang:

Ms. Huang is very smart and capable.  The most important thing is that she is a person with great conscience.  I pay tribute to her!


Anne wang:

Special thanks to Ms. Huang Ciping!


Shu yuan:

Sister Huang's wisdom and persistence are particularly touching!


Xing wu:

Pay tribute to Ms. Huang and pay tribute to the fighters who have dedicated themselves to the Chinese democracy movement.  Ms. Huang has revealed the assassination truth of the Communist regime.  I am afraid that she is in danger.



Ms. Huang's statement is clear.  Thanks to Ms. Huang's call for the truth after Zhang Jian's death.


Zhao Ming:

Thanks to Ms. Huang Ciping.  Ms. Huang Ciping is a great, responsible and brave woman.  I hope Ms. Huang can put her efforts in the direction of exposing secret assassinations to eliminate democrats, condensing more international justice forces, expose and dig deep, tracking without giving up.  We must expose the most black and evil Marxist communist dictatorship in this world!!!



It's a great comradely affection.  Rest in peace.


Northern guest:

Ms. Huang is not easy.  Take care.


Anne wang:

Thanks to Mingjing.  Thank you Mr. XiaoPing!  May Mr. Zhang Jian rest in peace!


Zhao Ming:

Thanks to Mingjing.  Thank you Ms. Huang, when you find out the truth for Zhang Jian, you also achieved justice for the countless victims who died in China.


Merry Guo:

You revealed shocking truth behind the scene.


Zhao Ming:

Finally found the direction.  Zhang Jian was killed, which was very similar to the poisons we received inside of China.  After violent radiation I had in 2013, I also developed liver abscesses, but they claimed it to be liver cyst.  China has maintained its stability by the Communist Party with secret assassinations, that is, to kill medically with artificial diseases.  I used to think that there were many victims in China.  It turned out that many overseas democrats have also been killed!  Why the reactions are so slow?  Why questions were just asked, with no efforts to find the reason?  Thanks to Ms. Huang.  After all, a woman is more careful and detailed.


Zhao Ming:

Ms. Huang Ciping, continue to work harder!!  The righteous forces of the world can no longer keep silence of this kind of crime!  Let's start by uncovering the killing of Zhang Jian!!  With your efforts, there will surely be an investigation by the international forces of justice and integrity!!!


Zhao Ming:

Such crimes must be sanctioned against.  They must be judged internationally, of what organization and what equipment, who is the master.  We know it in our hearts, but we have to prove to the world, or provide reasoning clues... like Falun Gong practitioners whose organs were harvested yet unable to tell, which made it extremely difficult to fight against crimes against humanity.  Zhang Jian's body was finally kept to be investigated.  It was God who chose Ms. Huang Ciping.  We must get the truth, even if it is the way to analyse that leads to the truth!!!


Wen He:

Invisible killer, Liu Xiaobo's liver cancer???


Zhao Ming

Even if we tried our best without the harvest, it is still an excellent start.  The death of Zhang Jian is a big mystery.  The answer to this mystery was well known, but it was only a matter of time to prove.  Everyone has the vigilance and the direction, then the truth is not far from us!!!


Xj deng:

Liu Xiaobo, also died of liver disease.


Wan Haining:

Liu Xiaobo was inside of China, unless someone with a conscience will break the news we may never find out the truth.


Yun miao:

If it is murder, the first motive may be to prevent Zhang Jian from participating in the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the June 4 Massacre, and to intimidate the overseas democrats as the second motive.


Bigbam Water:

Although Mr. Zhang Jian is dead, he is still alive and is immortal!  Both the Chinese Communist Party and the Kuomintang are very good at assassination and murder.  Before the conclusion, we can not rule out of murder and assassination of Zhang Jian.  Rest in peace, Mr. Zhang Jian!


Ms. Lamb:

The host should introduce Ms. Huang to the audience.  Otherwise, the audience is completely unaware of who is this lady who present herself well, with good and clear logic.



This is a message from WeiJingSheng.org


The Wei Jingsheng Foundation and the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition are dedicated to the promotion of human rights and democratization in China.  We appreciate your assistance and help in any means.  We pledge solidarity to all who struggle for human rights and democratic governance on this planet.


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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1209-W832



Release Date: May 18, 2019



Topic: Dr. Chen Xiaoping of Mingjing TV Interviews Huang Ciping, Who Went to Germany Due to the Death of Zhang Jian



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)















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明镜电视:法治与社会 | 黄慈萍 陈小平:张健离世原因追查逆转,德国警方指向放射性物质刑事调查(20190514 第139期)





02:05 张健的离世其实并不奇怪,当初他的失踪就很令人生疑,他在泰国被法航拒绝登机,后来在阿曼转机后在慕尼黑降落后送去医院。黄慈萍讲述了和他见面聊天的经历,魏京生和张健患有的可能是同样的病情,但是也有魏京生的朋友也是因为肝病突然离奇去世。黄慈萍就很好奇为什么发病率这么低病为什么在民运人士中这么高发?后来根据德国警方调查出来张健确实也是肝脓肿,这就很令人可疑。过去许多有关部门警告过民运人士要防备中共的生化武器。


21:30 肝脓肿是一个什么样的病?现在主要需要知道的之肝脓肿的细菌是哪一类。当初德国方面为什么会将张健确诊为败血症?黄慈萍女士去了慕尼黑之后张健的弟弟们也去了,后来双方对张健身后事的处理方式产生了分歧,后来黄慈萍女士请求警察介入以求重视。


34:24 后来法医鉴定张健确实有肝脓肿,现在的调查方向转到了放射性物质的刑事调查。除了肝脓肿意外还有没有其他渠道值得怀疑?黄慈萍女士认为细菌也有可能是手段之一,因为这期间有太多东西难以解释,张健的离世和东南亚之行有什么关系呢?法航的机票为什么出了问题?


46:40 最近针对民运人士的警告程度越来越高,他们的处境也越来越危险。黄慈萍女士讲述了张健和六四的关系,他也是民运中的活跃分子。现在就要将这件事宣传出去,大家有病一定要去看医生。黄慈萍女士表示她认为是中共的生化武器攻击是因为联想到身边人。



#明镜连线 | 六四学生张健突然去世,朋友们都说不相信 https://youtu.be/eTOUttCbIqs


30年后说六四,六四对中国产生什么样后果 https://youtu.be/sdDfhXBIwy4

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friendlyleo 2013 

【黄慈萍简介】 黄慈萍,女,1962年出生。现任中国海外民主运动联席会议秘书长。魏京生基金会执行主任。1978年高中未毕业即跳级报考大学,在中国科学技术大学近代物理系毕业获学士学位。1984年夏抵达美国留学。在托利多大学攻读非线性光学获硕士学位。1989年北京的"六四"屠杀事件,改变了她的生命历程。自此以后,开始积极地介入公众生活和大陆海外民运,以推动中国的民主与自由之进程为己任。如今,她在世界各地奔走,与反对派领袖魏京生一起代表中国民众与各国政府官员,名人及国会与议会议员见面与会谈。近十多年来,她在以英文为主的媒体上写过多篇涉及各种内容的文章,主要论题是有关人权、同情心、社会公正.......


Simon Winston 






li wang 



anne wang 



shu yuan 



xing wu 















anne wang 






Merry Guo 












Wen He 






xj deng 






yun miao 



Bigbam Water 

张健先生虽死犹生, 永垂不朽! 中共与国民党都很擅长暗杀与谋杀, 在结论之前不能排除 张健是被谋杀与暗杀。 张健先生安息吧!










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