Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1232-W850



Release Date: August 10, 2019



Topic: US-China Trade War Has Developed Into a Financial War -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:贸易战发展到金融战 -- 魏京生

Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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US-China Trade War Has Developed Into a Financial War

-- Wei Jingsheng



The biggest international news in the last few days is that the Chinese Communist regime has lowered the exchange rate of its RenMinBi (RMB) to US dollars, in an effort to resist the tariff war of the USA.  While it brags about not being afraid of tariffs imposed by the USA, it has run out of ways to combat it and has guided the US-China trade war into the financial sector.  Just to open the game, it has already shown its cards so calling it that it ran out of ways is not too much.


All parties have analyzed the consequences of this currency exchange rate war from different angles.  This time, even the so-called experts and scholars bought out by the Communist regime rarely say that this method is useful.  The basic reason is that the strengths are not equal, and the results of the contest between the two sides are clear at a glance.  To describe it with the words of the common Chinese is: a waste of effort.


Under normal circumstances, lowering the exchange rate of the currency can promote exports.  The purpose of this idea proposed by the Communist advisors is to increase exports as a way to move against the tariff war from the United States.  The Chinese Communist regime and the American politicians and scholars they have bought out have repeatedly lied that the duty of tariffs are sole burdens to American consumers.  Then why should the Communist regime have to sacrifice its exchange rate to subsidize exports?  This is self-contradictory.


However, it is not entirely unreasonable of these staff and rotten officers of the Communist regime.  For more than a year they have used the means of lowering the exchange rate, which not only offsets the 10% tariff increase from the USA, but also increases the competitiveness of most Chinese goods without tariffs.  This is the reason why the Sino-US trade deficit has not decreased but increased, which really stroked at Trump's policy and reduced the possibility of his re-election next year.


Now a small portion of the tax rate has increased to 25%, and most will soon be levied 10%.  So these Communist advisors calculated and lowered the exchange rate again.  Isn't it possible to repeat the old trick and let President Trump continue to be fooled?  Regrettably, Trump is still learning how to deal with rogues and there is a lot of room to continue to increase the import taxes.  Liars all know that they can't use the same method to deceive the same person.  The skill of these deceitful advisors needs to be improved.


When they can't fool the Americans, the export to other countries will still increase.  But this method of transferring troubles to the others will not work either.  Can other countries tolerate a larger trade deficit?  No one is a fool.  The strategy of using a financial war to protect export will not be successful, and the harm to the Chinese economy is real.  The following are a few analyses from several aspects.


First, the burden of Chinese imports has increased dramatically.  The rise in the price of food and consumer goods directly contributes to inflation, with the Chinese consumers being the biggest victims.  In particular, if the Communist regime does not import agricultural products from the USA due to trade wars, other countries will take the opportunity to raise their prices, and the RenMinBi will depreciate again.  The ordinary people will be burdened with even higher prices.  It is really a bad practice to harm the others while not benefiting oneself.  However, it is the consistent practice of the regime for decades to sacrifice the lives of ordinary Chinese for the political purposes of the Communist Party.


Second, China's economy is no longer self-sufficient.  Production materials and technical services have long been internationalized.  The depreciation of the Chinese currency directly puts a burden on the production sector, thus increasing resistance for technological upgrading and maintenance of production.  This will not only damage the current economy, but also hinders future progress and creates a long-term economic downturn in China.  Another attempt at harming others while not benefiting oneself.


Then there is the problem of finance itself.  The analysis of most international financial experts points out that the rapid depreciation of the local currency will cause capital outflows.  Even Karl Marx knew that capital must always choose the place of most lucrative profit to invest, and must flee from industries and fields where profits are negative.  Putting capital in the depreciating RMB economy means that although the stable is not moving, your horses have run away.  Therefore, capital outflow is a regularity during the depreciation of the currency.


China's debt situation is already very bad, almost the highest in the world.  Both corporate and local governments rely on financial subsidies and support.  Capital flight and cash out by the middle class will result the coming of a financial storm.  It has not happened in the market economy in the way of financial collapse while its economy functions normally.


Is the development trend of Xi Jinping to go back to the planned economy of the original Communism?  Repeating the old road and repeating the old suffering is just around the corner.  Do the Chinese really have no memory?  Can China returns the era of Mao Zedong?  Looking ahead, it may be even worse than the Mao Zedong era.  Even the little benefits for the Chinese of that era will be gone.



Original link of this commentary:



To hear Mr. Wei Jingsheng's related commentary, please visit:



(Written and recorded on August 7, 2019.  Broadcasted by Radio Free Asia.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1232-W850



Release Date: August 10, 2019



Topic: US-China Trade War Has Developed Into a Financial War -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:贸易战发展到金融战 -- 魏京生


Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生







































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