Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1241-W858



Release Date: Sept. 7, 2019



Topic: Wei Jingsheng, Heng He and Li Yuan Participate in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program: What Conspiracies Are Behind Carrie Lam's Withdrawal of the Extradition Bill?  What Will be the Focus of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Congress of the CCP?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng, Heng He and Li Yuan Participate in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program: What Conspiracies Are Behind Carrie Lam's Withdrawal of the Extradition Bill?  What Will be the Focus of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Congress of the CCP?



On September 6, 2019, Mr. Wei Jingsheng, Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and famous Chinese dissident, went to the Radio Free Asia studio to participate in the "China Live" program hosted by Shi Shan: What Conspiracies Are Behind Carrie Lam's Withdrawal of the Extradition Bill?  What Will Be the Focus of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Congress of the CCP?  Also participating in the program were Mr. Li Yuan, a Hong Kong resident who studies for a doctorate in political science at George Washington University in USA, and Heng He, a freelance commentator in the USA.  The following is an introduction by Radio Free Asia.


After nearly three months of confrontation, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam suddenly made four comments on this Wednesday and directly announced that she would formally withdraw the "draft of extradition bill" that triggered the social crisis in Hong Kong this time.  Why did the Hong Kong SAR Government suddenly change its tough stance that has persisted for more than two months?  Is this the opinion of the SAR Government or the intention of the Beijing authorities?  Any conspiracies behind it?  The Fourth Plenary Session of the CCP Central Committee of the its 19th Congress was originally supposed to be held in the second half of last year.  However, it was delayed again and again.  Now, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has officially finalized a mid-October date.  As for China, this is exactly the so-called "troubled autumn".  What issues will be focused on at the highest level of the Chinese Communist Party during this Fourth Plenary Session?  This program is to explore these topics.



This video interview is from the Radio Free Asia website:



Youtube link of the related video:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1241-W858



Release Date: Sept. 7, 2019



Topic: Wei Jingsheng, Heng He and Li Yuan Participate in the Radio Free Asia China Live Program: What Conspiracies Are Behind Carrie Lam's Withdrawal of the Extradition Bill?  What Will be the Focus of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Congress of the CCP?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)













在经历了近三个月的对峙之后,香港特首林郑月娥,本周三突然提出了四条意见,直接宣布将正式撤回引发这次香港社会危机的"引渡条例修订草案"。香港特区政府为什么突然改变了坚持了两个多月的强硬立场?这到底是特区政府的意见,还是北京当局的意思?背后又有哪些猫腻呢? 中共19届四中全会,原本应于去年下半年举行,但会期一拖再拖,中共官方终于敲定于10月中举行。由于对中国来说,现在正逢所谓多事之秋,四中全会中共最高层将会聚焦什么问题?这次节目就是探讨这些话题。














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