Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1246-W863



Release Date: Sept. 30, 2019



Topic: Opening Speech at the "70 Years of Criminal Communist Rule in China" Seminar in the US Congress -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:在美国国会“中共罪恶统治七十年”研讨会上的开幕词 -- 魏京生

Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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Opening Speech at the "70 Years of Criminal Communist Rule in China" Seminar in the US Congress

-- Wei Jingsheng

Monday, September 30, 2019



The criminal acts of the Chinese Communist regime are not only for seventy years, they also include the starvation of tens of millions of people.  These acts are not only persecution of tens of millions of people, but also the suppression of knowledge and culture of several generations of the Chinese.  They have delayed the economic development of China, destroyed the moral system in China, and created the current low-quality and unethical social atmosphere.  Eventually, it will lead to the people of all ethnic groups in China to perish.


The first major crime of the Communist regime is deception.  Many people are dissatisfied with the deception that has spread all over the Chinese society nowadays, saying that out of one billion Chinese, there are 900 million cheating on the others, while another hundred million are in training.  This bad atmosphere is driven by the Communist regime, as a way for the others to follow its way of conduct.


Before the Communist Party took power in China, it concealed its basic principles of autocratic dictatorship; instead, it held up the banner of democracy, freedom, and human rights, to defraud a large number of enthusiastic young people to join its ranks.  Then these people helped the Communist Party to deceive the Chinese people and finally seize political power.


So where are the lands the Communist Party promised the poor peasants at the beginning?  They were taken back to be state owned.  What kind of private owned industry and trade did the Communist Party promise?  These industries were also taken back to be state owned.  What about the democracy, human rights and freedom that it promised?  It was also returned into the hands of the Communist regime.  What about the People's Republic that they promised?  That was also returned into the hands of the Communist Party.  Everything is owned by this one-party dictatorship.  The people became slaves to this state owned by the Communist Party.


The second major crime of the Communist regime was looting.  In the 1950s after the regime was stabilized, the Communist Party plundered people's property and used it for its vein of so-called socialism, thus starving tens of millions of Chinese to death.


Even with such an outcome, the Communist regime still would not turn around, insensitive to the life and death of the Chinese people.  It continued its trial of sins by using the means of class struggle to incite some people to fight against other people.  The scale far exceeded the criminal extent of the Nazis, and trapped the Chinese people in suffering while the Communist regime did not care.


Under the resistance of the people, the Communist regime had to admit its defeat.  Yet it shirked responsibility to the dead and its political opponents.  Further, it has begun a new experiment, combining its one-party dictatorship with capitalism to create the so-called Chinese model.  This has created the cheapest labor force for capitalists in various countries and formed a major alliance of the capitalists around the world.  It has effectively suppressed the wave of democratization in China and is even eroding the world trend of freedom and democracy.


The sins of the Chinese Communist regime are hard to be completely listed.  The danger the regime poses to the world is becoming more and more obvious.  From the political, economic, military and cultural aspects, it is reversing the history of all mankind.  Now the world is a bit awake, but still sleepy.  Our responsibility is not only to fight for the future of the Chinese people.  This struggle is integrally related to the future of democracy and freedom for mankind.


Dear comrades, let us continue to work hard, let us throw this sinful regime into the garbage of history.



Related photo:

Wei Jingsheng delivers his opening Speech at the "70 Years of Criminal Communist Rule in China" seminar in the US Congress:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1246-W863



Release Date: Sept. 30, 2019



Topic: Opening Speech at the "70 Years of Criminal Communist Rule in China" Seminar in the US Congress -- Wei Jingsheng

标题:在美国国会“中共罪恶统治七十年”研讨会上的开幕词 -- 魏京生

Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)









-- 魏京生
































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