Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1250-W866



Release Date: October 6, 2019



Topic: Exclusive Live Interview of HUANG Ciping by Dr. CHEN Xiaoping of MingJing TV: The United States Blocked 260 Chinese Enterprises: What Are the Consequences of the Cold War in Science and Technology?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Exclusive Live Interview of HUANG Ciping by Dr. CHEN Xiaoping of MingJing TV: The United States Blocked 260 Chinese Enterprises: What Are the Consequences of the Cold War in Science and Technology?



On October 3, 2019, Dr. CHEN Xiaoping of MingJing TV, had an exclusive interview of Huang Ciping: The United States Blocked 260 Chinese Enterprises: What Are the Consequences of the Cold War in Science and Technology?  After the live broadcast, there were more than 40,000 views of the program in more than two days, with more than 500 praises and more than one hundred comments.  The following are the relevant program content and the top 20 comments on YouTube.


Interview link:


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Invited Guest: HUANG Ciping (@huang_ciping), senior optical engineer, social activist

Host: CHEN Xiaoping (@MJTVxchen15)


05:50 China's science and technology is a power for the Communist regime to use to control China and dominate the world.  Communist China's strength lies in stealing the technological achievements of other countries and falsifying scientific results because it has no moral bottom line.  The military parade (on October 1, which marked the 70th anniversary of the Communist Party took over power in China) showed a lot of nuclear weapons to demonstrate success.  The Communist regime has already ended the stage of keeping a low profile and waiting for its opportunity to show its teeth.  Now it has a compelling and comprehensive aggressive attitude toward the United States and threatens the whole world.  Ms. Huang thinks that China's technology is not very advanced, and with a lot that is stolen from elsewhere, which is why the United States wants a trade war.  China is indeed still leading in some fields, but the research by the Communist regime are often harmful to human race.


18:00 After Huawei was sanctioned, it could not even sell its products.  China has also spent a lot of money on Artificial Intelligence, but it violates human rights and privacy, such as the face recognition technology used in Xinjiang.  When advanced technology falls into the hands of sinful regimes, it will not produce good results.  The Chinese Communist regime uses technology to suppress dissidents instead of benefiting the people.  Now even the technology companies and capitalists in the USA are leaning closer to it, including Google and Facebook.


26:30 The weakness of China lies in its institutional disadvantages, not only political but also technological in the way of a reversed selection reflected by eliminations due to interest, because talents who are not flattering will not be treasured.  The national policy of the Communist regime is plagiarism and theft.  Ms. Huang used the discovery of gravitational waves to prove the ethical immorality of science and technology, and academic fraud in China.  The funds used for science research in China were transferred for use in real estate speculation.  China is lagging behind in core technologies, such as integrated circuit chips and space technology.


43:45 The state capitalism of China was not accomplished by other countries.  Such a plan is to ensure the steady development of the regime.  Now the Americans have noticed the various violations of the Communist regime, so the Trump Administration really should invest more in science and technology, while preventing the Communist regime from stealing.  Will China and the United States become enemies forever?  The Sino-US technology cold war has already begun and will only be aggravated in the future.  It is not too much for the United States to block these Chinese technology companies, and it should do more.


1:03:20 Once the technology between China and the USA is separated and decoupled, the survival of Chinese companies will be seriously threatened.  The United States must force the Communist regime in China to make structural reforms, as China still does not want to decouple.  But American capital is also one of the important factors that interfere with this decoupling, including companies like Apple and Wall Street capitalists.  Chinese scientists must not try to step on two boats.  They should not be loyal to the Communist regime.

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The following are the top 20 comments from the viewers:


1. I praise Ms. HUANG, the brave and conscience one.

2. Agree with Ms. Huang's statement that the Communist regime promotes state terrorism and national Nazism, which is a red Nazi.

3. I like Dr. Huang so much, a great Chinese women.

4. Pay tribute to Ms. Huang Ciping!

5. Since I listened to Ms. Huang's tracking of Zhang Jian's case, I admire her analysis very much, and naturally grown admiration!  Today, I learned that that she was a talent child in the University of Science and Technology of China, then I am convinced that indeed she has talent!  Her analysis is clear, with her scientific literacy run deep, and I praise her again!

6. (Praise to) Huang Ciping.

7. The guests invited by Xiaoping are all very good.  Thank you, Ms. Huang.

8. This female guest is great!  admiration!

9. Mr. CHEN Xiaoping, it is right to invite someone like Ms. Huang.  Thank you, Xiaoping!

10. Ms. Huang deserves to be in the talented class of University of Science and Technology of China.  Her analytical thinking is clear with great scientific literacy.  I hope she will do more in the programs and exposes the truth!!

11. One must take advantages for oneself is the best description of the "elites" in Mainland China.

12. The brave Ms. Huang has a conscience!

13. When technology is exploited by evil, it is a human disaster!

14. Salute to Ms. Huang!

15. Ms. Huang is right, that we must isolate the Chinese Communist regime, not only isolated from science and technology, but also isolate it completely politically, militarily and economically, because the Communist regime is a terrorist virus.  To deal with viruses, the most effective way is to isolate and disinfect.

16. The Communist regime is an uncompromising Red Nazi Group.

17. As long as China does not have a Communist Party, Sino-US relations will be very good!

18. Support you, pray for our people, thank you.

19. Xiaoping's interview program has always been valuable!

20. If Ms. Huang is telling the truth, then the Communist regime in China is really evil! (Another reader responds: absolutely true.)



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article Release Issue: A1250-W866



Release Date: October 6, 2019



Topic: Exclusive Live Interview of HUANG Ciping by Dr. CHEN Xiaoping of MingJing TV: The United States Blocked 260 Chinese Enterprises: What Are the Consequences of the Cold War in Science and Technology?



Original Language Version: Chinese (Chinese version at the end)















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05:50 中国的科技是中共用来控制中国和称霸世界的力量,中国的强项在于盗窃他国技术成果和伪造科学结果,因为没有道德底线。这次阅兵放了许多核武来彰显成功,中共早已结束韬光养晦阶段,现在就是对美咄咄逼人全面选择,威胁全世界。黄女士认为中国的科技并没有非常先进,连偷带抢拿来了不少,这也是为什么美国要打贸易战。中国在某些领域确实也还是领先,但是中共在这些领域的研究都是害人的。


18:00 华为被制裁之后连东西都卖不出去。中国也在AI上花了很多钱,但是违反了人权和隐私,例如在新疆采用的人脸识别技术。当先进的技术落入罪恶的政权手里就不会产生好结果。中共用科技去镇压异己而不是造福百姓。现在连美国的科技公司和资本家都在向中共靠拢,包括谷歌和脸书。


26:30 中国的弱点在于制度劣势,不仅政治也在科技上体现了利益淘汰,因为不会拍马屁的人才是不会得到重用。中共的国策就是抄袭和偷窃,黄女士用发现引力波的事件为我们证明了中共在科技方面的不道德以及学术造假行为。中国的科学基金都拿去炒房地产了。中国在核心技术上是落后的,例如芯片技术和太空技术。


43:45 中国的国家资本主义是别的国家做不到的,这样的计划就是为了保障政权的平稳发展。美国人现在已经注意到了中共的各种违法行为,川普应该在科技方面多投入还有防止中共的偷抢。中美之间会不会永远成为敌人?中美的科技冷战已经开始,以后只会更加加重。美国封杀中国科技企业一点不过分,还要继续加。


1:03:20 一旦中美科技切割以及脱钩,那么中国企业的生命将受到到重大威胁,美国一定要逼迫中共作出结构性改革,但是中国还是不希望脱钩的。但是美国的资本也是干扰脱钩的重要因素之一,包括苹果和华尔街资本家们。中国科学家们也不能脚踏两只船,不要为中共效忠。

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1. 為勇敢有良知的黃女士點贊

2. 同意黃女士的說法,中共推行國家恐怖主義和國家納粹主義,赤納粹。

3. 太喜欢黄博士了,了不起的中国女性

4. 向黄慈萍女士致敬!

5. 自从听了黄女士对张健案的追踪,对她的分析很钦佩,对她的尊敬由然而生!今天更得知是科大少年班的,不得不服是人才!分析思路清晰,科学素养深厚,再次点赞!

6. (赞)黃慈萍

7. 小平先生邀请的嘉宾 都好棒 谢谢黄女士

8. 女嘉宾太棒了!敬佩!

9. 陈小平先生,请黄女士这样的人就对了。谢谢你,小平!

10. 黄女士不愧是科大少年班的,分析思路清晰和科学素养了得,希望多做节目,揭露真相!!

11. 有便宜就佔是大陸“精英”最好的描述。

12. 勇敢的黃女士有良知!

13. 科技被邪恶所利用,就是人类的灾难!

14. 向黄女士致敬!

15. 黃女士說得對,對中共不僅要科技隔離,而且要在政治軍事經濟等全面隔離,因為中共是恐怖的病毒。對病毒,採取隔離消毒是最有效的辦法。

16. 中共是不折不扣的红纳粹集团。

17. 中国只要没有共产党,中美关系会很好!

18. 支持你,为国人祈福,谢谢

19. 小平的访谈节目向来有价值!

20. 如果黃女士說的是真的,那中共真是太邪惡了!(另一个读者回应:绝对是真的)







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