Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1298-W912



Release Date: June 6, 2020



Topic: Alliance of Free World Legislators Takes Aim at CCP-led China By Natalie Liu, Voice of America



Original Language Version: English/Chinese (Chinese version at the end)



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Alliance of Free World Legislators Takes Aim at CCP-led China 

-- Natalie Liu, Voice of America

June 05, 2020 09:37 PM



WASHINGTON - Legislators from eight countries and the European Parliament have launched an international platform to counter what they see as the "greatest challenge to the free world" - namely, China's behavior under the leadership of its Communist Party.


"The group exists to allow parliamentarians who represent the people to make clear to their governments that a more robust response is necessary," Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) spokesperson Sam Armstrong told VOA in a phone interview from London.


The group introduced itself to the world on Thursday with a two-minute video featuring lawmakers from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Britain, the United States and the European Parliament. The online mission statement generated more than 300,000 views in less than 24 hours and attracted a new national delegation from Lithuania.


On the video, members of the group took turns reading aloud from the statement, which calls for a coordinated and coherent response to China's behavior in the world.


"It is a challenge which touches all of us," said Michael Brand of the German Bundestag.


"What we once believed about China's rise no longer corresponds to reality," said Shiori Yamao, a legislator from Japan.


"We thought China would open up over time. This hasn't happened," said Elisabet Lann of Sweden.


John McKay, a member of Canada's parliament, said, "The world wants and needs China, a country of profound tradition, culture, and industry," but, according to the group's mission statement, the government in Beijing has instituted more authoritarian rule at home while "repeatedly and explicitly stat[ing] its intention to expand its global influence." 


Armstrong said the idea of establishing a platform spanning party and national lines began about six weeks before Thursday's declaration and was prompted by Beijing's response to the coronavirus outbreak, the initial cover-up and subsequent crackdown on citizens critical of how the government responded to the outbreak, as well as a proposed new security law for Hong Kong.  


Armstrong said legislators from any other democratic country are welcome to join the group as long as their delegation is chaired by a representative from each of the major parties in that country.


The group is being advised on human rights in China by Wei Jingsheng, who spent nearly two decades as a political prisoner in China before being allowed to travel to exile in the United States in 1997.


"We have been hoping to form such a cross-country alliance for a long time," Wei told VOA on Friday, recalling his discussions more than 10 years ago with California Democrat Nancy Pelosi - now speaker of the House of Representatives - and Congressman Chris Smith, the New Jersey Republican.


Wei said he believes the new alliance will strengthen voices in support of China's democratization. "This alliance is important in particular because Beijing has shown its capability to gather support around itself, often by bribery, in international forums and push its own narrative."


June Teufel Dreyer, a political scientist and longtime China watcher who teaches at the University of Miami, said the organization has the potential to be effective "in theory."


"But impact can come only if the governments of their countries take concrete measures to make the party government of the PRC observe international rules," she said, using the initialism for the People's Republic of China. "So far, they have been all too willing to bleat feeble protests while eagerly soliciting trade with China, while pundits in their countries caution that any actions 'will hurt us more than China.' "


The co-chairs of the American delegation to the alliance are Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the most senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.


Rubio, a Republican, issued a statement stressing the importance of what the group is hoping to achieve. "How we respond to the People's Republic of China and the Communist Party's attempt to reshape the globe is the defining foreign policy question of our time," he said.


Menendez said he is looking forward to making "concrete progress on critical issues presented by Beijing, grounded on the respect and promotion of universal human rights."



Link to the original VOA report in English:



Link to the original VOA report in Chinese:




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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1298-W912



Release Date: June 6, 2020



Topic: Alliance of Free World Legislators Takes Aim at CCP-led China By Natalie Liu, Voice of America



Original Language Version: English/Chinese (Chinese version at the end)









-- 美国之音燕青

202066 12:55


华盛顿 - 



"这一组织的成立和存在就是要让真正代表民意的、来自世界各地的民主国家的议员们,能够向其所在国政府明确无误地阐述,目前对自由世界构成最大威胁的就是共产党领导下的中国,而且民主国家阵营必须要拿出更加强有力的措施来应对,""对华政策跨国议会联盟"的发言人阿姆斯特朗(Sam Armstrong)从伦敦接受美国之音电话采访的时候说。




来自德国议会的代表迈克尔.布兰德(Michael Brand)"这一挑战触到了我们每一个人、每一个国家。"


来自日本的议员山尾志樱里(Shiori Yamao)说:"我们一度认为中国的崛起将带来的愿景跟现实相差太远。"


"我们以为随着时间的推移,中国会日益开放,但事实并非如此," 来自瑞典的议员伊丽莎白.拉恩(Elisabet Lann)说。


加拿大议会代表约翰.麦凯(John McKay)指出"世界希望、也需要中国成为国际社会的一个成员;中国毕竟是一个拥有深厚、古老传统和文化、兼产业精神的国度。"








美国队的领队是来自民主党的参议员梅南德兹(Senator Bob Menendez)和来自共和党的参议员鲁比奥(Senator Marco Rubio)








魏京生说,多年前就曾就此话题,同现任美国众议院议长、来自加利福尼亚州的民主党议员佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi),和来自新泽西州的共和党议员史密斯(Chris Smith)交谈过。






金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer)是美国迈阿密大学的政治学教授,长期关注中国局势。她在接受美国之音采访时说:跨国议会联盟"在理论上说是由很大潜力的。"




"对华政策跨国议会联盟"的主要创始人之一、从1990年代起即关注中国民主的英国保守党前党魁邓肯-史密斯爵士(Sir George Iain Duncan-Smith)指出,抗击中共势力,使命维艰,且任重而道远。唯有团结一心,方能迎接挑战。














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