Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1306-W921



Release Date: July 16, 2020



Title: Wei Jingsheng Honored by USSoS Pompeo at National Constitution Center in Philadelphia



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)



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Wei Jingsheng Honored by USSoS Pompeo at National Constitution Center in Philadelphia



On July 16, 2020, Wei Jingsheng, Huang Ciping and other Chinese pro-democracy activists, by invitation of the US Department of State, attended a speech delivered by The Honorable Michael Pompeo, Secretary of State of the United States at a Commission on Unalienable Rights meeting held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.  In his speech, the Secretary of State praised Mr. Wei Jingsheng for his courageous work in promoting democracy in China.


Today I'm proud to have with us Wei Jingsheng, who is considered the father of today's Chinese democracy movement, Mr. Pompeo said. On December 5, 1978, the young electrician from the Beijing Zoo shook the world by bravely posting an eloquent essay on Beijing's short-lived Democracy Wall.


Mr. Wei boldly insisted that the CCP's Four Modernizations in industry, agriculture, defense and science were not enough to truly make China a modern, civilized nation. Hearkening back to the May Fourth Movement, generations earlier, he said China needed a "fifth modernization:" democracy.


The Chinese Communist Party repeatedly threw Mr. Wei in jail for his advocacy.


In 1997, he emigrated to the U.S., where he has continued his courageous call for the CCP to honor the unalienable rights that God has given to every Chinese citizen from Tibet to Tiananmen...from Hong Kong to Hubei.


The Secretary of States speech once again emphasized that the US government firmly supports the cause of global freedoms and democracy, firmly opposes tyranny of communist dictatorship, and is prepared to shoulder the cost.  Totalitarian regimes endanger not only their own peoples, but also freedoms, property, and even lives of people all over the world.  Fighting against such tyrannies is not merely an ideological debate of the academia, but a shared duty of all human beings.



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Wei Jingsheng Foundation News and Article: A1306-W921



Release Date: July 16, 2020



Title: Wei Jingsheng Honored by USSoS Pompeo at National Constitution Center in Philadelphia



Original Language Version: English (Chinese version at the end)

































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